Home > Jacob:Love on the Field (The Billionaire Boyfriend #5)(27)

Jacob:Love on the Field (The Billionaire Boyfriend #5)(27)
Author: Christina Benjamin

As if reading my mind, Ryan looks at me over his shoulder, his entire face beaming with joy. Though Jake had said Ryan didn't like football, after starting soccer the athletic boy seemed to have a newfound appreciation for the sport. Coming to Jake’s games are all he talks about.

“I can’t wait to see Jake play!” Ryan says excitedly as we’re escorted to our seats.

We’re so close to the field that I can smell earth upturned by cleats.

Jake, who’s warming up on the field, turns and greets us with a wave. We all wave back and even though Ryan’s seat is beside mine, he climbs up into my lap. I hug him against my chest, my heart so happy it could burst. I always knew I wanted to be a mom, but I never knew I could love a child this much so quickly.

As the players take their places on the field, we cheer and clap in time with the crowd.

The game is an amazing one, and Jake seems to fly across the field. He weaves between the opposing team, scrambling and jumping to catch the ball whenever he’s targeted by the quarterback. The entire team seems to be able to read one another’s minds. It’s an amazing sight to behold. I wish at that moment I’d gotten into football a little earlier. I’m still learning all the rules, but there’s no doubt that it’s both thrilling and entertaining. Though I’m not sure I like how my heart leaps into my throat every time someone tackles my man.

Ryan and I jump up and down every time Jake catches the ball, our voices almost gone by the time there’s only ten seconds left on the clock. The score is tied and you can hear a pin drop as everyone holds their breath for a final play.

At the last second possible, the quarterback rockets the ball in a desperate Hail Mary pass across the field. Out of nowhere, Jake seems to appear, outpacing the other players. He leaps what feels like an impossible distance into the air, hands closing around the ball as he falls into the end zone with ease. He leaps to his feet, holding the ball high above his head in celebration of the winning touchdown.

The crowd instantly goes crazy, chanting Jake’s name as the referees announce the play is good and Jake’s team wins the game.

We all cheer, thrilled at the dramatic ending of the game. I finally sink breathlessly into my seat, my voice hoarse from celebrating with my friends. Eric leans over to give me a high-five. Even Morgan, who hates sports, was on the edge of her seat the entire time.

“With three touchdowns and the most receiving yards, let’s give a big hand to this game’s MVP, Jacob Eckhart!” the announcer calls as he walks toward the center of the field.

Jake bounds over to accept his award and shake the man’s hand, waving again at the crowd as they chant ‘Hartbreak Kid’ over and over again.

“Want to say something, Jake?” the man offers, handing over the mic to my tight end.

Jake pants and takes a second to catch his breath, still winded from his hard-played game. I can see his shoulders rising and falling from here, delight sparkling in his eyes. Ryan again climbs into my lap, hugging me.

“When I'm a soccer star like Jake will you guys watch me play?” the little boy asks eagerly.

“You bet we will!” answers Morgan, leaning over to pinch Ryan’s cheek.

“Thanks for coming out to see us, everyone,” Jake says into the mic. “We always love the support of our fans. It makes the game worth playing and it keeps our spirits up.” He scans the crowd, finding us watching him; his grin widens. “But there are two people here tonight that make me want to play with all my heart, and that’s because the pair of them are my heart. Ryan, I love you, kiddo, and Stacy . . . I love you more than I can ever express. You both make me the best version of myself.”

I straighten in my chair, tears blossoming in my eyes. I swipe them away even as they streak down my cheeks. Hearing him say that makes my heart want to burst.

Jake walks over toward us while carrying the mic until he’s standing just beyond the railing of the field. I stand up, still holding Ryan, and we both stare down at Jake.

Jake beams from ear-to-ear, gazing right back at us. “Stacy, I want you to be a permanent fixture in my and Ryan’s lives. What I want . . .” he blows out an excited breath. “What I want is to marry you. It would make me the luckiest damn man in the entire world, to call you my own. I want to call you my wife. What do ya say?”

Again, the stands go wild. In the flurry of their excitement, I just stand there. I could pinch myself, I'm so sure that I'm dreaming.

The only thing that brings me back to reality is Ryan wriggling free of my hold and dropping to the ground. He pulls on my hand, his eyes huge and urgent. “Well, Stacy?” he cries. “Are you going to marry my uncle?”

“Yes!” I shriek, grabbing Ryan’s hand in mine and taking off down the short set of stairs to the field.

Ryan follows me, shrieking with joy the entire time, as the pair of us leap into Jake’s waiting arms. He crushes us against him and then pulls me against his chest so that he can kiss me deeply.

Everything else ceases to exist, fading away as I hold Ryan and Jake close to me and drink in Jake’s tender kiss.

“Well folks, there you have it,” the announcer says. “Hearts are breaking everywhere. The Hartbreak Kid is off the market!”

I cling to Jake’s strong body, and gaze into his eyes. “I love you, Jake Eckhart,” I whisper firmly, punctuating the claim with a kiss.

“And I love you, Stacy. Forever and always.”

“And I love both of you!” Ryan squeals, diving between us so that he’s swallowed by both of our arms. Jake and I plant kisses on either one of the boy’s cheeks, grinning at each other the entire time.

I’d been longing for my own happily ever after for a long time, but it seems it found me just when I’d stopped looking.









I lean down, sweeping my hands over the tops of my cleats, then straighten back up to stretch my arms over my head. I press my fingers against my neck, checking my heart rate, and then start to jog in place.

From the warm up tunnel, I can hear the familiar thrum of guitars and drums beating in perfect time as Eric’s voice ripples across the field. He’s giving it his all and the crowd is totally loving it.

The booking agents at the stadium were thrilled to get in contact with Eric’s band and immediately booked them for the big playoff game.

It’s been a helluva good year, both in my life and in my career. We’ve played our hearts out this season and it’s almost a sure bet that my team is going to the Super Bowl again in a few weeks. I can’t wait to take Stacy, Ryan, and all our friends with me. With them cheering me on, I'm unbeatable. I’ve broken all kinds of records, not just my own personal bests, but also ones set by incredible athletes before me.

Even though last year was the worst of my entire life, this one has easily been the best. With Stacy at my side, I feel so alive and energized all the time.

When I think back to how broken Ryan and I were before Stacy came into our lives, it makes my heart ache. We were both so lost and adrift, unable to connect and unable to deal with our pain, but Stacy has taken both of our hands in her tender ones and guided us forward.

How I ever got so lucky to have a woman like her on my arm, I have no idea.

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