Home > Eric:Love on the Rocks (The Billionaire Boyfriend #4)(24)

Eric:Love on the Rocks (The Billionaire Boyfriend #4)(24)
Author: Christina Benjamin

I can’t believe our first date was weeks ago already. We’d been so eager to make up for lost time that we went out the day we found each other at Donovan’s. Without time to plan anything, Eric took me to his favorite restaurant, Syd’s—which happens to be a greasy burger joint that has become our spot.

One bite of that juicy burger and I was hooked. When Eric first took me to Syd’s I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a burger. But those days are far behind me now. I’m working on rebuilding my image. I still want to pursue my dream of modeling, but I plan to do it with a much healthier and more confident image.

Today, as we walk toward the tiny burger shack nestled between two towering brick buildings, a strange sense of surety grips me. The scent of fried food is thick in the air and a long line of people trail ahead of us toward Syd’s, where I know a lone man is flipping burgers and serving up piping hot fries.

“You sure you wanna eat here again?” Eric asks. “It’s our two-week anniversary. We can go somewhere nicer.”

“This is perfect,” I answer honestly, beaming up at Eric.

His face reflects my own smile. I don’t think either of us have stopped glowing since we found our way back to each other.

He gives my hand a squeeze. “A model who eats burgers . . . how did I get so lucky?”

I laugh. “Lucky for you I’m the kind of model who quits agencies and eats what she wants.”

“You doing okay with all of that?”

Eric knows it hasn’t been easy. I told him all about my past with Hanson and the direction I want to take my career. Incredibly, Eric has been nothing but supportive.

“Actually, I’m even better than okay. I’m with you,” I say planting a kiss on his lips. “Plus, I hadn't even realized how much that agency was bringing me down until I left. I was depressed when I was there, but now I feel like I can breathe again. I feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the world.”

“That makes me so happy,” he answers sincerely.

I think that’s part of what I enjoy most about being with Eric. He can be so funny and almost childlike in the most entertaining way, but he can also be sincere and genuine. I’ve never met anyone who can both make me laugh until I cry and also make me feel so very heard and seen.

He and I have lightly broached the events of the last few weeks that left his hand wounded, but I hadn't wanted to push him into discussing things that perhaps he didn’t want to with someone he’d only just met. I knew enough to see that he’s trying his best to give up drinking and become a better person, which is something that I admire with the utmost respect.

Eric may not see it yet, but I see how much he wants to change, and I’m willing to support him in any way I can. And, to be fair, I probably drank a bit too much as well. I’d made a fool of myself at La Folie, after all. That’s why I made a pack to quit with him. It was good for both of us.

“Are you worried about the performance at Lancaster Stadium?” I ask as we edge closer to the burger shack.

He’d called me earlier before our date to say that the doctor cleared him to play with his injured hand as long as he wore a brace.

“Nah,” he says slinging an arm over my shoulder. “As long as I’ve got you by my side, I know everything’s gonna be perfect.”

I grin as we fall into step with the long line. It may take us an hour just to order our food, but it’s an hour that he and I can spend together. I’ve got no complaints about that. Plus, the fragrance of the food here is addicting.

Even though I enjoy decadent food from time to time, in my heart I’m a homegrown kind of girl who enjoys the simple things in life. Being a model is fun because I can dress up in glamorous gowns and play a part for a little while. But what I really love is stripping it all off to climb into a pair of Eric’s oversized sweats and cozy up on the couch with him. That seems to be just his speed as well, which makes me even happier.

All I’ve ever wanted is to spend time with the one I love.

Love? Is that what’s blooming in my heart right now?

All I know for sure is that I can’t wait to find out. Every second I spend with Eric feels incredible. Our relationship is so new, but it feels strong, like the bud of a flower just beginning to spread its roots. Only time will reveal what kind of blossom will grow, but I have every hope that it will be everlasting.

I nuzzle my head against his strong shoulder, feeling the warm weight of his cheek against my forehead. Silence falls over us, but it isn’t heavy or awkward. It’s comfortable. For the first time in my life, I feel like I don’t have to ramble on just to fill gaping holes in the conversation.

“What’ll it be?” the man behind the counter asks as we finally approach. His cheeks are ruddy from the heat of his grill but he looks to be thoroughly enjoying himself back there.

“Two cheeseburgers and a large order of fries, please. Oh, and lots of cheese sauce!” Eric says eagerly, glancing toward me. “Anything else?”

“Make mine a double! And do you have bacon back there?” I ask, sniffing the air, my mouth watering.

Eric laughs and then gives an inspired nod, hugging me closer against him. “You better make both of those bacon-doubles.”

He pays even though I try to fish out my wallet and then we step aside to wait for our order. While waiting, Eric spins me around to the music playing in the background. I laugh and snuggle against his chest, swaying to the song as his arms settle around my waist, his forehead resting against mine.

“I’m so damn excited about this,” he whispers softly, as though he were sharing a secret.

“About the burger?” I tease. “Me too.”

He chuckles heartily, hugging me tight before his lips descend on mine. The kiss instantly deepens, his fingers delving under my blouse to stroke my back and crush me against his powerful body, leaving me gasping by the time we part for air.

“No,” he says simply. I can see in his eyes that his heart is on his sleeve and for the first time, so is mine. “I’m so damn excited to be falling in love with you.”

My heart throbs against my chest as I take in his statement. I feel the same way too, but I’m terrified to admit it.

But not Eric. He’s not afraid to say what he wants. “I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us, Morgan.”

For once, someone is on the same page as me. He wants what I want, to cherish one another for as long as we can.

Tears in my eyes, I simply lean up to demand one more kiss, the first of forever.

I’ve never dated someone like Eric. He’s so fearless with his emotions. I wonder if he’s always been this way. All my past relationships taught me to hide my true feelings, never get attached. I love that he’s breaking me of that, because what I feel for him is beautiful and I want him to know. So, I show him, the only way I know how—pressing my lips to his.



Chapter 23






Every kiss with this woman makes me feel like I’m floating higher and higher. As I soar, there is no fear of crashing back down. There is no hesitation at being so buoyant. Loving her comes as naturally to me as breathing.

There’s something about being next to Morgan that makes me feel strong and weak all at once. I’m certain she makes me the best version of myself, but the thought of losing her cripples me. She’s my everything.

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