Home > My Sweet Bully (Enemies to Lovers High School Romance)(31)

My Sweet Bully (Enemies to Lovers High School Romance)(31)
Author: Penny Wylder

'We're still on for tonight, right?' Hitting send, I wait, watching the screen as the little dots move, letting me know he's typing.

“Actually, I haven't. I don't think I've seen him in a day or two.”

She's right, he hasn't been to school much at all, not since his brother got home. And there's more too.

He won't kiss me while we're out together, he won't hold my hand. He hasn't even told me he loves me again, even though I've said it to him a few times. He just smiles and tells me he knows.

There's no spark in his eyes. They've turned into dull emeralds. Lackluster, cold. It feels like he's constantly looking over his shoulder every time we’re together, and I don't know why.

'Yeah, I said I would.' His text pops up on my phone.

“He says yes,” I tell Amy. Typing him back quickly, I hold the phone in my palm.

'Pick you up at six. Sound good?'

The dots roll, and my phone vibrates as his message comes through. 'Meet you there. I have a few things to do this afternoon.'

Holding my phone out so Amy can read the message, I ask, “Should I be worried?”

Folding her mouth into a relaxed frown, she brushes it off. “Nah, I wouldn't worry. He said he'll meet you there.” Her frown quickly turns into a bright smile. “But that means we can go together now. Come to my house and get ready, I'll just have Ben meet me there too. We'll go together. It'll be fucking sweet,” she says with excitement. Reaching out her hand, she grabs my arm and squeezes.

I just stare at my phone. There are no more dots dancing at the bottom of my screen. He isn't writing back.

No love you too, I'll see you soon.

I'm losing him.

Maybe he's already gone?

I can't stand the pit in my gut at the thought. But the signs are hard to ignore.

“I gotta get to class,” Amy says. “I'll see you later.”

I throw her a wave and watch her as she skips down the hall. She's right; it'll be fun to get dressed up together. The hair, the makeup, the dress and heels. I'm being as positive as possible.

The rest of the day drags as usual. Math and French seem to last forever as I watch the clock. When the final bell rings, I dart to my car, and drive home to get my stuff for the dance.

Draping my dress across the back seat, I set my makeup case on the floor, and climb in the front. The drive to Amy's is quick, only about ten minutes.

She's standing in the front door, jittery and bouncing as she flags me inside. “I love that dress! It looked so good on you the first time you tried it on. I knew it was perfect for you. Are you excited?”

“I am,” I say with a big smile.

It's hitting me now. The butterflies, the knots, the weight in my belly.

It's prom. What's more exciting and romantic than that?

Amy and I slip into our dresses and do each other's hair. Hers is half up, with tight spiral curls around her face. I go with an up-do, keeping it slightly loose so strands fall out on their own.

I shade my lids with rose petal pink, and a splash of sparkles. A light gloss coats my lips, and the bronze highlights contour the curves of my face.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I feel pretty.

“We look so fuckable.” Amy stands next to me, twisting her back against mine as she holds up an invisible gun. “Come on, Charlie's Angels with me.”

Giggling, I hold up matching gun fingers, and press my back into hers as I cock my leg out the slit of my dress.

“We really do look sexy as hell.”

In strappy, silver heels, and a long, rose pink gown, the back is open all the way down to the small of my back, showcasing the dimples right above my ass. Thin ties wrap around my neck, and sequins create sweeping designs down the right side of my hip, flowing out across the front.

“We're gonna turn some heads tonight. Ben is going to meet me there, and he's giving me a ride home, so you don't have to worry. This way, you and Max don't have a third wheel after prom.” Amy bends over, adjusting the strap on her heel. “This is why I hate heels. Whoever invented these shoes hates feet, I swear.”

“Yeah, but your legs look so long.”

She pops up straight and runs her fingers gently through the loose strands in the front. “They do, don't they?” Pointing a toe out, she tightens and twists her leg so her calf muscle pops.

Giggling, I slap her arm lightly and grab my clutch. “I'm ready, let's do this.”

Her mom takes a few pictures of us and I have her take a few on my phone so I can send them to my parents. I feel good. I'm actually really looking forward to tonight.

Arriving at the school, there are lights out in front that are shooting towering beams into the sky. A banner is hanging over the entrance, welcoming the seniors to a starry night.

Amy grabs my hand, and squeals. “This is going to be awesome. Ben has no idea what he's in for. He's getting laid tonight.”

“Ew, gross,” I say, sticking out my tongue. “Can you not detail that part of the night for me when I talk to you tomorrow?”

“Ha ha.” Her voice is sarcastic as shit as she rolls her eyes. “And the answer is no. I'm going to happily share every detail. Everything. From tip to tail, or should I say crown to base?” Smirking, she bares her teeth.

“You really need to understand the term TMI.”

Amy scoops her arm into mine, bumping into me as we walk up the steps to the front doors. “Don't lie, you know you'll be asking me all about it.”

The music is making its way out to us before we're even inside. Amy hands her ticket in first, and I follow suit. “You girls know there's no alcohol allowed, right?” the teacher asks, giving us a side eye.

Amy huffs lightly, scrunching her face. “Do we look like we have alcohol stashed someplace?” Holding out her arms, she spins in a circle.

The teacher smiles coyly, giving us a nod that we can pass. “Have fun, girls.”

Taking in a deep breath, my heart is going wild with anticipation.

Tonight's going to be a good night.

Our heels click in tandem, like the perfectly synchronized clop of a horse trotting proudly. Amy and I are wearing big smiles, giggling as we make our way into the gymnasium. I can't help it, I feel giddy.

The lighting is dim, more strobe lights flash across the ceiling, making the dangling silver stars sparkle. White linen covered tables decorate the outer edges, leaving the center open as a giant dance floor.

“Do you see Max?” I ask Amy, holding her arm, and looking around the room.

“Um. . .” She lifts onto her toes, spinning in a circle. “I don't,” she says, dropping back down onto her heels.

“Guess who?” Large hands come around Amy's face, and cover her eyes.

Startled, she inhales a quick burst of air, releasing it into a laugh. “Bentley, you scared me to death.” She pulls his hand off her face and spins around to hug him.

“Hey, Prairie.” Ben gives me a smile as he holds Amy.

“Hey,” I say, my eyes searching behind him.

Where's Max?

Ben tilts his head into his chest, a slight smile creeping across his face as he wraps Amy tighter. “You wanna dance?”

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