Home > All Roads Lead to You (Stay #3)(5)

All Roads Lead to You (Stay #3)(5)
Author: Jennifer Probst

But Aidan had spent his whole life peering beneath the surface to figure out people and animals, to unearth the real stuff. And he bet there was a bucketful of secrets buried deep within the woman before him. They were entwined in her whiskey-smooth voice. Trapped in those mineral eyes. Hinted at with the defensive stance of her lean body. He wondered how long it would take for a man to get close to her. He wondered how many men had tried and failed.

Her arms crossed in front of her chest. “I’m sorry, but guests aren’t allowed free access to the barns. I can make you an appointment for a horseback ride, though. Follow me.”

He didn’t budge, just leaned against the gate. “Already did that. I’m scheduled for tomorrow.”

“We’ll be happy to give you a tour then. I’ll show you the way out.”

Amusement flickered. She seemed quite intent on ditching him. First the horse, now the woman. Had he lost his charm along with his reputation? There’d been few horses or women who he hadn’t been able to win over in his many years as a trainer, yet in the span of a few minutes, he’d lost two for two. “How come he’s locked up all alone back here?” he asked.

She cocked her head and squinted. “He prefers it,” she said shortly. “Now, I have to get back to work, Mr. . . .”

“O’Connor. Call me Aidan.”

“This way, Mr. O’Connor.” She began to briskly move away. The woman was polite, but it was obvious she didn’t have the patience or desire to interact with guests. Fascinating. Quite different from the warm, welcoming way Ophelia had greeted him. She’d also dodged his request to be addressed by his first name, choosing to keep her distance. It was probably rude of him not to follow her out, but he wanted a few more minutes alone with her. All that prickliness on the surface intrigued him. If she worked around animals, there must be more to her.

He just needed to dig a little.

He raised his voice, and she pivoted on her heel. “Why does he prefer it? Is he giving you a hard time? I’m good with horses. I’d be happy to check him out for you.”

Her voice iced and her eyes heated. “I’m good with horses, too,” she shot back. “I’m also quite capable of handling my barn.”

His brow arched. “Thought Ethan was in charge.”

She gave him a look full of distaste, like she’d smelled something foul. “Ethan is my brother and partner,” she said between gritted teeth. “And he’d be the first to tell you that I’m capable of taking care of the stables without his help, or his presence.”

He winced. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to insult womankind with that comment.”

Her smile was sharp and mercenary. “No need to apologize. You give yourself too much credit.”

He laughed. She knew the fine arts of banter and power plays, all right, but something told him she hid it well. Yeah, she was a ball buster, but she did it so quietly it’d keep a man on his toes.

He finally understood they were all related and worked together. She must’ve inherited the Black Irish gene, since she looked nothing like her sister. “So that makes you Ophelia’s sister.”


He waited, but she said nothing further. Just looked at him with a suffering patience that made him want to stay longer. “And your name is . . .”

His prodding finally managed to unstick her tongue. “Harper,” she spit out reluctantly.

“Charmed to meet you, Harper,” he said with a big smile.

She grunted.

“Does your horse have a name, too?”

She gave a drawn-out sigh. “Are you going to be one of these pain-in-the-ass guests who drive the staff crazy because he needs constant attention?”

His lips twitched. “Why do I think Ophelia would yell at you for calling me a pain in the ass?”

“Because my sister received the gift of politeness. I didn’t.”

“What gift did you get?” he asked curiously.

“Fortitude. Helps me deal with annoyance.” Her pointed glance told him he was one of her tests.

He’d never been so charmed by a female so ornery. He still didn’t budge. She was too much fun. “Fortitude is important. But in my experience, charm will get you farther.”

“I apologize, then.”

He cocked his head. “For what?”

“That you received neither. I need to escort you out now. I’m behind schedule.”

Tamping down a laugh, he acquiesced this time, giving her a nod and following her out into the sunshine. He watched the swinging curve of her ass and the graceful way her body moved, as if each motion was clipped for efficiency. He bet she was a goddess on horseback. There had to be a way to see her fly before he ended his time here. “Your horse turned away from a perfectly good carrot. Seems to have a bit of an attitude.”

She slowed her pace so they walked side by side, allowing him to study her face. He caught the quick upward curve to her lip. “Phoenix doesn’t like a lot of people and owns a terrible sweet tooth. You’d have to upgrade to a cookie in order to snag his attention.”

“I like Phoenix already. He’s smart. Can I ride him?”

She shook her head. He liked the way the shiny, straight strands of hair lifted and caressed her cheeks. She wasn’t traditionally pretty—her features were too strong—but it was the type of face he could study for hours without getting bored.

His gaze slid over her pointy chin, high brow line, carved cheekbones, and a jaw that held a stubborn tilt hinting at trouble. Her thick lips were peach colored. Her lashes were lush and dark, emphasizing the snapping green of her eyes. She was a mixture of too many shapes and colors held together, yet the whole worked like a perfect painting.

“No,” she said. “No one rides Phoenix except Ethan and me.”

“What if I paid extra?”

Just like that, she shut down. Her cold gaze crawled over him, and a wall slammed between them. “The only thing I take into consideration is my horse’s well-being, and I don’t take bribes. The path back to the inn is that way. Have a good afternoon.” She tipped her head and strode away without a glance back.

Well, shit. That hadn’t gone well at all.

Aidan stared at her retreating figure. She really didn’t like him. He’d never had that problem before. Of course, he was usually more focused on training a horse for a big race than on chasing a woman who disliked him, so maybe this was the first time he actually cared?

He wanted to spend more time with her. God knew there was nothing else to do around here. Might as well enjoy some insulting conversation with a sexy female until it was time to check out.

He stuck his hands in his pockets and began walking. Ethan was scheduled to take him riding tomorrow, but he’d love to have Harper be his guide. Of course, there was no way she’d volunteer after their conversation. But Aidan knew the perfect way to snag some quality time with her.

He whistled and prepped his plan for action.



Chapter Three

“What do you mean I have to take him riding?”

Harper stared at her sister, who held a steely-eyed determination that reminded her of their mother. She might run the inn with sweetness and light, but Harper knew intimately the fiery temper that red hair warned of. And right now, Ophelia was pissed.

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