Home > Not the Girl You Marry(40)

Not the Girl You Marry(40)

   “Why am I still single?” She nodded at him and he bit his lip for a moment—so sexy—before continuing. “I keep having the perfect girl walk out on me.”

   Then Hannah started laughing. She couldn’t even imagine any woman in her right mind walking out on Jack.

   His arms tightened around her, and then she felt like a pinned butterfly specimen, his focus back on her. “Don’t laugh at my deepest pain.”

   “Then you can’t laugh at mine, either.”

   “Agreed.” He nodded, solemnity washing over his face. “Tell me.”

   “It’s not that guys keep leaving me. I actually broke up with my last boyfriend. He made it clear that we weren’t serious, but I finally pulled the trigger.”

   “Not a surprise.” Only a hint of his earlier humor remained.

   “It’s just that guys only want sex from me. Not forever.”

   “And that’s not something you have to worry about with me.” She liked that he could have a sense of humor about this. “And sex with you is pretty spectacular.”

   “Not that you would know.”


   “Whatever, we were talking about deep, emotional pain.” She’d much rather be talking about sex with Jack, specifically when and if they’d be having it, but she forced herself to go on. She’d decided on the strategy of finding out what was wrong with him by revealing what was wrong with her, and she would not be deterred. “Or they think I need improvement.”

   “What could you possibly need improvement on?” She loved that he sounded incredulous.

   “I swear too much.”

   “But you’re so articulate when you swear.”

   “And I eat too much.”

   His hands coasted down her sides, and he grabbed her ass in his big hands. Then he settled her over his cock, which was coming back to life. “I love watching you eat. You get this look on your face when you like something, and you make the same noise you make when I’m making you come—just quieter.”

   She didn’t know she did that and was mortified at the thought. Making sex noises during dinner? No wonder Noah had thought she was trashy. “I do?”

   “Yeah. It’s fucking great.”

   “Jesus, no wonder most guys think I’m just a sex vending machine.”

   “Most guys are too flipping stupid to notice.”

   “But you’re not?”

   “Nah, I’m a journalist.” She smirked at him, not quite sure she was following his line of reasoning. “I get paid to pay attention.”

   “If I’m having an I’ll-have-what-she’s-having moment every time I’m enjoying food, then I don’t think it would take much to notice.”

   “We’ll have to agree to disagree.” He touched his mouth to her cheek, which was sweet. In contrast to his erection, which was not quite as sweet. “So, what put you off dating for so long?”

   “I guess, after my last relationship, I just felt like it was all so pointless.”

   “I’d say that what happened fifteen minutes ago wasn’t pointless.” Nothing about what they were doing together seemed pointless.

   “I don’t usually come when it’s casual.” She was really just ripping herself open for him tonight.

   “That sex toy definitely brought a certain formality to the proceedings.” At that, she had to laugh. Jesus, why couldn’t he just be a pussymonster all the time? Why did he have to be so funny and cute? “But I get that. You should be able to take your time.”

   “See, most guys—” She paused when he grimaced. “Present company excluded.” That earned her another kiss, this one closer to her mouth. “Most guys don’t want to wait. They jump right to the sex, past the banter, and there are definitely no tacos or puppy pics.”

   “Then what the hell are people doing on the apps?” His acting naïve, like a babe in the woods, was sexier than it ought to be.

   “Mostly trying to get you to WhatsApp or Kik so that they can send dick pics and say inappropriate and abusive shit without getting called out on social media.”

   “That’s dumb.” He furrowed his brow as though truly disturbed by modern dating rituals. “Why would anyone think that would work?”

   Hannah shrugged. Oddly enough, telling Jack what other guys did and having him react like he was personally offended on her behalf had made her want to throw him on the floor and ride his face. So, she’d failed in this instance to get him to reveal his big bad—the one that would prevent her from falling in love with him.

   Too bad he rolled her underneath him and disabused her of the notion that she was anything but screwed. Figuratively.




   JACK TRIED TO FIND the perfect lighting for an intimate selfie, and he was failing miserably. This was stupid. And his penis was so ugly. Perhaps it was the ugliest penis on the good green earth.

   And the last thing he wanted to be doing right now was hammering another nail in the coffin of the nascent relationship he had with Hannah. He hadn’t intended to spend the night with her, but he’d justified it to himself—he hadn’t gotten off. It had been all about her. Still, he wasn’t just hungover from spending the whole night wrapped up in her scent, talking to her. Guilt ate at his gut along with the black coffee he’d sucked down as soon as he’d hit his apartment.

   He hadn’t showered yet because he liked the smell of Hannah on him. But it made him crave having the real her in his space. He should definitely shower. Somehow, taking a picture of his dick while Hannah was in a sense there felt even worse than just sending a dick pic.

   Now that he knew her better, he could predict that she’d feel betrayed by this after what they’d done last night. He’d seen how hard it was for her to open up to him, and he’d been so flattered that she’d chosen him. Despite the fact that he should have walked away, he just hadn’t been able to.

   He’d always been the perfect boyfriend because he’d been able to sublimate his own needs to his lady’s. Last night, his own needs had almost devoured his integrity until it was just a nub—sort of like how his penis looked from too close.

   Why did anyone think sending an unsolicited picture of their genitalia was a good idea? Even though she’d seemed to want to see his penis, this seemed like an asshole move. If he were another guy, the kind of guy who thought dick pics weren’t gross, what would he be hoping to get out of sending a picture?

   Not to mention that he couldn’t get an angle on it that didn’t make his cock look either gargantuan or tiny.

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