Home > The Secret Princess: A Retelling of The Goose Girl (Return to the Four Kingdoms #01)(65)

The Secret Princess: A Retelling of The Goose Girl (Return to the Four Kingdoms #01)(65)
Author: Melanie Cellier

“King Henry and Queen Eleanor sent word throughout their kingdom as soon as the attack happened,” Philip said, “and Aurora has alerted her entire network.”

“If Celeste has taken the matter in hand, then I’m sure they’ll be found in no time,” Celine said.

“Search teams from their kingdoms are expected at any time.” I crossed over to Philip, who slipped an arm around my waist and smiled down at me. “Their Majesties have been extremely concerned about Eliam’s and Trione’s reactions to Daria’s and Daisy’s disappearances, and we’ve promised Eldon’s help in smoothing over diplomatic relations.”

Philip nudged me. “You should tell them.”

Celine sat bolt upright, her eyes lighting up. “Tell us what?”

“I had a visit from my godmother.” I flushed slightly. “She wanted to bless my betrothal, apparently. But I asked her about the girls. She refused to tell me where we could find them, but she did at least reassure me they were alive and had each found safe shelter.”

“I believe her exact words,” Philip interjected, “were that they each had their own adventures to complete and kingdoms to save. Apparently we’re not meant to interfere.”

Miserable old woman, said yet another voice from the doorway.

Celine nearly fell off her sofa. She stared at Arvin, who had stuck his head through the door.

“Did I just hear you?” she asked him.

I rolled my eyes. “Yes, he talks to everyone now.”

“But…but…” Celine gaped at me.

“Yes, I know,” I said. “But don’t say it, or we’ll all get a lecture on working out our own problems.”

“I always knew he was a miserable horse,” she muttered.

I can hear you, thank you very much, Arvin said at his most dignified.

Oliver watched the horse with bemusement. “Does he often come into the palace?”

“All the time.” I grimaced. “The servants have mostly adjusted to having a horse wandering loose inside.”

Philip grinned shamelessly. “Lark’s godmother had some things to say about him as well.”

I do not wish to speak of that creature. Arvin glared at Philip, who ignored him.

“Ooh, tell me everything,” Celine said.

“It turns out, Arvin wasn’t gifted to Lark just to watch over her,” Philip said. “While he was meant to assist her where he could, he was actually sent to our realm to learn some lessons of his own. And,” Philip paused to grin, “she declared he has yet to finish learning them. So she refused to take him back to the Palace of Light like he was expecting.”

Celine threw herself against the back of the sofa in gales of laughter.

Arvin directed his quelling glare at her, and when she didn’t appear to notice, backed out of the room with a huff. I extricated myself from Philip’s arm and ran out into the corridor after him.

Throwing my arms around his neck, I gave him a squeeze.

“Don’t worry about them, Arvin,” I said. “I’m sure you’ll be able to return to the Palace of Light soon. You did save my life as well as Percy’s and half the Arcadian royal family. And prevented a war in the process.”

All things you could perhaps mention to your godmother, next time you see her.

I hid my smile against his neck. “I think she already knows. But I’m sure you’ll master whatever lesson she still wants you to learn soon.”

Arvin relaxed, bending his head around to whuff into my hair. I like you much better than the others.

“There you go then,” I said. “That’s a start.”

He pulled away from me, the whites showing on his eyes. You don’t think that has something to do with it, do you? He sounded horrified.

I considered mentioning his general disdain for everyone who didn’t show him excessive deference, and the poor judgment he had shown on a number of occasions, but changed my mind. He seemed dedicated to the idea that you needed to work through your own troubles.

“Just know, you’ll always have a home with me, as long as you’re here,” I said.

He relaxed again. Thank you, Giselle. It is a relief to know that good breeding still exists. Now get back to your relatives before they come looking for you.

I ran my hand down his neck one last time before slipping back into the room. Despite all his irritating features, I would miss Arvin if the godmothers did retrieve him one day.

When I rejoined the others, I found Celine standing near the door, her hand tucked into Oliver’s arm.

“Apparently the housekeeper wants to show us to our rooms,” Celine said. “I’m glad to hear the godmothers have their eye on Daria, Cassie, and Daisy. That will be a considerable relief to Teddy and Millie especially, I know. I can only imagine their family are beside themselves with worry. But none of them can be surprised to hear Daisy has gotten herself tangled up in a godmother adventure. And as we all know, there’s no point trying to get in the way of one of those.”

I bit my lip, not able to put the matter aside as easily as Celine. “I just hate to think of all the pain they will most likely have to endure in the course of such an adventure.”

Celine gripped my shoulder. “But tell me, was all your pain worth it?”

I glanced up into Philip’s smiling eyes. “A hundred times, yes.”

She grinned and let me go. “Then have a little faith.”

“You’re right, of course,” I said, and she swept out of the room with a triumphant smile on her face.

I turned into Philip who gave me a proper embrace.

“I’m so glad you already know Celine,” I said. “I love her dearly, but she can be a bit much at times.”

Philip chuckled. “She seems to have positively mellowed to me. Who do you think I got up to all that childhood mischief with?” He winked at me.

“I can only imagine.” I shuddered. “Your poor parents.” I looked up at him curiously. “I’m surprised you didn’t end up marrying her.”

This time he was the one to shudder. “No, thank you.” He gave me a squeeze. “I like my fiery girls with a little more grace and natural restraint. Your brother is a brave man. Besides.” He chuckled. “She’s a year older than me, and both sets of our parents would have heartily approved the match. As you can imagine, both of those things were the kiss of death to any youthful romance between us.”

I giggled into his chest. I could easily imagine how a young Celine would have felt at the idea of meekly marrying the parentally approved younger boy from the mansion next to the palace. And Philip would never have given up his chance at freedom and adventure for such a future.

“It’s strange how these things work out,” I said.

He pulled back far enough that I looked up at him.

“I think you mean it’s perfect,” he said.

“More than perfect.” I rose up onto my toes so I could press my lips to his. “Because I want you all to myself. But I love that you know a small piece of my family already.”

I pulled back. “Oh! I keep forgetting to say that you would be more than welcome to offer Harry a role in Eldon, in the stables or elsewhere, if you think he would be willing to leave Arcadia. I know you two have become good friends.”

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