Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(365)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(365)
Author: J. Saman

That never happens.

The most exercise I get is being dragged all over town when Colt can’t decide what he wants to do.

Who knew orgasms were like that? The whole sex is better than chocolate thing, I never understood because chocolate is pretty freaking spectacular, but now... If sex comes with orgasms like that, I can see how people think it’s better than chocolate, and I’ve been struggling to come up with anything that could beat it since.

Wish I’d experienced one sooner.

I’ve been missing out.

I kind of keep hoping Colt will want a repeat but he hasn’t tried, which I interpret as a no, because Colt isn’t shy about demanding what he wants.

But that’s okay, I’ve been keeping myself busy trying to play matchmaker.

Keely is a hard person to get to know. I’ve had so many muffins, and cookies, and coffees in the past couple of weeks, I’m like a crack addict looking for my next hit. I hate it. I wake up feeling like death every day because the sugar has worn off and all I want to do is chew my way through a bag of carrots like a bunny—the cute fluffy kind, not the ones that chase balls.

“You know this isn’t very stealthy,” Austin says, coming up behind me. My heart leaps into my throat and I almost spill coffee in my lap. “You couldn’t be less obvious if you were sitting here with binoculars.”

“I’m not trying to be stealthy.”

“Then what’s with the black clothes?” He eyes me up and down and flicks the end of one of my braids before pulling out the chair across from me. I’m sitting out the front of The Brew. He sits down, kicking out the chair on the other side and places his feet on top. His hands come to rest behind his head.

I laugh. “Okay, fine. I’m spying. But I said nothing about having ninja stealth. I’m trying to get to know her.”


“How can I play matchmaker if I don’t know anything about her?”

“I can tell you anything you want to know.”

I shake my head. “You can only tell me what you know about her. I need to learn it from her. It’s all about perspective.”

“And sitting here spying through the window will give you that?” He smirks.

“I know she doesn’t drink coffee. She prefers tea. She doesn’t like chocolate but loves carrot cake.”

“Ahh.” He presses his palms together and taps his fingers against his chin. “I get it.”


He laughs. “You’re getting nowhere.”

“She won’t talk to me,” I huff. I’ve tried, time and time again, yet each time she gives me the cold shoulder, and this only further proves what I already figured out. She’s in love with him and doesn’t like me because we’re hanging out. She’s territorial.

I would be, too. Austin is a great guy; it’s little wonder she’s in love with him. If I was the type of person to trust and have relationships that last longer than three weeks, I could imagine myself falling for him, too.

Keely comes out and places a drink and muffin in front of Austin with a sweet smile before she turns and glares at me.

“Hi, Keely,” I say and give her a small wave.

Her eyes narrow and her lip curls as she grunts at me and walks away.

Austin jumps out of his seat and grabs her arm, pulling her to a stop. “Hey, what’s your problem?”

“Excuse me?” Her head whips around and she stares at him with wide eyes. If looks could kill, he’d be a dead man walking. Her expression rivals mine when I’m pissed off at Colt.

“What’s your problem?” Austin places both hands on her shoulders, holding her in place. Worry lines etch his forehead.

Keely raises an eyebrow and shrugs her shoulders. “Don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m peachy.”

Peachy. Peachy doesn’t mean peachy. Peachy means pissed.

“Why are you treating Em like that?”

“Like what?”

I’ll give her props for the sweet and innocent act. I almost believe she isn’t intentionally being a bitch.

“You know what. Em said hi, so try to be civil. Please.” He bends his knees, dropping to her eye level, sticking his bottom lip out. “For me.”

Keely smiles. “Fine.” Then she glances over at me and bats her eyelids. “Hello, Em. Sorry for being unpleasant.” Her voice is sickly sweet and her smile fake.

I narrow my eyes at her. She isn’t what she appears at all and has Austin completely fooled with her charade.

“It’s fine.” I wave her off with an equally fake smile, and Austin grins at both of us like he got us to sign a peace treaty.

Austin leans in and presses a kiss to her cheek. “Thank you.”

She swoons, her eyes get a little dreamy and glazed over and she leans into him too before suddenly catching herself. Keely gives her head a little shake as though to clear her thoughts and walks back inside to get back to work.

I stand and brush off my pants, smoothing out the creases from sitting for so long, and pick up my bag.

“You going somewhere?” Austin flicks his gaze to me instead of Keely.

“Got to pick up Colt, he’ll be waiting.”

“Where is he?”

I raise an eyebrow and tilt my head. Where else would Colt be?

“Training,” we both say at the same time.

“Of course. Where else would he be?”

“He’s the best for a reason.” I shrug.

Austin stumbles back, clutching a hand to his chest. “That hurts, Em.”

I laugh. “At least you know where my loyalties lie.”

“All right.” Austin chuckles. “I’ll see you around.” He wraps his arms around my waist and squeezes tight.

“Okay, big guy,” I say, faking a cough. I tap his shoulder in an attempt to get him to release me. “That’s enough.”

Releasing me, he steps back and nods once in goodbye.



Colt is pacing the basketball court when I arrive. He’s not training on campus because he prefers the courts in the park by the beach. Street ball, he calls it, is more his style. He plays with whoever is on the courts when he arrives and says it keeps him fresh. There’re fewer rules in a casual game, so it helps him prepare and be ready for every move on the court, or something.

“Where have you been?” Colt throws the ball in the back and jumps in the front seat.

I lower the music so I don’t have to yell over the noise. “Having coffee.”

“You’ve been having a lot of coffee lately.” He narrows his eyes suspiciously.

“I like coffee.”

“I like video games and porn. Doesn’t mean I play with myself every day.”

I burst out laughing and raise an eyebrow. “Sure about that?” I ask, barely able to get the words out without hyperventilating.

“Shut up. It’s not my fault my dick has a mind of its own when...”

I reach over and pinch his mouth closed before he digs himself into a deeper hole.

“Where are we going?”

“Farmers’ market,” I say with a smirk, expecting his reaction.

“Aarghhh,” he groans and grabs for the door handle again.

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