Home > A Deadly Obsession: Dark Romance Suspense (The Obsessed Duet Book 1)(40)

A Deadly Obsession: Dark Romance Suspense (The Obsessed Duet Book 1)(40)
Author: Vi Carter

“You will kiss Sandra in front of everyone.”

“No,” I say immediately.

My father gives me a bloodthirsty smile and it makes me nervous. “Yes, you will. It’s a kiss that will free Ella from my grasp and also give Sandra the validation she requires.”

“This is Sandra’s idea?” She must have run to my father after the meal.

“You refused to kiss her, so she wants it publicly now. She has power and she knows how to use it.”

“No,” I say again, but I can already feel the defeat.

“That is fine, son.” My father steps closer to me.

“I have been understanding, I have given you a choice. To keep Ella safe, you must give one kiss.” He holds up his hand. “If you can’t, that is fine.” He turns, ending our conversation and my heart pounds. It’s not fine, it means Ella is there for the taking. He would hurt her and hurt her badly. Maybe worse than before at my disobedience.

It is a kiss.

One kiss.

“I’ll do it,” I say.

My father has his back to me and pauses at the door. “I know.” His answer sounds like he’s smiling as he leaves my study.








“I think I know where Vicky is.” I admit and both Hannah and Jessie drop the books they are reading. My room has turned into our hangout spot. Hannah is curled up in the window seat while Jessie has made a bed on the floor. I’ve been lying on my bed watching the open door, waiting for Sandra to return from her date with Lucas. My stomach curls now as I think about her huge display before she left. She was in a ball gown. She wasn’t getting a simple picnic in the garden, she was getting a sit down meal with Lucas. I felt sick.

“Where?” Hannah’s legs drop off the chair as she faces me.

“Remember earlier when you arrived and I was in the shower?”

Hannah is nodding eagerly. “I knew it.” She stands and looks at Jessie. “I told you, every time she leaves something happens.” Her eyes are impossibly wide. “You are never leaving us again. I don’t care Ella, wherever you go, we do too.”

Jessie doesn’t back Hannah up, instead she rolls her eyes at me and I suppress a smile.

“Isn’t that right, Jessie?”

“Yes, Hannah.” Jessie sings and Hannah takes her word for it while climbing onto my bed.

“Tell us what happened.” Jessie joins us on the bed.

“When I went for my walk, I came across sheds out in the back.”

Hannah is shaking her head. “I knew you were gone far too long.”

“Would you let her finish her story?” Jessie nudges Hannah, who looks ready to pass out.

“I was snooping and got caught by Master Andrew. I tried to leave, but he insisted that I finish what I started. He was trying to prove a point. So he brought me down into a basement under the shed.”

Hannah pales further and now I’m questioning if I should tell them. “There were loads of doors and one of them had blood going to it. Fresh blood.”

Hannah inhales sharply.

“The room he showed me had a pig in it, but it was hung up and cleaned out. So I know that the blood wasn’t from the pig.”

“Did you check?” Jessie asks and it’s like she’s holding her breath.

I shake my head. “I was afraid and he was still there. But something felt so off about it all.” I don’t mention Lucas. I can’t involve him in this.

We all sit in silence for a moment.

“We have to rescue her.” Hannah nods while looking from me to Jessie to see if we agree.

I shiver at the thought of going back down but If Vicky is down there, we need to find out.

“I agree,” I say.

Commotion in the hallway has the three of us scrambling off the bed.

Sandra has returned from her date. Her cheeks flushed. Her hair looks tussled. She’s talking to Bernie and Mary, but her words are loud enough for everyone to hear her.

“He is…” She fans herself. “Very, how can I put it? He struggled to control himself.”

More giggles.

“From running away?” Jessie says under her breath but loud enough for everyone to hear. Sandra spins around, her eyes pinning me in place. Hers shine with victory and my stomach tightens. She turns to Jessie.

“Not running away, Jessie. But that’s cute.” She sounds like it's anything but cute. “I was referring to him trying to keep away from me.” She touches her tussled hair.

“Is he a good kisser?” Mary asks, her eyes greedy for information.

“A lady never tells,” she says while staring at me.

My heart beats wildly and I glance at Mary. “He’s a fantastic kisser.” There is a loud inhale at my bold statement.

Sandra’s nostrils flare and I feel a sense of victory, it's brief as she smiles.

“I second that.” She steps away from me smiling.

I swallow the bile that rises in my throat. He couldn’t have kissed her. He wouldn’t. She is playing mind games. But I can’t stop the rise of pain that squeezes my chest.

“Come on Ella.” Hannah pulls my arm gently for us to go back into the room. I do and Sandra continues to smile. I hear their laughter as I close the bedroom door.

“Never mind her, she’s just jealous and lying.” Hannah’s words have me pushing Sandra’s lies aside. It had to be a lie. He wouldn’t do that.

I join them back on the bed and try to take my mind off Sandra as we plan our rescue of Vicky.

“So when do we go?” Hannah asks while chewing her lip.

“There’s no time like the present.”

We all jump as someone knocks on the door. The second knock has me scurrying off the bed and opening the door. I nod at Mark.

“Miss O’ Leary, Master Lucas, requests your company in the gardens. I will escort you.”

I glance back at Jessie and Hannah, both of them smiling and nodding eagerly. But I think of Vicky and hesitate at the door.

“Once you get back, we will finish it,” Hannah says.

“Go.” Jessie widens her eyes and I leave with Mark.


Mark doesn’t speak as he leads me to the gardens. I don’t see Lucas and Mark stops walking. “He said you would know where to find him.” I nod and leave as I make my way to the only place I can think of, the maze. My heart pounds as I get closer. I don’t see him. I glance back to see if I can still see Mark, but he is nowhere in sight. Something heavy settles around my shoulders as I stand at the entrance of the maze.

“Lucas,” I call and glance behind me. Facing forward, I call his name a little louder. Something is telling me to go back the longer I stand here. I hear the rustle of the hedge, but I don’t feel the wind.

“Lucas are you here?” I take a few more steps but keep the entrance in my sights at all times. As I reach the bend, I stop. There is a second that I think it’s Lucas, but it’s the shortest second ever, as Henry attempts to smile. He isn’t wearing his glasses. I shake my head and step away. He’s quicker than I expected and pulls me back in. His hand immediately covers my mouth, as he pulls me against his chest. Panic overrides all logic and I reach back and try to claw his face. He roars but his hold tightens around my chest, threatening to crush it.

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