Home > Boys of Brayshaw High(60)

Boys of Brayshaw High(60)
Author: Meagan Brandy


Change my mind, I am mad at him.

“Uh, hi.” They turn to me. “What’s going on here?”


Right. An insider’s only issue I’m not privy too.

Well, fuck them too then.

I pretend to be swaying on my feet and then dart off, down the hall and slip into the office before they reach it.

Probably a horrible idea, but I lock it behind me.

His head jerks up right as there’s one solid pound on the other side of the door.

He sits back slowly.

“Ms. Carver.”

“Mr. Perkins.”


“I’d rather stand, thanks.”

“I got a call a little while ago informing me you were moved houses.”

Fucking Royce.

“Yeah, the other location didn’t really work out. You need a new address form or something?”

He levels me with a stern look. He’s about to spew some fake shit, so I drop into the chair, forcing him to look me in the eye as he lies through his perfect teeth.

“Listen, Raven. I understand being new somewhere isn’t always easy, and sometimes the stress of it all is too much. I was thinking, maybe you’d like to transfer to another local school here? I could put in a good word, get your transfer processed for you. I think you’d really thrive at a place where students are free to be who they wish, not to mention the great programs they have for someone in your position.”

“What position would that be?”

“I know your plan is to simply graduate and move on, find a job somewhere and get settled – I read your English paper. You want a new life. I can help you get it.” There’s a sick gleam in his eye. He feels he has insight into me.


I remain quiet.

“See, here at Brayshaw, we’re limited on opportunity since half of our district supports the youth program you’re currently in. While, we do have many wealthy families who support us, their focus is on the sports and dance here. If you switch schools, you can join a real work program. They have several to choose from – legal aids, mechanics, carpentry, bookkeeping, and a few more. The school trains you, free, and when you graduate, you hold a certificate in the chosen field you can take with you anywhere. Get a good job right out the gate.”

Wow. He knows what he’s doing. Dangle a slab of meat in front of a starving wolf and wait for it to jump.

My silence has his stare shining in victory.

He wants me out.

“Sounds like a great opportunity.”

“It is.”

I tilt my head. “You offer this to all the students at the Bray houses? I bet they’d be all over it.”

“Unfortunately, no. Only ... select students are given the chance.”


“What school?”

“Graven Prep.”

A laugh bubbles out of me before I can stop it and anger lines his eyes.

“Is something funny, Ms. Carver?”

“I was raised by a liar and a con, Mr. Perkins, so let’s cut the student teacher ‘I want what’s best for my students’ bullshit, shall we?” I lean forward, and he meets my move. “You don’t care what I do or where I go, hell you’d probably send me straight back if you could. You want me out because, in your mind, it’s the clear way to keep me from them. You don’t want me to get too close to them because then I’ll see what’s really going on, am I right?”

“I’m not sure what you mean.” He forces a steady tone.

“I’m perceptive, as are you. That’s how you see the threat. Three-men already outnumbers you but add a female and a pack is born.”

“You think I’m afraid of three punk kids?” he growls through clenched teeth.

“I think you’re terrified.” I stand, and his cunning eyes follow.

“Don’t be a fool, Raven. Take the offer. Leave the school and build a better life for yourself. Unless you want to end up like your mother.”

When my eyes narrow, a sinister smirk tips his lips.

“She was a little cheaper than I’d expect. Body like hers, she could have asked for more and gotten it, especially since I was able to role play. Gotta say...” He tries to grin, but his lip curls instead. “She wasn’t too happy when I asked if I could call her Raven instead.”

I bite into my tongue to keep myself calm when really, I want to yank his tie off and choke him with it.

He fucked my mom, which means he fished for information – not that she knows a damn thing about me.

I hate her.

I force myself to speak, not acknowledging his attempt to play the big bad man. “I’ll pass. I can make a life on my own.”

I turn and reach for the handle.

“Did I mention,” he’s quick to add. “After graduation, the program puts you in an apartment and sets you up with a five-thousand-dollar bank account to get you on your feet.”

I tense.

“You turn eighteen a few months before school’s end. You’ll age out, be on the streets or back in your trailer park. Graven can change all that. I can change all that.”

“You can let the attendance office know I’m going home sick.”

I swallow and yank the door open, colliding into Maddoc on my break from the room.

Perkins slams the door after my exit.

Each one of their faces holds a blank stare, no emotion to be found, but the longer they stare, the more the tension grows, and the worry they try to hide comes forward to cloud their eyes. But Perkins fucked me up and I’m not in the mood for talking, so I spin on my heels and head for the front.

That kicks them into gear and suddenly I’m crowded.

“That’s it?” Royce spits. “You cut us out when we try to be there for you, then take off without a word?!”

I skid to a stop by the exit. “I need to go.”

Captain hangs his head, hands on his hips and Royce’s jaw clenches in defeat.

I look to Maddoc, who simply frowns at me.

My head pulls back. “What is happening right now?”

Nobody says a word.

“Look, I gotta get out of here for a bit, I’ll see you guys later.”

“Wait—” Royce starts, and Captain’s head shoots up. “So, what, you’re just ... you’re going home? Our home?”

Our home.


My eyes bounce between the three. “Yeah, I ... fuck. I didn’t ... think. I’ll just hang around ‘til school gets out and—”

Royce laughs, cutting me off. He moves in, squeezes me then jogs off down the hall.

Captain scans my face but gives nothing with his expression, and a heavier foot carries him back to class. And then there’s Maddoc.

His features are tight, his lips in a thin line.


“You really going back to the house?”

I start to say yes then shrug my shoulders. “I think I need some air.”

He licks his lips.

“Wanna come?”

He studies me a moment before a sexy ass grin takes over. He pushes me for the door.

I have to laugh. Seems all the big man wanted was an invite.



“Okay, it’s been fifteen minutes of staring at nothing. What are we doing, Raven?”

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