Home > Jacob:Love on the Field (The Billionaire Boyfriend #5)(4)

Jacob:Love on the Field (The Billionaire Boyfriend #5)(4)
Author: Christina Benjamin

How am I supposed to make a difference with these kids if I'm constantly being held back?



Chapter 3






The rain still swirling down over New York City, I decide to drive my bright red BMW Coupe over to St. James Academy to pick up Ryan.

Because of my intensive practice schedule, I usually don’t do this myself, having the car service handle it. I used to have the nannies do it, but our latest one has quit yet again. It’s gotten to the point where we were going through nannies so quickly, I didn’t even have time to learn their names anymore. They never last, despite arriving pink-cheeked and eager to be working for the Jake Eckhart, Hartbreaker extraordinaire—that’s what my female fans call themselves.

The Hartbreakers show up at all my games, waving banners or posters with my motto, The Hartbreak Kid, painted on them.

I used to love standing there on the field, listening to the women chant my name, screaming and gushing over how much they want me. It’s surreal to be surrounded by that kind of intense love. Even though they know nothing about me, they still adore me. It’s flattering and a little disturbing simultaneously.

At first, I’d been perfectly happy hiring some of my fans when they’d apply to the nanny position to help me with Ryan’s care. I figured that they loved me so much, they’d love Ryan too. But as soon as I told them what I expected, which was to spend more time with my nephew than with me, they bailed.

I guess they’d imagined a gig where they got to wear tight dresses and seductively smile while on my arm at some star-studded event instead of actually looking after Ryan—and the few that did actually try to be a decent nanny for Ryan left because of his behavior.

I know he’s not perfect, but I also know the last year has been hell for us both.

Why can’t I just find the right person to be Ryan’s nanny?

Responsible, understanding, kind. Those are the traits he needs, as well as someone who isn’t completely obsessed with my celebrity status as a pro football star.

I'm so busy with my career that I desperately need someone else to help with him, but it seems no amount of money can find the type of person who will be the perfect fit. I’ve even tried multiple nanny agencies in town and they were of little help as well. No one even makes it a week. I’ve tried to talk to Ryan about how rude he can be with the nannies, but I can’t make the little man like someone, and I'm not going to force him to hang out with people he doesn’t like day in and day out.

I wish I could find someone who he took to naturally, but it’s not like I have time to screen a million caregivers. Not when I feel like I’ve already exhausted all available avenues with little luck.

I pull into the school parking lot and hear the car next to me blaring the popular new Disney movie song as two little girls merrily sing along with it.

Now that’s what I need—a Disney Princess to drop out of the sky.

“Fat chance,” I mutter to myself. I learned to stop believing in fairytales a long time ago.

As my car idles in the parking lot, Ryan is easy enough to spot. With just my short break during practice, I'm later than some of the other parents so there aren’t many kids left waiting to be picked up. Quickly, I park and slam the door shut, rushing through the rain.

I instantly feel the eyes of the other parents on me. Maybe I shouldn’t have driven my flashiest car. My BMW attracts a lot of attention and it isn’t exactly a kid-friendly vehicle, but it gets the job done. And I love driving it.

I ignore the stares and head toward Ryan. His eyes round as I approach, shooting to his feet so fast that his bright green backpack tumbles to his feet and all his stuff falls out. Luckily, he’s under the awning so his things don’t land in a puddle. With a chuckle, I help him pick everything up and put it away again.

“You’re picking me up today, Uncle Jake?” Ryan asks, delight in his small voice.

“You betcha. But before we go, is Miss Davis around?” I hadn't been able to get a hold of her when I called earlier, and I wanted to do Jenny proud and make more of an effort to track the teacher down.

Ryan deflates and rolls his eyes. He glances around then jerks his chin to the side where a woman is standing with her back to us, helping other kids get into cars from under the porte-cochere. My eyes linger on her, taking in her petite, curvy stature. I can’t see her face but the shape of her body is enticing.

You can take the kid out of the Hartbreaker, but not the Hartbreaker out of the kid, I suppose.

I clear my throat and rip my eyes back to focus on my nephew. “That her?”

“Yeah. Did she tell on me?” Ryan asks with a pout.

I grin and tickle his ribs until he finally cracks a little smile and squeals in laughter.

“Nope. I just want to introduce myself to your teacher. Your mom always did that, didn’t she?”

Ryan eyes me, then gives a faint nod. “I guess.”

“I’ll be right back, kiddo.” I squeeze his shoulder and then straighten, ignoring the pining looks of other housewives as I walk toward the cute brunette teacher.

Seeming to sense my approach, Miss Davis turns to look up at me as my powerful strides echo behind her. She’s beautiful, brown curls slipping from her bun to into her warm hazel eyes.

My steps falter and I stop a good five feet away from her. For a second, I’m completely frozen. It’s like I’ve forgotten how to make my legs work.

She smiles at me uncertainly, but there’s a warmth to her face that suddenly makes my nerves fade. “Miss Davis?”

She nods and I close the awkward distance between us, taking the small hand she extends. Her fingers are smooth and soft and the way she grips my hand while shaking it sends sparks through my veins.

“And you are?” she asks curiously.

“Jake Eckhart. I got your letter but when I called the school they said you weren’t available so I thought I’d just come and talk to you face-to-face if you’re free.”

Her eyes shift, skimming over a few of the other adults hanging around and then she takes a step closer and drops her voice. “That’s wonderful, Mr. Eckhart, but—”

“Jake,” I interrupt with a wince. “Please.” No one calls me Mr. Eckhart. It’s too stiff and formal.

She laughs, noting my expression. “In that case, you can call me Stacy. I'm not sure if you’re aware but Ryan’s been having quite some difficulties lately.”

As she talks she keeps glancing around us as though she’s worried some monster is going to pop out of the shadows. She’s clearly distracted. Maybe I should have picked a better time for this.

“I wasn’t aware, but it’s understandable considering his mother passed a year ago,” I say with a shrug, sure she’ll understand the circumstances and take it a little easier on the kid.

Her eyes soften, jaw dropping just a little. After a moment she recovers her even expression though there’s the faintest glimmer of sympathy in her eyes now. “I-I'm so sorry. I wasn’t informed of that. You must miss your wife dearly.”

I clear my throat, hand running through my hair. “My sister, actually. I took over as guardian for Ryan.”

A hand flies to her delicate mouth. Stacy’s cheeks flush pink in embarrassment. “Oh! I'm sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed.”

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