Home > Disgraceful (Grace #2)(29)

Disgraceful (Grace #2)(29)
Author: Autumn Grey

A look of hurt flashes across her face, then disappears just as fast. “I wanted to talk to you—”

I lift my palm to stop her, hardening my features. “What happened earlier?”

She props one hand on top of the tiny bump on her stomach, averting her gaze. “It was nothing. Just a misunderstanding.”

I grunt in frustration. “You either talk or leave, Jess.”

Her eyes widen. “Why are you being like this?”

Jesus. I can’t believe this girl.

I laugh bitterly, shaking my head. “I can only take so much of this shit. Look, I really don’t have time for this—”

“Okay. Fine. I’ll tell you,” she says quickly. She takes a deep breath and licks her lips. “Remember when I told you how my dad was cheating on my mother when I was a kid? How my parents ended up divorcing?”

I nod, remembering how she broke down after the Sublime Chaos concert in Portland last summer. Jessica had gotten drunk and couldn’t shut up about hating her father and how he destroyed their family. She’d been okay before the concert, but after that, she seemed to spiral out of control. I didn’t know what triggered it at that time, but I have a feeling I’m about to find out.

A cold chill washes down my spine. Is this going where I think it’s going?

Her eyes fall shut, and she exhales through her mouth. “Her mother slept with guys for money—”

“Stop,” I grit out the words.

“She was with my—”

“I said stop, Jessica!” I roar, my breath rushing in and out of my chest.

Her eyes bug out at the tone of my voice. “You asked me what happened—”

“And now I want you to stop, okay?” I close my eyes just thinking about Grace finding out I know about . . . fuck. I can imagine how hurt she’d be. She’s already guarded as it is. “This was a mistake.”

Jessica’s eyes narrow. “Wait. Are you . . . you like her, don’t you? Like really like her?” she asks incredulously.

“I heard you were talking shit about her.” My voice is dangerously low, and my patience is running out. She opens her mouth to say something but then shuts it again, watching me warily. “You better get your shit together. Otherwise, leave this house.”

“You don’t mean that, Levi.”

“Try me.”

Her eyes swim with tears. One hand swipes the wetness on her cheek while the other’s propped on her stomach. I scowl at her, disgusted with myself for falling for her tricks and with Jessica for playing me.

“I’ll order an Uber for you,” I say, while pulling my phone from my pocket and tapping on the screen. I ignore her sniffles and focus on getting through the next few minutes.

When I’m done, I face her again, and my stupid heart softens, watching her hunched figure. The soft curve of her cheek is shadowed in sadness. I push those feelings aside, and say, “The Uber will be here in five. You need anything, I’m here for you. As long as you respect me and my friends.”

She nods, grabbing her purse and slinging the strap over her shoulder. After adjusting it on her chest, she walks in my direction and stops in front of me.

“She’s not who you think she is.”

I stare down at her, my nostrils flaring. “I didn’t ask for your opinion.”

She shoots me a glare before brushing past me and walking out of the room.

After she leaves, I collapse on top of the bed and throw my arm over my eyes. I recall the scene I walked into at the party. From one second to the next, Jessica was screaming, and Grace had somehow managed to tackle her, twisting her arm to her back.

I’d frozen for a few seconds, taking in the scene in front of me before racing toward them, impressed and horrified all at the same time.

Then I remember Grace’s reluctant smile as I tried hard to make her laugh at Josie’s. And when she finally did, it was like the sun broke through the dark clouds. So fucking addictive.

My heart beats faster, wondering how it’d feel to taste those full lips of hers. I groan and shift my ass on the bed to accommodate the tightening of my pants around my crotch.

I’ve never worked so hard to win a girl’s attention in my life. Tomorrow can’t come fast enough.



Levi knocks on my door at exactly nine the following morning. He flashes me a smile and murmurs, “Good morning.”

“Morning,” I respond as I put on my coat and then grab my purse before joining him in the hallway. We head out into the cool September morning. “Seriously, though. Where are we going?”

He shoots me an amused glance before opening the passenger door to his car. “Patience is clearly not your strong suit.”

I smack his arm playfully before sliding inside the car. He laughs as he shuts the door, the rounds the car, sliding into the driver’s seat. Moments later, we’re pulling out of the parking lot and heading downtown. We spend the drive chatting about everything and nothing.

Northford is such a small town. Half an hour later, he’s parking the car in front of a lime green colonial-style house.

“Where are we?” I ask when he opens the door for me.

Before he can answer, the front door opens and a woman with hair so blonde it looks white steps out.

“Hey, Mom,” he calls out, his face lighting up as he waves to the woman before grasping my elbow and walking us toward the porch.

The resemblance between her and Levi is jarring, from the kind gray eyes to the dimples on her cheeks. She smiles wider. “Levi. I’ve missed you, honey. You haven’t visited in a while, and we were starting to think you forgot us.”

Levi leans down and kisses her cheek. “I wouldn’t dare. Dad would come drag my ass back home if I did.”

She laughs. “Yes, he would.” She turns those eyes on me. “And you must be Grace.”

“You know my name?” I ask, splitting a gaze between mother and son.

She chuckles. “My son never ceases to talk about you whenever he calls. I’m Sara.”

I shoot Levi a look, wondering what he’s been saying about me.

After the pleasantries, we head inside the house.

“Could I borrow your bike, Mom?” Levi asks. “The weather is nice, so I wanted to show Grace around.”

She shakes her head. “The chain broke. Your dad promised to fix it months ago. . .” she trails off with a laugh, a fond laugh.

Levi runs his hand through his hair. “Well, I guess that’s that. Are Jet and Dad around?”

“Jet’s upstairs. Annie just woke up. He should be down any minute. Your dad went into town to grab a few things he and Jet need to finish repairing the porch out back. He also wanted to drop by your Uncle Matt’s house to check out his new truck. It might be a while until he comes back home.” She looks at me. “Come on, Grace. Have a seat.”

I do as I’m told, sitting on the three-seater couch across from the fireplace. I motion for Levi, and he plops next to me. “You should have told me we were coming here. I would have dressed better.”

He shoots me a grin. “Stop worrying. You look great.”

Jethro walks into the living room, his focus entirely stolen by the bundle in his arms that he doesn’t see us until he’s about two feet away.

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