Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(489)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(489)
Author: J. Saman

His hands were a combination of rough and soft. They were rough from the hours he put in piloting and working on his farm on his off time. They were soft when they touched her in all the right places. His hands could glide across her skin and feel as light as a feather and as soft as silk, and she loved that.

Then there was his mouth – or more accurately: his lips. For a man to have those full lips should be illegal, but damn was she glad that he had them. They felt amazing when he would kiss her tenderly in those secret places that only he knew of.

She was so lucky that he was all hers.

Some people would call her a slut, or a whore, but she didn’t care. They all knew she was married, but none of them knew she was married to Jasper, the successful, experienced, and decorated pilot who had flown in the war before his discharge after his four years of service.

When they first began dating a couple of years ago, he told her how happy he was with the decision he made. The major reason he said he was thankful for having made that decision was because he got to meet her.

Yes, he was a sweetheart.

When they got married neither of them wanted a large ceremony. Since she was an only child, and both her parents were gone, they decided to elope. It was a beautiful beachside wedding in St. Lucia.

Life with him was more exciting than she ever imagined life could be. He made life exciting. He made the most of every day he was on Earth, and she loved that about him. She felt free when they were together, unlike any time in her life before meeting him.

So, if others wanted to think of her as a horrible, slutty, cheating wife, then so be it. Neither she nor Jasper owed anything to anyone. Let them talk. Honestly, though, she had a feeling most of the women may be jealous if they ever found out that her affair was with Jasper, and that he was her husband.

Playing this game when they were away made their relationship more exciting. It fed her need for adventure and kept things spicy. She felt like she was living on the edge because the two of them carried this secret and no one else knew about it.

She took a deep breath and released it. There was no time to dwell on her thoughts. She had a job to do. She walked to the back of the plane and met with Jeff and Carla. They were the flight attendants who had worked on the crew with her for several months and she loved them both. They made flights highly entertaining.

“About time you came back. It’s time to serve drinks to the passengers,” Carla whispered to her when she made it to their kitchenette area.

“Sorry, the captain and co-pilot needed water, so I took it to them. Do you both have everything all loaded on the cart?”

“We sure do! Ready?” Leave it to Jeff to make it a joy. Jeff was a bubbly guy who enjoyed life. He was always full of energy and spirit. She could see why his partner, Franco, loved him so much.

“Who is taking first class this time?” She had the privilege last time, and she didn’t care for it again. Her last flight the first-class passengers acted as if they were above her. It took all the will power she had not to explode with anger. If they only knew, she and her husband were wealthy, probably even wealthier than they were, their attitude would have been playing a different tune.

“I believe it is Carla’s turn this time,” Jeff answered. Carla rolled her eyes. She loved first-class passengers as much as Lily did, and she told Lily and Jeff as much regularly.

“If I must, but I think they should eliminate the section and get rid of the segregation.” Carla signed as she turned back for the cart with beverages for her passengers.

“They’ll never do that, their ticket prices help make money for the company.” Jeff joked. Leave it to him to come up with an attempt to lighten the mood a bit.

“Yeah, yeah. I know. Stop the whining,” Carla laughed. Bad mood averted.

“Okay, let us go first, and then you can get to work on your section.” She said. They had been flying for over twenty minutes now and had just over an hour left on the flight.

Jeff stepped in front of the cart and walked backward as she pushed. As soon as they passed the curtain, they got to work asking everyone what they preferred to drink.

She smiled at the first row, “Hello, can I get you anything to drink?”

“A water for each of us, please,” replied the woman. They must be a family: The woman, the man by the window, and an adorable little girl sitting in the seat in the middle.

She handed them each a water, offered a glass which was declined, and then she and Jeff moved on to the next rows. After fifteen minutes or so, they were finished and wheeled their cart to the back.

When they finished putting everything away, she sat down to relax. She was excited for the night because she had plans with Jasper. Erotic plans, to be more specific.

The last time she felt this much excitement for one of their dates was about three months ago.


* * *


Three months ago…

“Come on, Lily, just once? I don’t care if you are married or not. I will not tell if you won’t.”

Lily was frustrated at John’s millionth attempt at trying to pick her up. He didn’t know about Jasper, luckily, but he did know she was married. The fact that he was asking her out, repeatedly, upset her. How many times should a woman have to say “NO” before a person took her seriously?

“I’m sorry, John, but my answer Is the same as it always is: No.”

“One of these days I am going to get you to change that answer to a “Yes”.

“I wouldn’t hold your breath,” she replied. “Now, if you will excuse me? I have plans tonight, with myself.”

He started laughing. She rolled her eyes and walked away. As she was walking, she heard him say, “Yourself, a pack of batteries and a toy.”

She didn’t even bother looking back. She kept moving, pulling her luggage behind her, and called him a few choice words under her breath.

She had a plan tonight that was true, but it wasn’t with just herself. No. She would be meeting up with Jasper.

She hailed a taxi when she got outside and, being a woman, she didn’t have to wait long before one showed up to take her to her hotel.

She checked in and wheeled her case to the elevator, remembering a time she and Jasper had a little fun on a ride up. She usually got the same room when they were here, so she could navigate to it by heart. It was on the fifth floor, which happened to be the top floor. She loved it because she didn’t have to hear anyone stomping around.

When she walked inside the room she noticed the vase of flowers on the table by the window, and there was a note on the floor that she barely missed stepping on. She bent down to pick up the paper, knowing already that it was from Jasper.

“Meet me in my room across the hall in thirty minutes. Wear only your robe. Jasper xx”

She smiled and tossed the note in the garbage can. That took care of what to wear.

She then made her way across the room to the table where the vase of flowers was resting. The note indicated they were from him.

“A bouquet of roses for my beautiful Lily. Although not as beautiful as my flower, they represent my love. Your adoring husband.”

She didn’t have to lean in to smell the roses, their scent permeated the room and filled it with a beautiful perfume.

She pulled the pins out of her hair and gave her head a shake to loosen the bun. She had twenty minutes remaining before she needed to meet Jasper, but she decided to call him first.

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