Home > Sunken Empire (Saga of Evanescent Realms, #1)(47)

Sunken Empire (Saga of Evanescent Realms, #1)(47)
Author: Brandy Slaven

I snort, and all eyes turn to me. "I'm one hundred percent sure that this argument is unnecessary. I've already sensed the same thread of life between Aukai and I that connects me to the three of you. Right before the barrier's magic blew us all apart."

"That would explain the broken curse as well as your clan markings returning," Merrick comments.

But I don't give him my attention because at my careless announcement, a deep expression of something settled over Aukai. Whether it be shame or disappointment, I can't be sure, so I find my lips parting, "I'm sorry you weren't given a choice in the matter. We don't even know each other."

In a slow precise movement, he slips from his chair onto his knees now covered with light cotton pants. From his place at my side, it's easy enough for him to take my hand between his own as he professes, "All my life I knew I'd been bred for darkness from hate. Never once has anyone thrown themselves in front of me the way you did that creature. You were willing to die if you couldn't save us both. That is a life debt I hope you're never in the situation I'll have to return, but I will do so without question. Do I know your favorite dish or any hobbies you may have? No, but I have hopes to be welcomed into your clan to find out. One does well to remember not to question fate, and I won't be forgetting anytime soon."

In the silence that follows his confession, Aukai's eyes drop to the floor. Slipping my hand from within his grasp, I raise it to his cheek and repeat almost the same thing I was told. "Don't do that. You're a prince and shouldn't avert your gaze for anyone. If I had to go back and do it all again, even as terrifyingly awful as that monster was, I'd do it. Besides, you saved me first, remember?"

The first smile I've seen him wear parts his lips wide. It transforms his face into a sight to behold. He looks so much like my other mates that it's astonishing we didn't notice it right away. Speaking of which, I glance first to where Zanthus stands behind Zale's chair, both wearing matching acceptance on their faces. Whatever ill will they'd held toward Aukai in the beginning, I guess clan and mate connections trump that. Two mates down, one to go. Flicking my eyes to Zeph, he shoots me a wink and smile in return.

"We're not going to get anywhere at the moment," Zale comments. "I'm sure Rubi and Aukai are tired. Let them get some rest and we'll reconvene in a few hours."

It's at this that the three other mer in the room excuse themselves with a short nod. Now that he's brought notice to it, there is a bone deep exhaustion in my body. I could use a day or three to sleep it off.

I stand, stretching out my muscles. "Who do I have to bribe to get a piggy-back ride upstairs?"

Aukai's lips part, but Zephyr beats him to it, jumping to his feet.

"Come on, little siren," he says, turning in place.

I'd only been half-kidding but won't miss an offered opportunity. Leaping onto his back and wrapping my arms and legs around him, his hands find my calves to lock me in place before he takes us out of the study. Biting my lip, I can't help but wonder if it's a good idea to leave Aukai with the other too so soon.

"Should we have invited Aukai to come with us?" I ask, glancing over my shoulder toward the study.

"Stop your worrying," he chuckles. "Zale and Zan won't hurt him. He's a member of our clan now and a mate of our mate. To hurt him would be to hurt you and none of us would ever do such a thing."

"Half-brother, too," I remind him.

His shoulders tense beneath me, but his voice doesn't hold any of it as he replies, "That's a title he'll have to earn, and it doesn't come easily. Lucky him, he's got one fin already in the tide considering he and his magic helped bring you home."

The word ‘title’ reminds me. "Merrick called him a prince, and he technically is a blood relative. Does that mean he has royal status?"

"Meh, it depends," he says. "Normally, if a bastard child is born from the king or queen, they have no status, even if there's no heir. Aukai's situation is different, however. At our return to the kingdom, you will be crowned queen, giving any of your mates the title of king."

"What if there was one king and he had multiple mates?" I ask.

He nods, making his hair tickle my chest. "Same thing. The kingdom would be under the rule of its king and queens."

"Now, just because I tell you he will be accepted as a member of the royal family, that doesn't mean he's going to be trusted right away. We hold the right to keep all outsiders at arms length. Especially ones born and raised in another kingdom," he admits.

"That's a wise decision," I genuinely reply. My gut tells me that we can trust Aukai, but I'm new to this whole mate thing and everything it entails. Maybe years from now when things have settled down into normalcy without threats of war and curses breathing down our necks it'll be different. Hopefully, Aukai will have earned my Zs trust, and he won't be ostracized.

"Here ye be, me lady," Zephyr says with a full-on pirate accent as he sets my feet to the floor.

Moving until I'm standing in front of him, I rise up on my toes and kiss his cheek before murmuring in his ear, "Thank you, good sir. Care to join me?"

Pulling away slightly with an amused expression of raised eyebrows and narrow eyes, a grin lights his lips as he says, "Zan said to rest."

"Yes, he did," I agree. "But he didn't say I couldn't love on one of my mates beforehand now did he?"

Linking our hands, I drag his willing body inside my room.

A few days later, the tension around the Keep is thicker than molasses. I witness Zale and Zanthus bickering for the first time. Difference in opinions on how to approach and return to the kingdom have practically succeeded where the curse failed in driving them all into insanity. One wants to blindly rush in headfirst. Another thinks we should sit back and plan a center of attack. I'm used to my mates getting along without issues, so this new development is stressing me out.

Leaving them in the study with Merrick and Zephyr, I go off in search of Aukai. Over the past couple days, we've seen each other but are never left alone in the same room. It's sweet of my other mates to be so protective, but it's also annoying. If I can face down a monster with rows upon rows of jagged teeth ready to rip me apart, I think I can handle myself with one dark-haired mer. Especially when he's pretty much already professed his undying loyalty to both me and the crown.

Stopping in the middle of the hallway, I close my eyes and reach for those tethers to my mates. Three stretch behind me, leaving a lonely red to lead down the stairs toward the small kitchen. Taking advantage of the spare moments I have to myself, I race down the stairs to go find him. When I do, I draw up short. Aukai is relaxing at the table with a full plate of food at his arm and a book in front of his face. He looks so content it'd be a shame to interrupt him.

Just as I've decided to leave, his voice stops me. "Change your mind?"

"About what?" I can't help but reply.

"Whatever reason you sought me out."

Hiding my smile behind brushing a strand of hair off my cheek, I answer his original question with another one. "Should I have a reason to search for you?"

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