Home > Sunken Empire (Saga of Evanescent Realms, #1)(18)

Sunken Empire (Saga of Evanescent Realms, #1)(18)
Author: Brandy Slaven

Letting my eyelids drop, for a moment I could swear I see a thin sliver of a gold thread connecting the two of us. Something to think on and maybe ask them about. Too bad I'm cut off from being able to.

"Open your mouth," he purrs at my side.

Throwing all my faith into this one action, I almost flinch away when something cold hits my tongue. Human instincts scream ice cream, but it doesn't have the solid sweetness of the dessert. For a split second, it's bitter then gives way to an intoxicating taste that almost rivals kissing the man who feeds me.

A thumb skims across my bottom lip, begging for entrance, and I don't leave him waiting. The next bite is from Zephyr's fingers themselves. I let my tongue run over his skin as he places what feels like an almond on top of it. Not wanting to waste the moment, I seal my lips shut over his fingers almost a second too late. A low rumble from his chest is the only warning I get before his body scoots closer to mine on the seat, bringing a salty-sweet scent and warmth that makes me want to rub against him like a cat.

When I finally bite down into the crunchy nut thing in my mouth, I let out that groan that almost slipped earlier. It tastes just like Zephyr. Before I know what's happening, I'm standing to straddle the seat between his legs and lowering my face to claim his lips. The bowl clatters to the table right before his hands wrap around the back of my thighs to work their way up to my hips. He uses it to yank our bodies flush against each other. This time, I'm the one making the purring noise.

All of that tanned skin is warm underneath my fingertips as I run them across his bare shoulders and up into the sandy brown locks. Clenching fistfuls of it, I try to pull him even closer which still doesn't feel like it's close enough. He sucks my bottom lip through his teeth until it's borderline painful before licking it and giving it back. I bite his tongue in retaliation and he just chuckles, vibration rolling through those sculpted pecs and straight into my hardening nipples. If this place was so magical and in tune to what I really wanted, this sexy mer prince would have lost the last of his clothes forever ago, and we'd be upstairs alone somewhere.

It isn't until I absolutely need a good breath of air that I pull back slightly. I didn't realize how much I wasn't having to actually lean down, because even in our positions the top of his head comes above my chin. Damn near perfect angle to catch the molten gold swirling in the depths of his irises. I'm pretty sure they weren't doing that before.

As much as I hate to say it, I forgot the other two Zs were even still sitting here while being locked into Zephyr. My face flames, noticing the two of them from the corner of my eye watching the show. Shame has my gaze dropping to where our bodies are still connected.

He lifts my chin back up until we're staring at each other once more. "Don't do that, little siren. My brothers don't mind you kissing me. They're probably just jealous its not them in my seat."

My cheeks must be as cherry red as the little firebomb candies, and I can't seem to bring myself to look in Zanthus and Zale's direction.

The latter doesn't give me much of a choice as he says my name in that same tone Zephyr just used. "Things work different here, damselfish. Even before the wars when numbers were even with men and women, it came as no surprise to find multiple mer in one relationship. Back then it was more of convenience and what each could bring to their own school, or family as humans call it."

"How's ours any different? If I weren't the only woman here, you might each have your own," I tell them, pushing against Zephyr's chest. I shouldn't be trying to claim these mer princes as my own when they don't have any options to choose from. There's definitely much better out there than my eccentric self.

With his hands still at my hips, he refuses to let me budge an inch as Zanthus speaks, "There could be three times as many females here, and we'd still choose you, Eurybia. Nothing has ever called to me like you did on the back of that ship."

"Besides," Zales starts as I force my gaze back to him from Zanthus, "you've got something inside that calls to each of us."

He runs a palm across his chest, drawing my attention there and I instantly know what he's talking about. That golden string I'd glimpsed momentarily between Zephyr and myself.

"Do we all have the strings?" I ask absentmindedly flicking my eyes back down to see if it's visible again.

Zeph looks up in shock, and my head turns to the others. One of Zanthus' eyebrows is pulled up in surprise, and Zale's mouth hangs open.

"What? Is that not normal?" I ask worriedly.

"You saw a fate bond?" Zale replies, ignoring my question.

I shrug. "I don't know what that is."

After I explain what I saw between Zeph and me, Zale metaphorically rocks back on his heels as Zephyr locks his arms completely around my ass and presses his face into my belly.

Without thought, I push my fingers through the strands of sandy blonde hair on his crown.

"Is that the only one you've seen?" Zale questions quietly.

At my nod, Zanthus grunts and gets up from the table to storm out the door.

"What's his problem?" I ask defensively since I feel like that was my fault.

"He's just jealous," Zeph murmurs against my stomach, his warm breath breaching the microscopic holes and teasing my bare skin.

Zale rests his forearms on the table as he studies my face. "I was going to wait until we knew for sure, but I think you may be our mate."

I let my expression show the confusion resting inside of me right now.

"We're fated to be together," he tries again.

Zephyr's shoulder shakes slightly underneath my palms before he twists his head to face his brother without lifting it from my stomach. "Humans don't believe in stuff like that, brother."

Zale doesn't acknowledge his retort. He simply watches the gears move in my mind and lets me catch up on this new train of information.

It doesn't take me long before I'm asking, "That thread means Zeph is my mate?"

I can feel the mer's lips turn up at my use of the name his brothers use while Zale nods.

"If I'm not mistaken, you'll have at least two more of those to myself and Zanthus. It's possible they may not make themselves known until after we unlock your magic. And now Zanthus' fit makes sense.

"He's worried he won't have one, isn't he?" I murmur.

Zale nods, but I know deep down his brother is fretting for nothing. Even if they didn't feel the pull, I can. Magic or no. These three mer princes are mine. I'd been determined to help them lift this curse, but it felt nothing like breaking out of the barrier and popping back in. I think he's right about awakening my magic. Just the touch I've felt so far woke up whatever's inside of me. As angry as I was about the thought of them abandoning me, once everything came to light there's been a slight pressure from somewhere deep in my chest that's been reaching for them.

Locking Zephyr's cheeks between my palms, I press a soft, less demanding kiss against his lips before telling them, "I'll be back."

"Go careful with him, damselfish. Out of any of us, he thinks he deserves the least," Zale pleads.



I'm almost surprised I am able to pry Zephyr's arms away from my waist, though it was quite the battle. Our discussion and revelations seemed to set off a primal thing that had been lying underneath his skin this entire time. If it wasn't for a silent exchange between him and Zale, I can't be sure I would've made it out of the kitchen.

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