Home > His Hired Girlfriend (Kiwi Bride #1)(17)

His Hired Girlfriend (Kiwi Bride #1)(17)
Author: Alexia Praks

“Um,” Alex began, looking at Jay for help.

“Her dad is retired. Her mom is a sales manager,” Jay said as he pulled Alex fully onto his lap. “Sweetheart, are you feeling better? That aspirin working?”

Alex blinked. Did Jay just call her sweetheart?

“Yes, my head doesn’t hurt as much now. Thank you,” she said, smiling at him tightly.

“I hate traveling, too,” Gracie said. “I get a headache sometimes.”

Alex nodded in agreement.

“So whereabouts in New Zealand?” Beth asked, picking up her delicate Wedgewood china and sipping her tea.

“Down south. It’s a small country. We call it Aotearoa in Maori. It means the land of the long white cloud.”

“Sounds romantic,” Kelly said.

“Maybe we should all go outside. It’s such a lovely day.” Beth interrupted. Though her voice was soft and gentle, there was a hint of command that no one dared disobey.

“Yes, I agree.” Gracie stood.

“Oh, Britney is coming for the dinner party tonight, Jay. You remember Britney Marcelo, don’t you?” Beth asked, looking at her grandson.

“Britney? Oh, yes, I remember her,” Jayden said somewhat reluctantly. Just then he remembered he hadn’t told Alex there was going to be a welcoming party for her.

“Yes, she is coming. Such a nice girl, Britney is. Her dad is Mr. Marcelo. You remember Mr. Marcelo, don’t you?” Beth continued.

“Yes, I remember him. One of Dad’s good friends. Haven’t seen him for a long time,” Jay said, glancing at Alex, wondering if he should mention the party now.

“They just got back from Rome,” Beth said excitedly. “Such a lovely girl, Britney is.”

Alex looked at Beth and knew instantly something was up. She knew the old woman didn’t like her. Beth must be matchmaking Jay with this Britney Marcelo. No wonder he was trying to get away from it all. She patted his arm to show him her understanding.

Jay chuckled.

“Come along now. We shall continue our tea in the garden,” Beth said, elegantly waltzing out the door.

“Oh, it’s so nice to have finally met you,” Gracie commented and hugged Alex.

“Yes. So good to meet you, too,” Alex replied. Once she moved back, Kelly rushed in and hugged her.

“Good to meet you, Alex. We’ll have to find you a dress for my wedding.”

“Oh, right,” Alex commented, moving back.

“Don’t worry. I know lots of designers. They’ll be begging you to wear their dresses. It goes into a high fashion magazine, you know, this wedding of mine.”

“Really?” Alex was shocked. She didn’t expect that. High fashion magazine? Top designers? Oh dear.

At the door, Kelly said to Jay, “Don’t forget we have things to talk about, Jay.” Then she and Gracie walked arm in arm down the hallway.

“They won’t be taking pictures, will they?” Alex asked Jay, looking up at him.

“For the wedding?”

Alex nodded.

“Yes, they will. You don’t have to be in it if you don’t want to.”

“I don’t.”

“Come on, then,” he said, pulling her toward the door.

As they strolled down the hallway, Alex said, “I haven’t forgiven you yet, by the way.”

Jay glanced at her. “What about?”

Alex squared her shoulders and replied, “You forcing those aspirins down my throat.”

“I’ll do it again, you know.”

“No, you won’t.”

“Yes, I will. And besides, the next time you’re sick, you’ll be begging for those aspirins, knowing how effective they are now.”

Alex thought about this and said, “You’re right. I feel better now. So thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” He grinned, leading her out into the sunshine. “By the way, there’s a party tonight.”

Alex smiled. “I gathered that from what your grandmother said about this Britney Marcelo.”

He glanced at her. He was surprised she was taking the news quite nicely.

“You’ll be the honored guest. The party is to welcome your arrival,” he added, watching her closely.

Alex widened her eyes in shock. “What?”

Damn! There, not so nicely after all.

“I’ll be the honored guest? The party is to welcome me?” she queried, pointing a finger at herself.

“Yes. To introduce you to the neighborhood,” he said, giving her an apologetic look.

Alex swallowed. “Right. So I will have to make an appearance?”

“You’ll be fine.”

Alex chewed on her lower lip as they approached the others. Yeah, she sure hoped she’d be okay.



* * * * *






How does one work this blasted thing? Alex wondered as she stared at her BlackBerry. She searched through the menu, found the call section, and started dialing. She brought the BlackBerry to her ear and waited as the ringing noise continued.

A moment later, she heard her brother’s voice saying, “Hello, Tim speaking.”

“Hey, Tim, it’s me.”

“Alex?” He chuckled. “Man, you sound weird and so far away.”

“Of course I’m far away. I’m in America.”

“You got there all right, huh?”

“Yeah, I’m here safe and sound.”


“Hey, how’s Mum and Dad?” she asked, wondering if her dad was taking things easy or was he up to his old, stubborn self again and working hard.

“Dad is taking things easy. Mum makes sure of that.”

Alex sighed with relief. “That’s good. Is Mum there?”

“Yeah. Hold on a sec.”

A few seconds later, Alex heard her mum’s voice through the phone. “Hey, sweetheart. Glad to hear your voice. I’m worried, you know. I know you’re a big girl now. Your dad’s doing well. I make sure he eats. He went to see Dr. Johnston today. He said your dad is making good progress.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

There was a knock at the door, and Alex glanced up to see Kelly poking her head in. “Hey, are you ready?”

“Hold on a sec. Just talking to Mum.”

“Okay,” Kelly said, walking into the room and taking a seat on the side of the bed. “Take your time.” She picked up a sports magazine on the bedside table and flicked through it.

Alex turned her attention back to the BlackBerry.

“Mum, I’m glad Dad is doing well. I hope he’ll recover fully when I return. Anyways, love you and Dad and everyone at home. Miss you already. Bye now.”

“All right, sweetheart. You look after yourself. Love you.”

Alex grinned and then terminated the call. “I can’t believe I miss them already.”

Kelly threw the magazine down and patted Alex’s arm. “Sounds like you really love your family.”

Alex nodded. “More than anything.”

Kelly cocked her head to one side as though she were considering something serious. She stood up. “Come on, missy.” She pulled Alex to her feet and led her out the door. “I hope you’re not upset with Beth.”

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