Home > Boys of Brayshaw High(23)

Boys of Brayshaw High(23)
Author: Meagan Brandy

His eyes snap to mine. “Fuck you.”

“Not a chance.” I grin and look at that, he thaws a bit.

He sits back in his chair, his eyes lazily scanning over me before locking with mine. “You think anyone who spends ten seconds in your presence would believe that we broke your little heart?” he mocks.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means your wires are crossed.”

“You don’t even know me.”

“Yeah, well,” he sighs, sitting back. “Guess we’re changing that.”

“And what’s Maddoc think about all this?”

He eyes me, trying to read me but can’t. I’m good at giving nothing to those who don’t deserve it.

“You really wanna know?”

“Pretty sure I already do, just want you to be the one to say it.”

“Nah, now this I’ve got to hear.” He shifts in his seat as if he’s looking forward to what I’ve come up with.

I laugh at his usual dry self, and right then, the teacher cuts the lights – apparently, it’s movie day.

We’re forced to stay quiet for a few minutes, but eventually, there are enough soft whispers going around that every ear won’t be on us, so when he leans my way, I meet him in the middle.

“I’m betting, your boss” —he scowls which makes me laugh again and then I continue— “sorry. I bet Maddoc is pissed. This cramps his style, bad, and now he feels like the puppet when he’s used to being the master. Now, to cover your own asses and keep others from fucking up your pathetic little order, you guys have no choice but to pretend all this is what you want, ‘cause how dare anyone step off that thin white line you’ve drawn.”

“Your bitch is showing.”

I shrug and lean a little closer, bringing us inches apart, completely eye to eye and get serious.

“No for real, though, I’m not stupid. He’s looking to play the part, to make sure every punk in this school sees me in your circle, at least once. The switching classes helps a good amount. Right now, you sitting here entertaining me instead of scowling like normal.” I narrow my eyes and his harden. “It’s all part of the process. You boys are ballers and you’ve set your game plan. But know something, packman... I may have a vagina, but I’m no pussy.”

His jaw ticks and we’re stuck in a stare off, neither of us moving for a moment when the lights flick on.

Finally, he lowers his glasses back in place and exits the room.

When I gather my shit and move to stand, I see Maddoc settled in the doorway. He cuts a quick glance to Captain as he steps in front of him and then his green eyes are back on me.

I walk right to him, forcing my classmates to squeeze past me.

“Your turn to play, big man?” I taunt, and he lifts his chin.

Oh okay, so that’s his move telling me start walking.

With a roll of my eye, I do a little prissy bow, crossing my foot behind the other and bending before flipping him off and shouldering past.

I’d swear a teeny chuckle fought its way out before he strangled it.

Sure as shit, when I step into class his chest hits my back, and two large hands land on my hips. I freeze, right there in the door with every fucking eye on me, Chloe’s included.

Maddoc’s whisper hits my ear. “Walk, Raven.” His fingers skim across the waist of my jeans and my skin heats in unapproved excitement.

Yeah, it’s been a while.

I step into the class and he keeps himself plastered against me until I quickly drop into my usual chair.

Of course, when he looks at the poor kid behind me, the dude moves without a sound and Maddoc lowers himself into the seat.

Right then, Bass walks in.

He nods his chin my way as he moves to his seat across the room and I give a small salute.

Cool ass cat and the only one in here who didn’t notice Maddoc the second he entered.

Oh, but boss man noticed him.

He leans over me, his big ass body practically caving mine in.

“Why is Bass Bishop looking at you like he knows you better than anyone else in this room?”

I smirk to myself. “Maybe he does.”

“Don’t play, Raven.”

“Don’t worry, big man,” I whisper teasingly, covering his fist with my palm, frowning when his fingers open to welcome mine. “I’m sure everyone staring thinks you’re my number one.”

He growls a bit but sits back, and the rest of the class I’m ultra-aware of the testosterone enveloping me from behind.

I could use a joint right about now.


I’m sitting on the grass in the quad area when a cold splash hits my back, making me gasp.

My nostrils flare, the burn taking over and causing my eyes to water.



I rush to my feet, turning to the laughing figures behind me.

Chloe and her cultists.

“Hope you didn’t think the Bray’s little step backward meant we’d back off. They haven’t announced you’re off-limits to me, which means you’re still on the edge.”

My back starts to burn from the chemical searing my skin, but I don’t show it.

“Careful, Raven. The fall is much harder the higher you are.” With that, she tosses the ice bucket at my feet and strolls off.

I wait, making no move until she’s around the corner, then yank my shirt over my head as I rush for the gym.

I ignore the whistles and stares and push forward, careful to at least keep my chest covered.

Right when I go to shove through the door, an arm latches around my elbow and I spin, letting my fist fly, but of course he catches it, his eyes narrowing.

The sting is too much at this point and moisture prickles behind my eyes, making his tighten.

“What the f—” Royce cuts off when the smell hits and he grips my hair bringing it to his nose.

He curses and pushes forward, dragging me to the girl’s shower ... that he seems to have no problem finding.

He turns on the water and tries to grab ahold of my shirt, but I press it tighter against my chest.

“Let go of the fucking shirt, Raven. I’ve seen more tits than you can count, and you’re wearing a bra.”


He rolls his eyes. “Fine, get under the cold water. Your back’s all red. It won’t take it away, but you gotta wash the shit off.” His frown curves into a grin in the next second. “Wanna take off your pants?”

I shove him back and step under the cool spray, wincing lightly when it hits my back. I let it run down my body a few minutes, before gripping my hair and looking it over.

Shit. Ugly yellow and gold spots shine back at me toward the ends where the bleach ruined my black, never before dyed hair.


“Shit, RaeRae.” Royce pulls my hair over my shoulder and runs his fingers through it. “Maybe you can cut it?”

Then she wins.

His fingertips run across my skin making me jump.

It’s not like a heat burn, more irritating, but that fire feeling is still there.

I bend my back, and my bra scrapes against it making me wince.

“Son of a bitch.”

“You need to unclip this thing, it’s rubbing on you and it’s soaked in bleach.”

I huff, knowing he’s right. “Fine, unclip it.”

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