Home > The Best Man Wins:A Steamy Romantic Comedy(40)

The Best Man Wins:A Steamy Romantic Comedy(40)
Author: Adora Crooks

She notices but then simply smiles. “After the wedding.”

“Of course.” There’s enough drama brewing around this day. We don’t need to throw a matchstick in the fire by making a public display of our relationship.

We part ways, and I go to join Ray’s clan. He’s surrounded by his best men.

“Hey, buddy, you got the ring?” Ray asks.

I pick it out of my pocket and hold it up for him to see. “I told you I’d keep it safe.”

Now a big smile splits across Ray’s face. “Knew I could count on you.”

“Are you ready for this?” I ask pointedly. “Everything.” The wedding. The pending baby. A future with my sister.

“I’m ready,” Ray says firmly. “I’ve never been readier.” He looks around between his best men, throws up his arms, and shouts, “Hey, y’all! I’m getting married!”

They hoot and holler their cheers. Despite myself, I join in.

Here we go.









The farmhouse is bustling.

Roxanne orchestrates the kitchen, hollering at the caterers. It smells great. I wave to her briefly, and she tosses me a big smile. “Today’s the day!”

Yes. Yes, it sure is.

I scramble into my bedroom and shimmy out of my clothes. We’ll have to make this quick. I rinse off, pat myself dry, and yank a dress over my hips. I slip into a pair of flats, apply mascara to my eyes, and then I get to work on my hair. I tie the golden strands together into twin braids that fishtail down the back. Lastly, I pull my Bluetooth headpiece out of my bag and clip it on my ear so I can reach Thom and Marlee at a moment’s notice.

Something is missing. I scrunch my nose up at my reflection in the mirror. Then I see it. The powder blue jacket that Braxton got me is hanging on a hook behind me, so I slip that over my shoulders.

There. Perfect. Now it’s showtime.

I can hear a commotion down the hall. I exit my room and follow the noise. I find all the bridesmaids shoved into Cora’s room. They’ve made a chain, doing each other’s hair and chatting.

“Do you think they’ll have moonshine after the party?” Cynthia says as she knots Candace’s hair.

“Oh, I do hope so,” Candace replies. “In little mason jars? That would be positively darling.”

The woman of the hour sits at the center of attention. She’s sitting on the edge of the bed, looking in the mirror and directing. Two girls flock around her hair at once, but as soon as she sees me, she stands.

“Susie—oh, I’m so glad you’re here.” Already, her eyes look misty.

She’s a vision. She’s wearing a classy white, rustic dress. It hugs her figure, with tiny little beads threaded in floral designs along the front and embroidered lace running down her sleeves.

But it’s more than the dress. She’s beaming. The color has returned to her face, and she can’t stop smiling.

Now I think I might cry. My fingers cover my mouth. “You changed your dress,” I remark.

Cora shrugs, but she’s smiling. “The inspiration hit me. Finally.”

“You look beautiful.”

Cora’s lower lip starts trembling again. She launches herself at me then and wraps her arms around me. I hug her back, squeezing her tightly. “I couldn’t have done it without you,” she whispers.

“Yes,” I tell her. “You could.”

We break and she puts her hand to her nose. “I’ve been trying so hard not to cry all day. I keep reapplying my makeup.”

“You’re gorgeous,” I tell her. “No matter what.” I give her shoulder a squeeze. “I’m going to go make sure everything’s all set up, okay? But call me if you need anything. Anything. And I’ll come running.”

“Yes, yes, of course,” Cora says and motions me away. “I’ll be here. Trying to hold my mascara together.”

I can’t help but grin. “You’ve got this.”

I step away from her. There’s just one more thread I have to tie up before I can count this as a success. I pull Lena aside and ask, “Have you seen Mandy?”

Lena jabs her thumb over her shoulder. “I think she’s on the porch.”

“Thank you.” I head downstairs and dash outside, looking for the wandering bridesmaid.

Mandy is leaning against the railing. She has a cigarette hanging between her fingers, pink curlers in her hair, and she’s staring off into the trees behind the house. When the screen door squeaks closed behind me, she glances at me and offers me a small smile.

“Hey,” she says.

“Hey yourself.” I park myself next to her, propping my elbows on the railing.

“I had to get out of there for a second,” she says. “Smelled too much like burnt ends and hairspray.”

I laugh. “You’re not kidding.” I let the silence settle between us for only a second before I sigh. “Listen…I know today must be hard on you. And if there’s anything I can do…”

“I’m not going to throw the wedding, if that’s what you’re worried about.” Mandy taps the ash from her cigarette over the edge of the railing.

Inwardly, I’m relieved. Technically, I could walk away now, job well done. But I look at her and she’s got a deep frown on her face.

No. Not job well done. I will not let one heart break today. I glance up at her and ask, “What changed your mind?”

Mandy tilts her head. “Look at that dumb oaf.”

I look up and spot Ray among his small bachelor party. He is making his rounds around the barn animals, loudly letting them all know, “I’m getting married!” A collie dog scampers away from him and his overwhelming enthusiasm and goes to hide in the barn.

Finally, a grin breaks across Mandy’s face. “I’ve never seen him this happy before.” She wets her lips and then adds, sincerely, “I love him too much to take that away from him.”

I nod at that, understanding. “You’re a good friend, Mandy. He’s lucky to have you in his life.”

“Yeah,” she says. But the sadness has lifted from her tone. She’s proud of that. And she should be. She lifts her hand toward him then and adds, “If he acts this much like a child through the whole wedding, though, I might have to disown his ass.”

I laugh at that. “What would they do without us?” I wink. I give her arm a light squeeze.

“Susie. Are you on?” Thom’s voice echoes through my ear.

I hold up a one second finger to Mandy and press against my earpiece. “I’m here.”

“Ten minutes before this place goes nuclear. Grab your ducklings.”

“Copy that.” I grip Mandy’s arm and guide her inside. “Come on—inside.” She puts out her cigarette, and we both rush upstairs to Cora’s room. I clap my hands to get everyone’s attention. “Hurry up time!” I call out. “Ten minutes, ladies!”

The scramble that follows is impressive. For once, the Southern locals and Northern transplants move as one beast, swapping hair spray and eyeliner to speed up the process. I’m proud of Team Cora; they’re all ready to go before I even call time.

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