Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(118)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(118)
Author: J. Saman

“Yes,” I say with a chuckle. “Why are you surprised?”

“Because….” She shrugs and lowers her head to pick at the frayed holes in her jeans. “You’ve been coming in here for the past year, and you never seemed interested in me. I’ve even considered asking you out, but I didn’t want you to think I was some freak who hits on her customers.”

I throw my head back and laugh. “You’re not a freak.” Pushing off the door, I take two steps until I’m standing in front of her. Leaning down, I place my palms flat on the desk on each side of her hips, my mouth just inches from hers. “I’ve always been interested.”

“Then what took you so long?”

I press my forehead against hers. “My job keeps me pretty busy, and I haven’t dated anyone in a very long time. I don’t think I even know how to date. What if I suck at it? Then you’ll kick my ass to the curb and deprive me of your delicious coffee.”

It’s her turn to laugh. “I knew it. You just want me for my coffee,” she jokes.

“I just want you,” I admit softly, tilting my head and pressing my lips to hers.





* * *


Am I dreaming? If so, I don’t ever want to wake up.

Levi’s lips are soft but firm as they fuse against mine. I part my lips on a sigh, and he slips his tongue into my mouth. I move my hands to curl around his biceps, gripping tightly to keep myself from sliding to the floor in a puddle, kissing him back as if I were starving and he was my last meal. My heart slams against my chest, and my thighs clench with the need to have him between my legs.

Abruptly, he tears himself away and takes a step back. “Jesus, Hazel,” he says breathlessly. “I’m seconds away from fucking you on that desk.”

I stare at him in a lust-filled daze, panting as he adjusts himself.

I won’t tell him that I probably would have let him.

He steps forward and cups my face. “I’m gonna head home and take a cold shower.”

I let out a soft laugh.

He presses a chaste kiss to my lips. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

He spins around, grabs the handle, and swings the door open. Turning to look over his shoulder, he shoots me a wink, then steps out, closing the door behind him.

I press my fingers to my lips where the tingling of his kiss still lingers. Tomorrow morning can’t get here soon enough.






One week later…


* * *




* * *


“Did you get the package I sent?” Clara asks.

I roll the little bottle between my fingers. The small label reads ‘Love Spell.’ “It was delivered this morning. What is it?”

I met Clara five years ago during a really bad time in my life. She’s an old friend of my mother’s who took me in and quickly became my friend, too. And for the longest time, she was my only friend. She provided me with a safe place to stay while I finished college and got back on my feet. She also taught me how to make the best coffee in the south and run a successful business at the same time.

Every few weeks or so, Clara sends me some of her homemade essential oils. When I became suspicious that Jayla was pregnant and likely suffering from morning sickness, since she hadn’t been in the café in almost two months, I called Clara and asked her to send something for nausea.

I can practically hear Clara smiling on the other end of the line. “Let’s call it a little experiment.”

“Hmmm.” I pause. “I’m intrigued. What kind of experiment?”

“A love experiment.” Clara laughs. “Just put a dab of Love Spell on your wrists or behind your ear and wait.”

“For what?”

“For him,” she singsongs. “Your special someone.”

“Okay.” I laugh. “How will I know who that special someone is?”

“Because he’ll be the one who falls under your love spell.”

Propping an elbow on the desk, I press my fingers to my forehead and heave a deep sigh. “Clara, you’re talking in riddles, and it’s driving me crazy. Spit it out. I’ve got work to do.”

She laughs again. “Love Spell can only be smelled by your special someone.”

I purse my lips. “What if my special someone isn’t in Heritage Bay?”

“Oh, he’s there, child. I sent you to him.” She pauses, and I consider telling her about my date with Levi tonight. Before I get the chance, she adds, “She’s there, too.”

I straighten in my chair. A chill runs down my spine, causing goose bumps to cover my whole body and the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up. “She’s here?” I rush out. “How do you know?” I roll my eyes. Stupid question. Clara has been my eyes and ears for the past five years.

She’s silent for a beat. “Keep him close. He’ll protect you, cher.”

I open my mouth to ask who, but Starr’s greeting catches my attention. “Good morning, Levi,” she chirps.

I can’t help but grin picturing the scowl on Levi’s face at this very moment. He is not a morning person—or should I say a people person—before he’s had his coffee. Oh, who am I kidding? Levi isn’t much of a people person at all. But he likes me, and that’s all that matters.

“Clara, I have to go.” I open my desk drawer and place the bottle inside. “I’ll call you later. Love you.”

“Bye, cher.”

I hang up my phone just as Levi appears in the doorway of my office.

“Good morning,” he greets in his deep, velvety voice that sends an electric jolt straight to my core, causing my thighs to clench. “I hope that was your mother you were talking to.”

He raises his brows, leaning with his shoulder against the doorframe, arms crossed, wearing his usual dark jeans and High Caliber Security T-shirt stretched across his chest and over his biceps, his sapphire blue eyes flicking over my face. The way he looks at me with so much want makes my entire body hum. Electricity crackles in the air between us.

“Good morning.” I smile in return. “It was my aunt.” Not entirely a lie. In a way, Clara is like an aunt, and it’s easier than having to explain the dynamic of our friendship.

Levi pushes off the doorframe and stalks in my direction, wearing a predatory grin I know is just for me. I turn my chair just as he rounds my desk. He pulls me to my feet and to his chest, wrapping his arms around my waist before dipping his head and pressing his lips gently to mine.

Ever since he asked me out, things have escalated pretty quickly between us. Now, instead of going to the counter for his usual order, he comes straight to my office for a morning kiss before work.

To an outsider, it would seem like we’re moving too fast, but in reality, Levi and I have known each other for a year. And truthfully, who cares what anyone thinks?

I don’t know his deep dark secrets, nor does he know mine, but I know he’s twenty-eight and his favorite color is navy. I know he prefers sunrise over sunset. I know his parents are still married, and he has a younger sister named Gabriella—but she prefers to be called Gabbi with an i, not a y—who he is very fond of. I know he joined the Marines right out of high school and works for his uncle, who owns High Caliber Security.

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