Home > Disgraceful (Grace #2)(24)

Disgraceful (Grace #2)(24)
Author: Autumn Grey

She makes a face, then turns around. After putting on her coat, she slings her bag strap over her head, adjusting it on her shoulders. “Just be careful, okay? I don’t want you getting hurt. He’s genuinely a good guy. Jessica screwed with his head and cheated on him. So now he hooks up with chicks. No strings attached.”

I mull over her words, then shove them to the back of my head. Tonight I just want to have fun.



By the time MJ and I arrive at Levi’s place, the party is in full swing. The floorboards of the porch vibrate from the thud of the bass blasting from inside the house. A large, blow-up plastic palm tree stands at the door, its oversized branches swaying in the night breeze.

Adrenaline thrums in my veins as we shoulder our way through the throng of people who are holding Solo cups filled with their drink of choice. It’s my first party ever, so I don’t know what to expect, but the excitement has replaced any nervousness I was feeling.

I tug MJ’s elbow, and when she faces me, I yell, “I’m glad I came.”

She nods, grinning. “Come on, let’s find Ivan and tell him we’re here before he calls me again.”

We wander into the kitchen and out to the backyard. Ivan, Levi, Gage, and a few guys I’ve never met are lounging in plastic chairs, sipping beer and talking.

Ivan’s eyes light up the second he notices us, and he holds out his free hand for MJ. She literally skips over to him, completely forgetting about me. These two are so in love I can’t decided whether it’s more sweet and disgusting.

I shove my hands in my back pockets and try not to run back inside the house, pretending to look for the bathroom so I can hide for a few minutes.

“Miller,” Levi says, standing up from his chair and ambling over. He slips his arm around my shoulders and murmurs, “Thought you were going to stand me up.”

I roll my eyes. “It’s a party, not a date.”

“Same difference.”

“Hey, Keenan. Stop hogging the girl and introduce us,” someone shouts, then a chorus of “hear, hear” breaks through the thumping music.

Levi waves the hand holding a beer in the general direction of his friends. “Everyone, meet Grace. Grace . . .” He looks at me. “Never mind. It’s better to stay away from these assholes.”

“Hey, princess,” Gage greets, waving a hand in my direction.

“Hey! Speak for yourself, wanker.”

I’m thrown off by the accent, so I follow the voice to a hammock hanging between two trees. A guy with black hair, equally dark eyes, and a sullen expression looks in our direction.

“Oh, he speaks,” Levi mutters. “That’s my other roommate, Meshach Hale. Otherwise known as His Royal Pain In The Ass.”

I snicker. “Great to meet you, guys. And Meshach.”

“Mesh,” he grumbles broodingly.

“Can I get you anything to drink?” Levi asks, taking my elbow and leading me to where he was sitting.

“Just a water.”

He looks at me like I just butchered a Beyoncé song. “It’s a party, not a church meeting.”

“I’m driving, so no alcohol for me.”

“Did you and MJ drive here in your car?”

I shake my head. “We drove in MJ’s.”

“We’ll call an Uber. Or you guys can sleep over and drive back tomorrow morning.” I raise a brow, and he adds, “I’ll bunk with Gage, and you can take my room. You can trust us, I swear. We might be a bunch of horny guys, but we’re not pervy assholes.”

“That’s . . . comforting,” I say, glancing over at MJ. She gives me a nod. “Fine. But just remember I’ve got moves that would put Jason Bourne to shame.”

He winces, his free hand inching down to cover his junk. “Thanks for the reminder.”

“Okay. Surprise me with a drink. Nothing too hard, though.” I know my limits when it comes to drinking.

He wanders off toward the kitchen as I sit down, admiring how good he looks in those ripped jeans. Ivan says something to MJ before standing up and following his friend. Gage taps my knee, and I switch my focus.

“Pick up your jaw, princess,” he teases. “Also, this is none of my business, but daddy longlegs over there”—he gestures toward Levi with his chin—“he’s a bit . . . um, how can I say this? He’s had a rough couple of months after a break up. He’s going through, um, a hook-up phase at the moment.”

“Okay. So why are you telling me this?”

He chuckles. “Because I’d like to think we’re friends now, you and me. Plus, you seem like a girl who doesn’t do hook-ups. Levi is one of my best friends, and I love him. But I just want you to understand what you’re getting yourself into. He’s set his sights on you. And the way you were looking at him . . . just be smart.”

“I wasn’t looking at him . . . I mean. . .” I wet my suddenly dry lips and hurry to reassure Gage. “I’m really not looking to get my heart broken.” Again.

He eyes me, lifting his Solo cup to his lips and gulping down its contents. “Yeah. Sure.”



“Can I talk to you for a sec?” Ivan asks.

“Sure. What’s up?” I ask, grabbing a can of Coke and a bottle of rum and mixing Grace’s drink in a Solo cup.

“What are you doing?” he asks. “First, you say you’re not interested in Grace. Then suddenly you’re making plans to host a party. And now you’re staring at her like she’s a freaking unicorn or something.”

“I’m trying to be a good host?” I question back.

“You need to tread carefully, man. You’re laying on the Keenan charm pretty thick.”

“I know you’re concerned. She was your best friend’s girl. I get it,” I say in a low voice.

“I’m not choosing sides, so this has nothing to do with him. I like her. She’s my girl’s best friend. But I love MJ. You mess with Grace, and it backfires, it means MJ will be putting out fires all over the place, instead of putting out my fire. Get it?”

“Got it. But . . . I don’t think you understand.” My gaze drifts to the window, to where Grace chats with Gage.

“Understand what?” Ivan asks. “If you’re looking for a chick to bang, there’re plenty here on campus—”

“I’m not looking for a chick to bang. I can’t seem to stay away from her.” My fingers grab the back of my neck as exasperation grabs me by the throat. “Look, I can’t explain it, but I like her. All I want to do is just, I don’t know . . . make her smile? Maybe we can heal each other in the process, you know?”

“She made a choice, so she knew what she was doing. Don’t forget that.”

I swallow, my gaze still on Grace. As if sensing me, she turns her head, and our eyes meet. The air between us shifts with awareness. She squirms in her seat before looking away.

“Hearts are crazy organs,” I mutter, glancing at my best friend.

“Wait, you said you like her? Since when?”

Oh shit. Did I say that? “I don’t know. A couple of weeks maybe?”

He shrugs. “I never know when to take you seriously.”

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