Home > Sunken Empire (Saga of Evanescent Realms, #1)(31)

Sunken Empire (Saga of Evanescent Realms, #1)(31)
Author: Brandy Slaven

Zephyr lands a kiss between my eyebrows where I can feel my forehead creasing as he says, "You're thinking too hard, little siren. One battle at a time, yeah?"

At my nod, he kisses my worries to the back of my mind. If it wasn't for other responsibilities, I would entice him to make good on his promise of lying here all day. Alas, when he stands, I let him pull me to my feet. After being on the moving bed all night, stepping foot on solid ground makes me tilt sideways and grab ahold of Zeph's arm to keep myself steady. He smirks and gives me a great view of tanned ass cheeks as he strolls over to grab some clothes from the closet. If I had to choose between those stocky long muscled legs and his gorgeous golden tail, I don't think I could to save my life. Naturally, that's excluding the large third appendage in his human form because that would be a no brainer right there.

"Like what you see?" he asks, standing boldly a few feet away with clothing in each hand.

Recognizing that I’m in fact staring at the object of my thoughts, I brazenly lift my eyes to his. No heat fills my face like it normally would because this is my mate, and I'll look at any part of him how I damn well please. As if sensing the direction of my thoughts, molten gold flares to life in his eyes in warning. As much as I'd love to drag him back to the sheets, our time-sensitive problems weigh heavy on my shoulders.

Closing the little bit of distance between us, I raise up on my toes and he bends down to allow me to place a short kiss against his lips. He hands over the plum-colored sundress, and I slip it on as he pulls a pair of light blue jeans on. We both glance down at the same time to see if his are as tight as Zanthus' were after we mated. I can't be sure if Zephyr's relieved or not when a laugh springs from him. The material seems to be as skin tight as they ever were, but now they've got ripped holes around the knees and fraying seams. He looks like a surfer hippie straight off the beach.

I shrug at him because even though I didn't ask for the closet to change his clothes, it's exactly how I see him in my head. "I'm not going to apologize," I tell him, hiding my smile.

He mimics my shoulder movement and confesses, "You can put me in a dress for all I care if it'll make you happy. I'm pretty fond of these already."

"You're going to spoil your reputation if you keep talking like that," I tease, taking the lead towards the bathroom door. I try to make him wait outside, but that does no good. He just strolls inside like he owns the place, which he kind of does, and plops his ass up on the sink while I pee, attempting to ignore him. Finishing, I move to his side to wash my hands and catch my reflection in the mirror. Holy mother of the sea. My dark hair is scrunched and tangled in sections. Other places it sticks out at awkward angles. There's no chance I'm getting a hairbrush through this mess without washing it first.

Zephyr gives me an amused appreciative study as I whip the dress back over my head. I set it on the counter before making my way over to the shower.

"Would you rather have a bath?" a deep voice whispers in my ear.

My reply is swift. "You're damn right I do if you're going to be joining me."

His low chuckle vibrates through my back where our bare skin is connected. Keeping us that way, he guides us over to double doors in the corner. They open like an old closet I remember. The floor drops down a step, making my toes brush the top lip of a massive tub.

"I thought you said the shower doubled as a bath," I accuse suspiciously, watching his muscles flex as he bends down to flick the water on.

He huffs humorously, "Zale's does. I didn't trick you, little siren. Just because we are brothers doesn't mean our preferences are exactly the same past our beautiful mate. Now, step in. I'll be back in a moment."

The scent of the ocean fills up the room with steam, and I waste no time doing as I'm told. My body sinks to the bottom almost sucking my entire head underneath the surface before I start floating and bringing the water to neck level. Feeling all of the tension in my muscles slowly fading, it's easy to rest my head back against the side of the gigantic tub. It's a wide enough oval to fit the three Zs in here comfortably. I'd have to sit on someone's lap were we all in here together, which truthfully sounds like a fun time. My fingers drift across the deep blue color that reminds me of looking out past the barrier into open water.

"Haven't fallen asleep in here yet, have you?" Zeph asks, slipping down into the water at my side.

I snort. "Not likely when I'm thinking about having all three of my mates in here with me."

A soft rumble starts in his chest, and his voice drops an octave as he asks, "Want me to call them in here?"

Leaning my face toward him, I want to get a read off his expression because I can't tell if that was anger in his tone. If the swirling gold wasn't enough of an answer, when he lifts me to sit between his legs, the large aroused cock against my back would be. It makes my reply an easy one. "No. Let's save that idea for later, though."

There's a puff of warm air against my shoulder that's above the surface. Then a brush makes an appearance in his hands seemingly out of nowhere. Every coherent thought evaporates as he pulls it lightly through the tangled mess. I think to warn him to be careful with the braid that's home to Zanthus's gift, but it's unnecessary. He drapes it down my chest as he continues his work on the rest. I become nothing more than putty trapped between his thick thighs with each stroke of the brush. What's even better is that I can feel the brine cleaning every pore on my body as I'm sure it's doing to my hair as well seeing that Zeph is dipping the brush in the water at regular intervals. I used to buy all that expensive stuff like brand name soaps and perfume and even had quite a stash with me on the ship. Since being in this realm, I've grown so accustomed to the salty ocean water scent that it would be a difficult habit to go back to. Not like I ever am, but still.

Zephyr sets the brush down and his fingers work deftly around the crown of my head. It only takes a few moments before my eyes are closing.

They're flying back open promptly after as Zeph proudly announces, "Done."

"Remind me to have you play with my hair the next time I can't sleep," I advise, drawing a slight chuckle from him. The sound attracts the attention of my lady parts. Before we can get caught up in another whirlwind, I jump up, splashing water everywhere.

"Your turn," I say, spinning around.

His beam is breathtaking, but he scoots forward, giving me enough space to squeeze in behind him. Neither of us speak as I start separating his beaded strands, leaving them to hang freely over his shoulder like he did mine. I'm about two brush strokes in when he finally confesses, "I used to sit with my mother and watch her handmaids do her hair. One named Nette took notice and taught me a few things. Then when I started getting older and the younger ones were too distracted by me to do my mother's hair properly, I wasn't allowed to be in there anymore."

"That hardly seems fair," I sympathize while his silky locks filter through my fingers.

Shoulders shaking with his short laugh, he replies, "No, it was totally fair. I was an incorrigible flirt back then. I'd flirt with anything. Ask my brothers. It used to drive them crazy. Besides, one of the maids accidentally stabbed my mother with a hair pin and drew blood all because I was teasing her. If it hadn't been for me and my mother both, my father would've killed that girl. No one hurt his queen, let alone drew her blood. As it stands, Zale and Zanthus helped me sneak her into the Eastern Kingdom just to be on the safe side. So, my punishment was acceptable."

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