Home > Wicked Liars (Windsor Academy #1)(6)

Wicked Liars (Windsor Academy #1)(6)
Author: Laura Lee

She nods. “Everyone knows Peyton Devereux. She makes sure of it.”

“Sounds about right,” I mumble.

“First stop is the library so we can get your Chromebook. All of your course materials will be on that. That’s also where we’ll get your student ID.”

“Everything’s electronic? What about books?”

She shakes her head as she pushes the door open to head back outside. “Yeah, right. Do you think these overprivileged brats would carry around heavy books all day?”

My lips twitch. “I’m going to go out on a limb and say that you don’t like many people.”

“That’s not true.” I’m caught off guard when she loops her arm through mine, but I decide to go with it. “I just don’t like assholes and Windsor is filled with them.”

I laugh, immediately deciding I like this girl. “Good to know. So, I should probably watch my back then, huh?”

“You should definitely watch your back. Everyone seems to have a motive and nobody cares who they have to step on to get what they want.” She eyes me thoughtfully. “I hope you don’t have any major skeletons in your closet. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these jerks have already run background checks on you to find blackmail material.”

“What?” My jaw drops. “Are you being serious? Why would anyone even know I exist?”

“You’re fresh meat—we don’t get new students very often. Most of us have known each other since kindergarten, or even before. You’re hot too, so just a heads up, most of the guys will probably try to fuck you—the straight ones anyway—and any chicks who want to fuck them will hate you. Not like they weren’t catty bitches already, though. This school has a serious overabundance of them.” Ainsley’s cheeks pinken as she gives me a sad smile. “I have a bit of a confession. I already knew your story before we met—I was just asking to make conversation. I’m sorry about your mom, by the way. Mine died when I was eight, so I know how bad it sucks.”

Her admission causes me to suck in a deep breath, but I don’t get the chance to say anything before we’re interrupted.

“Ainsley,” a growly voice calls, causing us to stop. “A moment.”

“Oh, boy, here we go,” she mutters.

I look in the direction of the voice and come face to face with the three hot guys from earlier. Holy shit, they’re even better looking up close. I quickly glance around and see all eyes on us. I’d bet anything these three are at the top of the food chain around here. They not only have that air of superiority, but the way the other students seem to cower down to them speaks volumes. It’s not just their unmistakable physical dominance—these guys have that ineffable factor that demands attention. Their intense stares make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Ainsley stops in front of the middle guy. “What do you want? I’m busy.”

Well, I guess not everyone cowers down to them. It only makes me like Ainsley more.

“What are you doing, Ains? They pay people to take out the trash.” He glares at me as he speaks to her.

Oh, no he didn’t.

My adrenaline is flaring as I level him with a matching glare. “What’s your problem?”

The dickhead completely ignores me and continues talking to Ainsley. “Are you going to answer my question?”

Ainsley rolls her eyes. “Back off, Kingston. You may be two minutes older, but you’re not the boss of me.”

Wait... what? They’re twins? Is this the guy Peyton was talking about? It has to be—that name isn’t very common.

Kingston’s stupidly square jaw tics as the guy on the right looks like he’s trying not to laugh. “There are rules, Ainsley.”

I’m about to hand this guy’s ass to him, but Ainsley beats me to it.

She pokes him in the chest. “I can hang out with whoever I want and Jazz here, is my girl, so we’ll be spending lots of time together. If you have a problem with that, too bad.”

His jaw tics. “No. You. Won’t.”

I throw my hands up, officially fed up with his bullshit. “Seriously, what the fuck is your problem? You don’t know me. How dare you make assumptions about me!”

His gold-flecked eyes—I’m now noticing are identical to his sister’s—hone in on me. “That’s where you’re wrong, Jasmine Callahan. I know everything I need to know about you. And I suggest you keep your mouth shut or I will make your life a living hell.”

I park a hand on my hip. “It’s Rivera, asshole, so you obviously don’t know everything about me. And if you think your threats are going to intimidate me, think again. My life is already a living hell.”

He actually looks taken aback by that, but he masks it within seconds and focuses his attention back on his twin. “We’ll discuss this later.”

Ainsley scoffs and grabs my arm to lead me away. “Don’t hold your breath.”

I have to practically run to keep pace with her, all the while I can feel Kingston’s wrath from behind us. “What the hell was that? That asshat is your brother?”

She stops in front of one of the outbuildings and steps to the side. “Yes. And believe it or not, he’s not usually that bad. Don’t get me wrong; he’s an asshole by nature, but not usually that much of an asshole. It must be you.”

I shake my head. “Lucky me.”

Ainsley sighs. “Just ignore him. He’s probably on his man period or something.”

I laugh, grateful for the break in tension. “Let’s hope. So... first up, library?”

Ainsley smiles and nods. “First up, library.”







My assigned buddy and I didn’t have any morning classes together, so we agreed to meet up at lunch. My jaw drops when I step foot into the dining hall because it is not your average high school cafeteria. It’s more like an upscale restaurant. Round tables that seat eight apiece are scattered throughout the cavernous space, each adorned with crisp white tablecloths.

I don’t see Ainsley yet, so I head over to the buffet set up against the walls. According to my handbook, lunches are included in tuition so thankfully, I don’t need to worry about scraping up money I don’t have to pay for it.

“Miss.” A man wearing a white coat hands a tray to me with a plate, cloth napkin, silverware, and a glass on it already.

“Thank you.”

I check out the selection, which has several different types of soups and salads along with an assortment of dishes from around the world. Italian, Mexican, Asian, American—you name it, it’s probably here. I choose some teriyaki chicken with steamed rice and an iced tea.

Tray in hand, I scan the room and finally spot Ainsley. Oh, hell no. There’s an empty seat right next to her, but you couldn’t pay me to sit at that table. Three of the chairs are taken by her brother and the other two guys he hangs out with. My wicked stepsister and her cronies occupy the other three. I spot an empty table across the room and make a beeline for it. I have no choice but to pass them on my way, so I keep my head down, hoping Ainsley doesn’t notice me.

“Jazz, where are you going?”

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