Home > His Hired Girlfriend (Kiwi Bride #1)(33)

His Hired Girlfriend (Kiwi Bride #1)(33)
Author: Alexia Praks

Alex was beautiful, and he felt his gut churning with acid and his body shuddering with desire. She looked too damn sexy and tempting. She was about to give him a heart attack. No, maybe he had too much wine back at the party, and now he couldn’t seem to concentrate or see things clearly. Yes, he was drunk. His brain must be playing tricks on him.

No kidding, Jayden, the voice at the back of his head said. You hardly had more than two glasses of wine.

“Well?” Alex prompted, frowning at him, folding her arms across her chest.

Jayden shook his head to clear his thought. “The bed is this way.”

“I’m too tired to argue or fight with you now. We’ll do it in the morning,” she announced.

“It is morning, and we’re not fighting,” Jay said, moving closer.

“Yes, we kind of are,” she replied, unfolding her arms impatiently, which drew Jayden’s attention to her chest. He realized she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath that thin T-shirt that said clearly “I’m No Angel” in big, bold letters. How ironic because looking at her now, she damn well looked like an angel—a very sexy one at that.

“In what way?” he asked with his head cocked to one side, studying her.

Alex pulled her face. She wondered what they were doing, talking about nonsense when she knew they both were tired and in need of a lot of shuteye. She thought she should get away from him; otherwise, she’d probably start shouting at him about his lies.

She shrugged her shoulders and turned on her heel.

Jayden didn’t know what came over him. He should have just left it at that and let her return to her uncomfortable sofa and him back to his inviting soft bed. He, however, acted before he could think. He swiftly and smoothly got off the bed and pulled Alex into his arms.

Alex blinked, her sleepiness gone. She was now aware of his strength and warmth against her body, excitement bubbling up in the pit of her stomach.

Jay ran his fingers through her hair, mesmerized by her newfound beauty. Yes, her hair was soft and silky under his touch.

“Your pupils are dilated, Jay,” she said, grinning, knowing he liked her new look.


“Your pupils are dilated,” she repeated.


“Yes. We humans are like that. When we see what we like, our pupils dilate.” She grinned cheekily.

“Right,” he responded, still at a loss as to what she was talking about. To be frank, he didn’t care. He just liked listening to the sound of her sweet, husky voice, inhaling her scent, and gazing at her pretty face he had the urge to kiss so badly.

Alex cocked her head to one side. “Do you like what you see, Jay?”

That brought him up short. He stopped stroking her hair and frowned. Is she implying something?

“May I ask you a question?” She started.


“Does touching a woman make you feel disgusted? I mean, like, really gross you out?”

Jayden blinked. “What?”

“I mean you’re gay, right? Doesn’t the thought of touching a woman gross you out?” she asked, her brows rising.

That brought him up short. He had forgotten the fact that he was supposed to be gay. And how the heck was he supposed to know whether gay men feel disgusted at the thought of touching women?

“Well,” he began, searching his tired brain for an answer. “I don’t know about gay men—I mean other gay men—but I surely don’t feel grossed out at the thought of touching women.”

“So, um, touching me right now doesn’t gross you out?”

Jayden wanted to laugh, only he knew he shouldn’t because she’d be suspicious.

Heck no! You feel just right in my arms, my sweet, he wanted to say to her. But of course he didn’t.

“No, not at all.”

“Really?” Alex prompted. “Right.” She nodded and took a step back, almost reluctantly. “Right, then. Good night,” she said and turned on her heel.

“Oh, no, you don’t.” He chuckled.

“What?” she said over her shoulder.

“The bed.” He nodded that way.

She raised her brows, challenging him. “And you’ll sleep on the sofa?”

“Nope. I’ll sleep on the bed with you.”

“No,” she replied simply.

“Yes,” he said, grabbing her arm and pulling her to him.

She laughed. “Jayden, I don’t think so. It’s not safe.”

“What’s not safe?”

“I told you before. I used to sleep on the sofa so I’m comfortable with that.”

“No. You’ll sleep on the bed with me, missy.”

“It’s not safe,” she said, frowning at him now, seriously pulling herself away from his tight grasp.

“Don’t be silly. I’m gay. What could happen?” he said.

A lot could happen, Jayden, she wanted to shout at him. I know you’re not gay.

Instead, she said, “Right. Nothing could happen of course. But still—”

Jayden bent down, scooped her up, and marched to the bed. Before Alex knew it, she was on the bed and Jayden was on top of her. She couldn’t move away.

He chuckled. “If you run away, Alex, I’m going to kiss you.”

She laughed, her soft voice echoing in the room.

He smiled, loving her beautiful laugh.

“You? Kissing me?” She scoffed, her brows rising in doubt. Nada! There was no way Jayden was going to kiss her. It was simply a threat because if he were going to kiss her, he’d blow his entire masquerade he had so cleverly built.

“Really?” she prompted, her head cocked to one side as she studied him. “I don’t believe you. You’re gay, mister, so behave like it.” Then she shoved his rock-hard chest so he’d move away. He obediently shifted aside, freeing her.

Alex sat up and gave him the look that said, “I told you so.”

“Wuss,” she said, grinning, feeling quite satisfied she had won the argument. She landed her feet on the carpet and stood up, intending to head back to the sofa. In a flash, Jayden caught her wrist, pulled her back on the bed, and rolled himself on top of her.

Alex had no idea what just happened. She could see Jayden on top of her, grinning—the type she had never seen on his face before. She was suddenly alarmed. She felt butterflies in the pit of her stomach.

Jayden brought his hands up and cupped her face. Slowly, he lowered his head to hers. Once his face was only inches from hers, their noses nearly touching, and his hot breath against hers, he said softly, “I’m no wuss, Alex.” Then he fastened his firm lips against her soft ones.

His kiss was not hard and demanding, but soft and gentle. He deepened the kiss as his fingers dug deep into her hair and his tongue stroked along her half-open, quivering lips.

Alex was shocked into stillness. Her body was ablaze with small flickers of fireworks she didn’t know existed. When Jayden slid his tongue into her mouth, her breath caught at the back of her throat. She felt as though she were floating on air, and the fireworks within her became more powerful—exploding into a myriad of colors.

She didn’t realize she was responding to his kiss as her hands come up to wrap around his neck. When she finally realized she was kissing him back, Jayden suddenly stopped and pulled back, totally breathless.

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