Home > Goldie and the Billionaire Bear:A Clean Billionaire Fairy Tale Romance(21)

Goldie and the Billionaire Bear:A Clean Billionaire Fairy Tale Romance(21)
Author: Catelyn Meadows

“About Danica, I wonder if you two could talk. She might even—”

Adrian kissed his mom’s cheek and snatched a bagel from the counter. “Sorry, Mom. Gotta go.”

Danica could come all she wanted, but he wouldn’t be here when she did.





GOLDIE WASN’T SURE IF IT was a fancy dinner or not. Two Pines wasn’t exactly a thriving metropolis. She guessed it had about as many restaurants as Baldwin had, where the nicest place to go was the local Dairy Queen.

Even so, this was a date—an actual date—with Adrian Bear. Goldie sifted through the clothing she’d packed. There wasn’t much by way of nice things. She opted for a loose floral shirt with three-quarter length sleeves and her favorite pair of jeans.

She checked her phone for the zillionth time that day, but there was still no email from Aunt Bethany. It had been three days since she’d contacted her since she’d left home. Why hadn’t her aunt replied?

The worst sense of worry began seeping in. What if the letter was a spoof? If that was the case, her mom wouldn’t have freaked out about it the way she had, but still, the suspicion wouldn’t go away. But who would have sent the letter and why?

Goldie did her best to staunch the unease. “It will be fine,” she told herself, trying hard to believe it. She would find answers eventually. For now, she needed to focus on what she could control, and tonight, it was spending time with Adrian.

She fluffed her hair and applied some sparkly lip gloss that added a bit of zing-pow to her appearance. “At least I have a way to pass the time.”

Her stomach fluttered at the prospect of an evening with him. Her hand still tingled where he’d held it. He’d also opened up to her, more than she ever expected he would. Had it been genuine or just part of the show for his mother? Mrs. Bear hadn’t been around when he’d first looped his fingers with hers.

At least Goldie wasn’t stuck grading papers as she’d previously thought. As she wasn’t one for sight-seeing—not on her own anyway; knowing her track record, she’d get lost all over again—she was especially grateful she had someone like Adrian to show her around.

Someone tall, smart, good-looking, with dark hair, great teeth, and a killer smile. Her whole body buzzed with anticipation. She checked the time, then her hair, when a soft knock rapped on the door.

Nerves jangling like bells, she made her way from the bathroom to the door, stopping to grab her purse along the way, and opened it to find Adrian standing there in his designer jeans, polo shirt, and tousled hair. He smelled like cologne and teasing possibilities. Her heart full-on banged in her chest.

His gaze raked down her frame and back up again. “You look amazing, Goldie Bybanks. Are you ready to go?”

“I could say the same about you,” she said.

Jordan passed behind Adrian with an armful of towels. “Get a room already,” he called over his shoulder.

“Don’t mind him,” Adrian said. “He’s just jealous because I’m the one with the hot date.”

Jordan’s voice trailed after them. “Actually, Taylor’s coming over later.”

Goldie giggled, joining Adrian as they made their way down the stairs. They passed through the open living room, the reception area and out to where Adrian’s Hummer was parked.

The sky was a painting of serenity and color. Clouds soaked up the splash of purples and oranges. Stars had already started to poke through the darkening blue canvas, and the moon winked at her. Goldie hugged her jacket tighter with her free hand.

“Where are we headed?” she asked as Adrian paused to open her door. She held onto the inner handle to prop herself up onto the leather seat.

“It’s a little place, but the food is amazing,” Adrian said as he climbed into the driver’s side. “Ever heard of Stano’s?”

“Like Spaghettios?”

Adrian laughed and backed out of the drive. “Nothing like Spaghettios.”

He left one hand on the stick shift, while the other was propped on the steering wheel. Leaning casually back, sunglasses in place, he was the picture of confidence and class. How did he get to be this way? What was it about men in fancy cars that made them hold themselves to be so tantalizing?

Goldie cleared her throat and glanced away. She couldn’t keep staring at him.

“Any word from your aunt?” he asked as they sped toward town.

“Not yet,” she said. “I promise, I’m not making that up just to stay at your B & B.”

He slid her glance. “I never thought you were. I told you. You’re not an inconvenience, Goldie.”

She dipped her head. “Thanks.”

“What are you going to do in the meantime?”

“I was thinking, if you have time, maybe you can give me a tour of your ranch.”

He shook his head. “It’s not that fascinating.”

“It is to me,” she said. “I’ve only ever seen anything like it on TV. I’d love to see the grounds.”

“Okay then. You tell me why you drove halfway across the country to see an aunt you could have just called on the phone, and you’ve got your tour.”

“Deal,” she said. “But only once we’re seated.”

“Deal,” he said.

Stano’s was a small place that she probably wouldn’t have even noticed if he hadn’t pointed it out. It was tucked away, behind a larger and more up-to-date law firm, Johnson-Washbuckle-and-Wilson. That was a doozy of a name if she’d ever seen one, and she pointed it out to Adrian, who laughed.

The parking lot was crammed with cars. Inside, the venue was stuffy and crowded, and there wasn’t much room in the waiting area, which gave Goldie a convenient reason to stand closer to Adrian.

A waitress approached and welcomed them, announcing it would be at least a twenty-minute wait. From the way the seats were filled, she wasn’t surprised.

“We also have seating outside,” the waitress added, “if you’re interested.”

Adrian glanced at Goldie. “What do you think? It’s a nice night.”

“Outside sounds good to me.”

The waitress led them through the cramped tables, the clatter of dishes, and noisy heat. A narrow exit was hidden behind the farthest booth where an elderly couple was seated and enjoying their meals.

Cool air was a welcome change. The veranda out back was sedate, quiet, and peaceful. Soft guitar music wafted beneath a latticed scaffold where fat bulbs offered mediocre light. It impressed Goldie to find the music wasn’t drifting from a speaker, but from a live performer wearing a cowboy hat, flannel shirt, and jeans standing behind a microphone. This was definitely more romantic. Er…spacious, she mentally corrected.

“Sit wherever you’d like,” the waitress directed.

“Where to?” Adrian asked.

Goldie pointed to a vacant table near a trickling water fountain and pave stones serving as the man’s stage. The guitar case was open at his feet and a small amplifier hanging at his belt spread the music across the small garden.

Instead of sitting across from her at the small, square table, Adrian took the metal seat right next to her. After giving them time to peruse the menu, the waitress returned with their drinks, and they ordered. Simultaneously, the guitarist on his landscaped stage ended his song. Goldie lifted her hands, ready to applaud him when she was greeted by crickets.

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