Home > The Secret Princess: A Retelling of The Goose Girl (Return to the Four Kingdoms #01)(50)

The Secret Princess: A Retelling of The Goose Girl (Return to the Four Kingdoms #01)(50)
Author: Melanie Cellier

Damon’s face lit up. “You’re coming to the ball? We’ll go together. We’ll expose Sierra and reveal the truth before she has a chance to do anything.”

I nodded. “Exactly.”



Part III



The Ball



Chapter 23



The king had granted the day off for everyone who could possibly be spared. And all those performing essential functions, such as the kitchen staff, rushed to complete their duties as quickly as possible. But none of the servants minded the simple breakfast provided or how speedily it was cleared away. Everyone was saving room for the feast to come.

Extra help had been brought in the day before, enticed with promises of participation in the festivities of today, and the kitchens had rung with noise and hubbub from sunrise to sunset. A vast array of delicacies had been prepared. The queen had reportedly spent two hours in consultation with the cook to develop a list of foods that could all be prepared in advance. The kitchen staff were to be released to join the party after breakfast was cleared away.

I slept in, enjoying the rare luxury, and spent the rest of the morning in the servants’ bath house. No one else wanted to waste time there on such a glorious day, so I was able to commandeer a tub long enough for a proper soak.

But I was starting to feel a little sick by the time I made my way back to my room to prepare for the ball. Perhaps the roiling in my stomach came from too little food. I entered through the door that led into the kitchens, figuring that leftovers from breakfast might remain there, given the staff’s early release.

It was strange to find the giant room empty, the fires banked and several of the large stoves sitting entirely cold. Had I ever seen a deserted kitchen? I couldn’t remember it. Kitchens were a central hub that always bustled with enthusiasm and delicious smells.

Some of those smells remained, and I tracked one down, finding a number of sweet rolls in a covered basket. I had just finished one and was licking my fingers when someone made a small noise behind me. I spun around.

“Philip!” I nearly tripped over myself rushing to greet him. “Where have you been? I was worried!”

“For me?” He sounded surprised. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to distress you. I had people I needed to consult.”

“About tonight?” My stomach dropped out, and I wished I hadn’t been quite so greedy with the sweet roll.

He nodded, but he seemed distracted. “I’ve been looking for you all over.”

“I’ve just come from the bath house,” I said apologetically, thinking a little guiltily of how long I had stayed there. “I didn’t realize anyone wanted me.”

He gave a small shake of his head at that, a bemused look in his eyes.

“Do you really doubt it?”

My brows drew together. What were we talking about?

“Why were you looking for me?” I asked.

Worry filled his face. “I found Colin talking to the Poulterer. And afterward I made him tell me what they were talking about.”

“The Poulterer?” That was the last answer I had expected. A conversation between Colin and the Poulterer couldn’t possibly have the significance to fill Philip’s face with such concern.

“Was he complaining about me?” I asked.

Philip nodded. “He said you’re always disappearing and leaving him to do all the work.”

I grimaced. It was a legitimate complaint, although I hadn’t thought he minded particularly. He had done the job alone before my arrival.

“And he also mentioned how many visitors you have.” Now Philip was the one to look guilty although he shot me a strange look when he added, “He said you have all sorts of noble visitors.”

“That’s a bit of a stretch.” I rolled my eyes. Although now I came to think of it, I had been visited by Princess Alyssa and her children, Prince Damon, and Sierra. But they’d hardly been daily visitors.

“He was babbling about a brother,” Philip said. “And something about an assistant.”

“Ooh, that makes sense then. He wants his brother to become his assistant and get trained to have his own herd or flock one day. He’s probably trying to get me ousted so his brother can take my place.”

“The Poulterer told him that it was never his choice to have you there,” Philip said. “He said Mrs. Pine had told him you were to be kept occupied and out of the way. As a gesture to the foreign princess. But he did promise to talk to her about it again.”

“Well, it won’t matter after tonight,” I said. “One way or the other, I think my herding days are over.”

“What does that mean?” Philip drew closer. “You don’t think you’ll be blamed for what’s happened? It’s not your fault your delegation was chosen as a target by these enemies of the kingdom.”

I noted he didn’t name them as Rangmerans. Did he still doubt Damon’s evidence?

“Or that there’s something strange about your princess,” he muttered.

I looked up at him, hope in my heart. He knew there was something strange about Sierra? What did he know? What did he suspect?

He gazed down at me, his expression changing at the sight of my bright eyes and flushed face. Stepping forward, he closed the space between us.

“Lark,” he said, his voice heavy.

All thought of Sierra fled my mind. I wasn’t ready for this. I tried to move backward, to give myself room to breathe, but my feet didn’t move.

“You asked me to tell you the truth,” he said. “And I want to tell you everything. But there’s something I need to know first.”

I bit my lip. I didn’t think I wanted to hear what came next, but neither could I bring myself to flee this conversation.

When I still said nothing, he continued. “You came here with a mistress who abandoned you to herd geese. I know you love her horse, but you don’t seem to bear any great loyalty to her.”

“What mistress?” I asked. “I work for the king of Arcadia now.”

“So you would consider staying?” he asked, too eagerly. “In the Four Kingdoms, I mean? You don’t intend to leave with her when she departs?”

“I have no intention of traveling further with her,” I said truthfully. But honesty compelled me to add, “But neither do I intend to stay here. Not for much longer anyway.”

He reached out and gripped my arms. “What if you had a reason to stay?”

I swallowed. It was an enticing vision. I had let myself dwell in it before. But those daydreams meant I already knew the answer.

“I have to return to my family.” I paused, struggling against the emotion in his gaze. “Even if I wanted to stay, I owe it to them. It is beautiful here, but Eldon is my home.”

“Lark.” He pulled me closer. Now there was no space between us at all. “What about me? Could I convince you? I can’t bear for you to leave me behind forever.” The anguish in his voice tore at my heart and brought tears to my eyes.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, tracing the curve of my cheek with gentle fingers. The pressure was enough to tip a tear out of my eye, spilling down my cheek. He wiped it away.

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