Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(433)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(433)
Author: J. Saman

“Are you mocking me?”

“Me? Mock you?” I laugh, holding my hand up against my chest. “I wouldn’t dare.”

She huffs at the sight of my smirk.

“C’mon, Halle, just let me give you a kiss. A little sweat now will make up for the misery you’d be putting yourself through later,” I joke.

I take a step toward her, then another. I get a foot away from her before she attempts to bolt again. Reaching out, I grab her by her arm and pull her back to me.

“Oh, Graham, you’re wet,” she cries, her back pressed against my chest as I lean forward kissing her neck.

“Oh my God, you’re so gross.” She laughs, feigning that she’s mad and hates it but the giggles that ensue tell a different story.

“Don’t try to run from me again, Halle Keegan. I let you go once, I’m not going to let it happen again,” I growl, kissing her neck.


“You’re damn right I promise. I’m never letting you go.”

Wrapping my arms like a band around her waist, I hold her close to me and she melts into me at those words.

“You’re lucky I like you,” she whispers, and I moan in appreciation.

She turns in my arms, giving into me and finally letting me kiss her. We are lost in our own world, like we always are, when Halle breaks her lips apart taking a step away from me.

“Do you smell that?” She looks frantic, looking over at the house scanning across the yard, then back to me.

“Smell what?”

“You don’t smell that?” she asks, looking concerned. “It smells like something’s burning.”

The words are no more out of her mouth when the sound of an explosion hits. Flames erupt toward the side of the garage.

Panic surges through me, quickly replaced with adrenaline. I hear Halle cry my name, as I run over toward where the fire hits.

“Halle, I need you to get my mom out of the house. Now. Hurry.”

Halle races over to the deck and up the stairs. “Call 911!” I yell, as she disappears inside.

Flames burst from the garbage cans sitting along the side of the garage. Thankfully I already had the hose out, watering the flowers in the backyard. Grabbing it from where it lies on the ground, I spray water on the fire, doing everything I can to stop it from spreading. I just want Halle and my mom to get out of there.

“Graham, they’re coming!” Halle shouts, standing in the street. I see my mom across the street in our neighbors’ yard, her hand covering her mouth.

The tightness in my chest eases seeing they are both safe as sirens blare, approaching.

It all happens so quickly. Firefighters, police officers, and EMT workers show up.

Just like that, I’m pulled back to the night of Gage’s accident as I run across the street, wrapping my mom and Halle in a hug. Watching as they furiously work to put out the fire, I picture the red and blue lights flashing in my face that night. The same burning sensation in my lungs as I struggled through every breath.

I whisper in my mom’s ear that I love her and pull Halle in a hug pressing a kiss against her temple. Our earlier banter is gone, as she wraps her arms around me holding me against her. Her body trembles in my arms, the adrenaline we both feel running high. I rub my hand over her back, reassuring her it’s okay.

I’m reminded how life can change in a moment’s notice. Holding the two women I love more than anything close to me, I vow once again to myself and to God, I will give my last breath before I’d ever let anything happen to them.








* * *


Graham: Got plans tonight? Thinking about hitting up the races with the guys. Wanna join? Wes is gonna talk to Kins about coming too.


* * *


A smile breaks out across my face at the thought of seeing him. We used to go to the races all the time growing up. In fact, we all thought Wes was going to be the next big star to hit motocross until he injured his back right after high school. It was devastating to him, something I think still bothers him to this day.

I shoot back a text telling him I’m there and he replies saying to be ready in thirty minutes. I check the clock, seeing it’s already after six. It’s crazy how fast the day has flown by. Although I feel like I’ve been milling around in a cloud since I got home.

Spending the weekend with Graham was totally unexpected but meant everything to me. Although I still haven’t been able to get my mind off the fire at his mom’s house. I keep thinking about what could’ve happened had we not been there. What if it would’ve spread to her house and she didn’t know it until it was too late?

I shake myself from my thoughts, pressing my fingers against my forehead massaging them.

“You okay?” Kinsley asks, catching me off guard.

“Yeah, just thinking about how bad the fire at Sandy’s house could’ve been had we not been there.”

“Oh, yeah,” she says, bending her knee on the edge of my bed. The look on her face matches mine. She understands the worry I feel thinking about all Sandy’s been through and now to add this to the situation.

“I’m sure it’s okay. I mean, really, who would try to do something to Sandy? She’s the sweetest woman in town. I’m sure after they investigate it, everything will be fine.”

“Yeah, I’m sure you’re right,” I sigh, walking over to my closet looking for a change of clothes.

“Wes just texted me about heading down to the track to watch the races. He mentioned you and Graham are coming with.” She smiles. I know she’s loving how much time we’re spending together, but even more that we’re all now doing things together again.

“Yeah, he said he’s going to be here to pick me up in a bit.”

Clapping her hands together, she jumps to her feet. “Yay, that makes me so happy.”

She bounces around the room gleefully, pausing to check herself out in the mirror.

“I’m going to change quick and head over to Wes’s to meet up with him. We’ll see you down there shortly then.” She reaches up and starts gathering her long dark hair into a ponytail. She checks her reflection as she ties her hair back, before she pecks a kiss against my cheek and flounces out the door.

I spend the next few minutes busying myself with getting ready too. The warm August sun will start to set here soon. When the sun goes down and the night sky takes over, it will get chilly. I grab a hoodie out of my closet and opt for a fitted T-shirt, denim shorts, and my Chucks.

After spending a few minutes styling my hair in a messy bun, I’m right on time when I hear the doorbell ringing. I don’t bother checking who it is, as I swing the door open and smile up at Graham.

The look on his face is all serious and I realize my error in that exact moment. I almost want to slam the door in his face and do it all over again.

“Halle,” he growls.

“Whoops.” I lock my jaw, forcing a smile through gritted teeth.

“What did I tell you about checking who it is before you just swing the door open? What if it wasn’t me?”

“I knew it was you.” I grin, wrapping my hand into the front of his shirt and pulling him inside.

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