Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(257)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(257)
Author: J. Saman

That’s exactly how she felt, too, holding his arm. A prized jewel. And not just any savory jewel, but his. Only his. That simple thought had Franklin’s unnerving stare slip away from her mind. She continued to her spot at the head of the church without further incident.

The ceremony continued at a delicate pace, Lily the center of attention the entire time, as she should be. Although her eyes were glued to the happy couple standing in front of her, she couldn’t help but peek a glance or two at Dax, always seeing him eye her back.

One sultry glance here. Another heated glance there. She burned with desire every time his eyes landed on her. Knowing the affect he had on her, his lips always curled with devilish delight, exciting her even further.

Before long, the ceremony was finished. As natural as could be, she looped her arm through his and let him escort her back down the aisle. To have him holding her—yet again—was pure heaven. She wanted to fling hateful accusations everywhere that the show was over. Walking down the aisle hadn’t been so bad with him by her side. She wanted to walk that same path a few more times just to imprint the memory into her brain. Maybe even let a few tears escape that the walk down the aisle was over.

“Save a dance for me, Sarafina. I enjoy you in my arms.”

Her body trembled with longing as his whispered words floated around her, cocooning her into a happy place that she hadn’t experienced in such a long time. With a parting smile as he walked away and joined the other groomsmen, she wondered if she imagined his sweet words. He didn’t even wait for her response.

Wanting Dax was a very bad thing.

“Oh my God! Fina, I’m a married woman. I feel like fainting,” Lily exclaimed as she grabbed a tight hug from her.

“Oh, jeepers. If that was going to happen, you would’ve done that already. It was all so beautiful.” Sarafina hugged Lily back, almost crying from the happiness she had for her friend.

“You’re right, of course. Now the real party starts. Ryan and I will be in the first limo. Ryan gave me a look like he wanted to ravish me silly already.”

Sarafina giggled with her, picturing what Ryan had in mind for the ride to the reception. “Well, enjoy. You deserve it.”

“You enjoy as well.” Lily winked naughtily.

“What does that mean?”

“Please, girl. It’s my wedding, but I’m not blind when my best friend is eyeing a very fine man.”

“Ryan is waiting for you.” Sarafina pointed behind her as she tried to ignore the ridiculous grin on her face. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Lily pulled her in for another hug. “I believe his name is Dax and he’s Ryan’s friend. He’s hot. You’re single. So is he. That’s all I’m saying. Go for it.”

Sarafina laughed as Lily waggled her eyebrows with playfulness, hiked up her massive dress, and ran to Ryan with a joyful smile.

He’s single. How in the world did Lily know that? Leave it to Lily to lay it straight. Could it hurt to take a chance? She had planned to find a man after the wedding. Perhaps her plans could be rearranged. Seems she already found a man. He was sweet, sexy, and currently single. And he already reserved a dance with her. What more could she ask for?

Linking arms with Lily’s sister, Lora, as she came up next to her with excitement, they made their way to the second limo. Although Lily and Lora didn’t particularly get along all the time, Sarafina had no such trouble. She got along with everyone.

“Mastered that walk down the aisle once again, Fina,” Lora said with friendly delight. Although, Sarafina heard the mockery laced within.

“Easy peasy. You look gorgeous, by the way. I can feel my hair drooping from the humidity already and you’re still looking like a queen.”

Lora waved her hand frivolously in the air. “Please. You’re too kind. You look gorgeous as well. Look at the hot man eyeing you. I kind of wished he had been the best man. I want to hang off his arm.”

Sarafina followed Lora’s eyes where they trained on Dax. He was looking their way, eyeing them both with a heated stare. Or was that stare exclusively for her? The way Lora said it, he was staring at her. Could she truly be that lucky?

“He’s very nice.”

Lora scoffed. “Nice? Fina, you need to stop doing nice. Where has that gotten you? Nowhere, that’s where. It’s time you did something dirty. Because if you’re not…”

Sarafina flashed her eyes to Lora, hearing the unspoken words clear as day. “Are you asking for permission to make a move on him? I have no claim on the man.”

“But you were paired with him. Douglas, Ryan’s best man, is already married. Not that I can’t go there, but I don’t feel like ruining a marriage today. Dax looks like a nice replacement. We don’t know anything about him. I love the air of mystery. Daddy wasn’t too happy when Sean broke his leg and in popped this mystery man. If you were thinking about snagging him tonight, I’ll back off. I might not even get that far with him. He seriously can’t take his eyes off you.”

Sarafina slowly turned her head toward him again, feeling the heated desire that poured from his eyes. A nice, cold bucket of water would do her well right now. Lora had it right. He was looking at her.

“You know me, Lora. I’m not very aggressive with men or pick the right ones. You’re free to snag him all you want.”

Lora’s eyes widened with mock surprise, knowing quite well Sarafina would never deny her the opportunity. “You’re the best, Fina. I’ll meet you in the limo. I have some snagging to do.”

Clink, clink, clink. That armor around her heart was back in place again. At least, that’s what she tried to tell herself as Lora dropped her arm and bee-lined it to the limo where Dax stood with the other groomsmen.

Lying had never been a strong suit for her. Not that Lora could tell.

She wasn’t aggressive when it came to men. Hadn’t she already established that Dax was trouble? The best solution was to back off. Let Lora have a chance. Not to mention, saying no to Lora wouldn’t go over well. Sarafina learned early on in life being friends with Lily that Lora always got her way. Always.

One simple look toward her father, and whatever was denied, swiftly turned in her favor. Not that she didn’t get along with Mr. C. Untrue. He had told her more than once he considered her part of the family, almost like a daughter. But she had never been on the receiving end of his wrath. She didn’t want to tempt it now. Better to let Lora have her way.

She watched, somewhat painfully, as Lora slid up against Dax in a provocative manner. He didn’t hesitate to slide his hand around her waist and then laughed at something she said.

Apparently, those heated glances hadn’t been geared towards her after all. Turning away from the happy couple, she waved goodbye to Lily right before the driver shut the door to her limo. Making her way to her limo, she smiled as Douglas held the door open for her.

“Looking lovely today, Fina. I bet you’ll be happy to get into some air-conditioning. I know this heat is killing me.”

“I am, Douglas. It’s getting hotter as the day progresses. You look quite dashing yourself. How’s Cathy?”

“Most beautiful woman here.” He leaned closer, laughing. “But don’t let the bride hear that.”

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