Home > Otterly Scorched(39)

Otterly Scorched(39)
Author: Tara Sivec

Oh that’s right. Because this is our first date, and even though he’s no longer the womanizing douchebag he used to be, should I really be doing this on date one? Just like every other female he’s ever come in contact with before me?

Ovaries: Yes. 100 percent yes.

Shut up. Your opinion is invalid. You only care about sex.

Ovaries: That is literally the only reason we were put in your body. Are you new here?

“What’s wrong? Is this too much? Too fast?” Dax asks, his brows furrowing, clearly worried that I might be freaking out.

Ovaries: You are freaking out. It’s annoying. Stop it.

“I don’t know. Maybe?” I reply softly.

“You’re right.” He nods, his grip around my neck and my waist easing a little. “Having sex on the first date can be uncomfortable and awkward, especially if trust has not fully been built between the couple. It’s best to wait until at least the third date, when a mutual discussion has been had and agreed upon, which will foster a much more respectful relationship.”

I smile at him, a little bit of my anxiety easing.

“No more googling for you. And for the record, I do trust you. And I really, really want to keep doing what we were just doing.”

“But?” Dax asks when I pause.

I clear my throat, looking away from his concerned eyes to stare at the tattoo design swirling up out of the opening of his shirt.

“You know you can say anything to me, right?” Dax asks softly.

I continue following the lines of a rose vine inked onto Dax’s collarbone, and his grip on me becomes less possessive, and more soft and comforting.

Closing my eyes, I blurt out my insecurities as fast as possible.

“I know we make jokes about me forgetting guys I date, but I’m the one who’s forgettable. And you had a reputation. And I’m sorry I’m thinking about that right now, and I know that’s shitty of me when you’ve done everything you can to show me you’ve changed. I know you’ve changed. I know you’re not that person anymore. I just… I just don’t want this to happen and then have you forget about me, because that would really suck.”

By the time I get to that last part, I’m whispering so softly I’m not even sure he heard me. I expect to hear a chuckle out of Dax and a comment about me being ridiculous, but he doesn’t say anything for several long, quiet seconds. Then, he bends his knees and ducks his head until he can find my eyes, forcing me to follow them when he stands back up.

“Your favorite music is the soundtrack from The Greatest Showman, but you tell everyone it’s Alanis’s Jagged Little Pill album, so people won’t think you’re less of a badass,” he tells me softly, making me roll my eyes.

“I love them both equally. I just feel a little less emo when I’m belting out “This is Me” in the shower.”

He kisses the tip of my nose before continuing, and I rest my palms on his chest.

“Whenever anyone asks you what your favorite animal is, you go into a deep rage about how all animals should receive the same amount of love. You do so much for your family, putting their needs before your own all the time, that I don’t understand how you haven’t had a complete breakdown yet. You rub the tip of your nose twice when you’re nervous about something. You eat the white of your sunny-side up eggs completely before you even touch the yolk. You always order pizza with sausage, even though you forget the word for sausage, and you always pick it off and never eat it.”

I roll my eyes at him again.

“Very funny. I like the flavor sausage leaves on the pizza; I just don’t want to eat it. I order it, because my dad and Davidson like it.”

Dax smiles sweetly at me, I get all warm and gooey inside once more, and he continues.

“You love coconut-flavored things, but you hate actual coconut. You don’t have one single match to any of the socks you own. You love to play golf, but you will immediately fall asleep and take a nap if it’s on television. You love going in hot tubs, but you think taking baths is disgusting. You’re funny, and you’re kind, and you tell me when I’m being an idiot, and you calm me when I’m losing my mind. You have a big heart, and you can put away an insane amount of food for someone so small, and if you think for one minute that I could ever, ever forget about you, Harley Blake, you have lost your goddamn mind.”

Both of his hands come up to cradle my face, and I clutch tightly onto his vest before my knees give out at how much better he is than me with words and stuff.

“I’ve been waiting for a second chance with you for five years. We don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for. You are too important to me to screw this up and—”

“Shut up.” I laugh, blinking away the stupid tears that were pooling in my eyes.

“Seriously, I—”

Pushing up on my toes, I cut him off again with a quick kiss, pulling back to look at him.

“Just shut up,” I whisper. “You had me at ‘How’s that half-dash of cinnamon been working out for you, sweetheart?’”

Dax’s mouth that I want back on mine as soon as possible drops open in shock a little.

“Really? The first day we saw each other again, huh?”

He smirks, and I glare at him.

“Whatever. Like you didn’t see this coming.”

Leaning forward, I press my lips against his bottom lip and then gently drag that full, gorgeous thing through my teeth. Dax groans, and his hips jerk against me, letting me know my pausing of our festivities to have feelings and shit did not bore the beast in his pants to sleep.

He drops his hands from my face to wrap them around me again and hug me tightly to him. Sliding my arms the rest of the way up his chest to wrap them around Dax’s shoulders, I kiss my way from his mouth to his ear. Then, I apply the same treatment to his earlobe that I did with his bottom lip, dragging it through my teeth and smiling when I hear him groan again, and his arms get tighter around my waist.

“I’m still game if you are,” I whisper in his ear.

A loud shriek comes out of me when Dax immediately lifts me up off the ground, and I quickly wrap both my legs around his waist. I laugh as he frantically struggles with my front door handle until he finally gets it open and hurriedly carries me into my house, tightly held against him.

I stop laughing when we’re inside my completely dark house. Dax slams the door closed behind us and then slams me up against the wall in my entryway, along with his mouth against mine.

His tongue plunges deeply into my mouth, and my thighs tighten around his hips, urging him to start moving between my legs again before I die. Dax starts thrusting his hips between my thighs, his cock rubbing against that perfect spot over and over again, until I’m so wet I know I’m going to die.

I’m clawing at his back as our kiss gets harder and more desperate, when one of his hands smacks against the wall next to my head. His other hand goes under the skirt of my dress to grab tightly to my ass, pulling my body forward and helping me roughly rub against him until I have to yank my mouth away from Dax’s so I can breathe.

His head immediately drops back down to that spot between my neck and shoulder. When he bites down and then sucks at the same time he jerks roughly between my thighs, the slow burn that has been creeping through my body all night turns into an explosion.

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