Home > Villain (Hero #1.5)(4)

Villain (Hero #1.5)(4)
Author: Samantha Young

Why was Alexa unacknowledged?

I turned my attention back to the mystery of Alexa Holland and started weeding through the stories of Alistair’s disinheritance. At first I couldn’t find anything about Julie or the reason why he’d been disinherited. The society pages speculated but no one really knew anything real. However, as the minutes gave way to hours and my eyes blurred, something pushed at the edges of my brain.

A date.


I rifled through my folders and found the one I was looking for.

The articles on Caine’s tragic childhood.

“The dates,” I whispered to myself.

No. That was mere speculation too… I had no evidence.

But everything somehow connected.

No. I shook my head. Surely someone else would have put this together if it did.

But then no one else knew about Alexa. About Julie.

My eyes flicked to the date on the short article in the newspaper about Caine’s father’s suicide. And then I looked at the old society pages announcing Alistair’s disinheritance. They were only weeks apart.

All the information started whirling around in my head. Caine’s mother worked in an upmarket shop in Beacon Hill. From the one photo I’d found of her, she was extremely beautiful. A beautiful shop girl in Beacon Hill would have tempted Alistair Holland, a known philanderer. Did they have an affair? From the stuff I had on Alistair, I knew he’d run into trouble in his youth with drink and drugs. Was there a connection to him and Caine’s mother’s death? Is that why Edward Holland disinherited him and he ran off to Connecticut to be with Julie Brown and his illegitimate daughter?

So why would Caine hire the daughter of the man who could’ve been involved in his mother’s death?

“Your imagination is getting the better of you.” I sank back in my seat, thinking perhaps I should have been a fiction writer instead of a meteorologist.

But the idea that there was something in the story made me antsy.

And I didn’t want to stop until I’d proved or disproved my theory.

“Why?” I huffed to myself.

It wasn’t like I had any intention of actually taking this story to Dick.

No… but if there were truth in it, I could take it to Caine and tell him what Dick was up to. Seeing how easy it was for a nonresearcher to put the pieces together might light a fire in Caine to put a stop to Dick digging into his history. And consequently, hopefully, put a stop to Dick messing with me.

I stared at the photos of Alexa and Caine. Their mystery was intriguing but more than that, it could save my job.

My eyes flicked from Alexa to Henry Lexington. I’d bet everything I owned that handsome blueblood knew the truth.

I’d also bet everything I owned that he’d never tell.

His hand rested proprietarily on Alexa’s slender hip. She looked like a lot of the women he dated, if not more striking than most. I wasn’t exactly his type but it was possible, if I could find a way to meet him, the known womanizer might be swayed by my feminine wiles.

Or not, the insecure voice in my head said.

There had to be a way to find out the truth without turning to Lexington.

There just had to be.


Joe was a better researcher than I was and he’d managed to find me Caine Carraway’s childhood apartment. My thinking was that perhaps someone who lived in the building at the time might still live there and be able to give me some answers.

It was a Saturday and I should’ve been spending the little free time I had relaxing or sleeping, but I had to follow up on my theory.

Dick had asked me into his office the day before, and it had lit a fire under my ass.

“Anything?” he asked as I’d closed the door behind me.

“Not a thing,” I lied.

To my revulsion, he invaded my personal space, placing his hands at either side of my head on the door as he leaned in. “I don’t have to remind you what’s on the line, do I?”

I’d wanted to lift my knee and slam it into his crotch but, as usual, I was wearing a tight pencil skirt, which restricted that kind of movement.

Instead I seethed. “You might want to take a step back.”

He leaned in further until his breath whispered across my lips. His cologne was spicy, cloying, and might as well have been a pillow over my face for how suffocated it made me feel. “You might want to put a little more effort into this story, Nadia. One call to the right reporter and your career goes up in flames.”

“Imelda Worthington won’t take my calls.”

“That’s it?” he sneered. “That’s all you’ve done?” His eyes washed over my face and then dropped to my chest. “So you really are just a piece of ass, huh.”

One day I was going to snap. I could feel it. He was going to reduce me to physical violence. I hated him. “No, I’ve been looking. But if there’s a story, Carraway has buried it deep. Which wouldn’t surprise me considering who he is. He has money and resources we don’t have. Plus, I have to be careful so I don’t alert him that I’m looking into him.”

Dick sighed. “Try Imelda again.” He dropped one hand to my shoulder and ran it slowly down my arm, deliberately brushing the side of my breast with his fingers. “You have a week.”

I shrugged his hand off and fumbled for the door handle. Yanking the door open with all my strength forced him to stumble back and I shot out of his office.

Not wanting to see anyone, I’d locked myself in the ladies’ restroom and fought a battle with tears. There was no way in hell I’d let him get away with making me cry. I thought of his touch and the way it made my skin crawl, like a thousand tiny spiders had followed in the wake of his hand on my body.

This was the point I needed to tell the powers that be what he was doing.

Touching me was crossing the line.

But anger had started to course through me from the moment he’d put his hands on me, an anger so hot its flames burned all those creepy little spiders to ash.

No, he wouldn’t get away with this, but I wasn’t going to take it to the executives and eventually lose my job. I was going to prove my Caine and Alexa theory and use Caine as a weapon to destroy my lecherous, asshole boss.

So it was taking me down a dark path, making me like him in a way, yet right then, staring into the mirror at that angry, vulnerable woman, I didn’t care.

All I cared about was showing Dick that I had power and he couldn’t take it from me.

No one could.

Shaking off the memory of yesterday, I grabbed my purse and opened the door to my apartment with every intention of jumping in a cab to the address Joe had given me.

However, a man blocked my way.

He stood in my doorway, his fist raised as if to knock.

Shocked, I stared up at his familiar face.

Why the hell was Henry Lexington standing in my doorway?

His vibrant blue eyes met mine and for a moment, neither of us said a word. Silence stretched thinly between us, and I suddenly realized I was holding my breath.

Lexington quite abruptly broke the silence. “Miss Ray?”

“Yes, what—”

“We need to talk.” He pushed past me and walked into my apartment without an invitation.

For a moment, I stood there with my mouth open, asking myself if that had just happened. Were people really that rude?

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