Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(448)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(448)
Author: J. Saman

“Ohh, Nate,” she tearfully cries. Pushing me backwards, I drop onto our blanket and she sits on my lap. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she plants her lips on mine before resting her head on my chest. We stay fused together, holding onto one another as if our lives depend on it. Bailey lifts her head and again kisses me. We lose ourselves in the kiss, and I know, without a doubt, that everything will be fine.

She breaks our kiss, stands up, and straddles my lap. Pushing me back, she leans forward and kisses me again, grinding herself on me. She looks deep into my eyes and whispers, “Make love to me, Nate. Give me one final happy memory until our paths cross again. I know deep in my soul that you are it for me.” She plants her lips once again on mine, nibbling my bottom lip before plunging her tongue into my mouth. Sliding my arms up her back, I run them through her hair and pull her head up. Her cheeks are flushed with arousal, her eyes ablaze with lust; I know I say this all the time, but never has she looked more beautiful than she does in this moment. She opens her mouth, but I shock her. I flip her onto her back, and a sexy squeal slips from her lips as I lower my body on top of hers. Bending down, I slam my lips against her and I kiss her passionately. We moan into each other’s mouth, as our bodies wriggle and writhe together.

Breaking our kiss, I nip and suck my way across her chin, down her neck and chest. I suck her nipples through her corset, eliciting a guttural moan. She arches her back and runs her fingers through my hair, gently tugging, letting me know that she likes what I’m doing. My hands snake down her sides and I continue to kiss down her stomach. Sliding my fingers down her legs, I grip the hem of her skirt and push it up her legs, bunching it at her waist. I kiss further down her body. Shuffling around, I shimmy myself in between her legs and look down at her. Her hair splayed in the hay, her eyes steadfastly locked on mine. “Please,” she whispers.

With a smirk, I lower myself down and push her skirt the rest of the way up; my lil minx has removed her undergarments...again. Kissing her thighs, I spread her legs open and gently run my finger down her slit. Sliding it back up, I circle her clit before plunging two fingers inside her, garnering a guttural growl from her lips. She bites down on her bottom lip, closes her eyes, and a pleasured moan breaks the silence within the barn. Lowering my lips to her clit, I suck her swollen nub as my fingers continue their assault. Before long, she’s tugging at my hair, screaming my name, her body trembling beneath me as her orgasm detonates. She shudders as her climax richotes from head to toe.

Her body stills and I remove my fingers. Lifting them to my lips, I lick her juices off as I stare intently at her. She raises her hand and with her finger beckons me to her. Straddling her waist, I crawl up her body, resting my arms on either side of her head, and gaze intently into her hazel eyes. Sadness washes over me when I realise that after tomorrow, I will not see her again for a long time. Lowering my lips to hers, I kiss her deeply. This kiss is slow. Sensual. Full of everything that we want to say to one another. It’s perfect.

Pulling back, I whisper, “I love you, Bailey Bethany Beckett. Now and forever.”

“I love you too, Nathaniel “Nate” Winters. Now and forever.”

“Now and forever,” I repeat with a smile on my face before I kiss her again.

Her hand slides between us and she slips her delicate fingers inside my pants and grips my cock tightly in her fist. She begins to fondle me but the confines of my clothing limit her movement. Lifting my hips, we strip off my pants, and as soon as my cock is free, Bailey begins to stroke faster. Squeezing tighter and tighter on the upward stroke. “Bai, babe, you need to stop. Otherwise this will all end before it begins.”

She giggles, looks up at me, and with a smirk huskily says, “Well, what are you waiting for?” Wriggling her eyebrows seductively at me.

“Absolutely nothing,” I say as I grip her wrists and pin them above her head. I line my cock up at her entrance, but I don’t slip it in. Instead I begin to circle the tip around and around, teasing her. Staring down at her, I grin when she opens her mouth in protest, and then I slam balls deep into her. We both moan in pleasure. Thrusting my hips back and forth, we rock simultaneously, like a well-oiled machine. She grips my ass, holding me tighter to her as we continue our horizontal tango. Our climax peaks at the same time and in unison we soar over the edge, screaming each other’s name as the ecstasy overtakes our bodies. Collapsing on top of her, I nuzzle into her neck and breathe in her heavenly scent.

Lifting my head, I gaze into her eyes and smile. She smiles back at me before whispering, “Can you get off me, please?”

“Shit, yeah,” I reply, as I climb off her and lie back down next to her. She snuggles into my side, throwing her leg over me. Her arm drapes across my chest and she plays with the buttons on my shirt. Turning my head, I kiss her gently on her temple and whisper, “Bailey, you are...” She cuts me off, cupping my cheek with her hand, her thumb brushes along my lips.

“Nate, I know,” she murmurs before she kisses me. Resting her forehead on mine, she stares down at me. “I know, Nate.” She snuggles back into my side and together we drift off to sleep, wrapped in each other’s arms, content and sad at the same time.

The sun shining through the barn walls wakens me, and I relax when I realise that Bailey is still with me. With a contented smile, I imagine my life like this, waking up with her in my arms every morning. Before I’ve even finished that thought, a wave of sadness washes over me. I realise that this will possibly be the last time ever that I see her. Not wanting to upset her, or me, I carefully slide out from beside her. Quickly I redress, and then I take a few moments to stare at my angel. With a sad sigh, I bend down and kiss her on the forehead and whisper, “I will love you now and forever, Bailey.” She smiles in her sleep and seeing her so happy will forever be etched in my memory.

Standing up, I walk away from her and exit the barn, my eyes brimming with unshed tears. Stepping outside, I look up at the sun and dejectedly I shake my head, letting out a frustrated sigh. Placing one foot in front of the other, I sadly begin the walk back to my place to pack for the adventure that awaits me. With each step I take away from the barn, my heart breaks.

I’m around the corner from my place when I hear my name echoing down the street behind me. “Winters!” Spinning around, I’m met with William and his two henchmen–Storm McDermott and Brayden Bray; the three of them glare at me.

“Morning, boys,” I say, taunting them with a tilt of my head. “Beautiful day, isn’t it?” I’m met with silence, except for the birds nearby happily chirping. The rage coming from William is palpable. Before I have time to process anything, his fist comes flying towards my face. CRACK It collides with my nose, throwing my head back. The knock causes me to stumble backwards and fall to the pavement. As I blink away the black spots, I’m grabbed on either arm and held tightly. I thrash about but I’m still woozy from the cheap shot that I just received, and I don’t see the second hit coming. William stands in front of me, grips my hair, pulls my head so I’m looking up at him, and snarls, “As soon as you are gone, she’s mine, you fucker,” and with a smirk he adds, “...till death do us part.” My blood boils at that. I continue to struggle but it’s fruitless, his men have me held in death grips. William punches me in the stomach before gripping my shoulders and tossing me to the ground like a piece of trash. He rears his leg back, kicks me in the side, spits on me, and walks away. Lying on the sidewalk, I watch him and his henchman walk away laughing.

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