Home > A Marriage of Anything But Convenience(3)

A Marriage of Anything But Convenience(3)
Author: Victorine E. Lieske

She pulled a band out of her pocket and tugged her hair up into some kind of half-ponytail, half bun looking thing. Hair stuck up from it, like he was sure she wanted. This was just another silent protest against what her father was asking her to do. It actually made her look adorable, but he wasn’t about to tell her that. He’d get kicked in the shin.

The minister said a few things that sounded flowery but well-rehearsed, and then he paused and looked at them. “Have you prepared special vows for each other?”

“No,” he and Nara said at the same time.

“That’s not a problem. For another twenty dollars you can choose from several custom vows, or we can go ahead with the simple package.”

Sweat beaded up on Derek’s forehead. He hated making decisions like this. What did Nara want? He glanced at her and she gave him a withering look. “Let’s go with the simple package.”

The minister nodded and glanced down at the paper in his wrinkled hand. “Do you, Derek Marshall, take this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love and honor her, to comfort her in sickness and health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?”

Derek looked into Nara’s brown eyes. “I do,” he said, the words causing a swell of emotion in his throat. He swallowed it back. This was not real.

The minister nodded and turned to Nara. “Do you, Nara Claymore, take this man to be your husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love and honor him, to comfort him in sickness and health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?”

Derek held his breath as he waited for what Nara would say. A look had crossed her face as the minister spoke that he couldn’t quite read. He wasn’t sure if she was about to explode, or if she was going to behave. When she finally said, “Yeah, sure,” he let out a silent sigh of relief. And then he saw reflected in the window that she had her fingers crossed behind her back.

“Do you have the ring?”

Heat rose to his face as he pulled out the box from his pocket. He quickly plucked the ring from the velvet and slid it on her finger.

She stared down at the three-carat diamond. “What drug store did you get this thing at? It looks real.” She held it up and squinted at it.

He didn’t say anything. He was too embarrassed to admit he’d wanted to get her a diamond ring. Instead of answering her, he slid his own gold band onto his finger. This might not be a real marriage, but that didn’t mean they had to wear junk that turned their fingers green for the next two years.

“Would you like to light a unity candle?”

Nara shook her head, and Derek said, “No, thank you.”

“Well, then, by the power vested in me, you are now pronounced husband and wife.” The elderly man smiled. “You may kiss the bride.”

Derek half expected Nara to scream and go running down the aisle, but she just stood there and stared at him. Did she want him to kiss her? The pressure mounted as the clock ticked the seconds. He leaned closer to her. She didn’t move. Why wasn’t she moving?

His mouth grew dry, and he knew he had no other choice. It was time to kiss her. If it didn’t happen now, he would look like he was hesitating too much, and that would be awkward. He had to go for it. He tilted his head and pressed forward, only she tilted the same direction and they bumped noses.

Embarrassment washed over him and he mumbled an apology and tried again. This time he was able to succeed. Her lips were surprisingly warm and soft, and the contact filled him with a sensation he couldn’t explain. It was like sitting in the sunshine and taking a deep breath, a slight tingle rushing over him from the intake of oxygen. It was a gentle kiss, but as their lips touched it grew in intensity.

Nara jerked back, her eyes wide for a split second. Then she looked around the chapel and exhaled. She swung her arms, like she wasn’t sure what to do with them. “Okay, are we done here?”

The minister stammered. “I, uh…”

“We’re done,” Mr. Claymore pronounced and stood.

Nara rushed down the aisle toward the door, kicking a stray flower with her orange flip-flop as she went. It skittered somewhere under the pews.

Mr. Claymore picked up his briefcase which held the paperwork. “Thank you.” He nodded to the minister and then headed toward the door.

Derek tossed a wane smile at the minister and the woman standing in as a witness, then followed the rest of them out the door. All that had taken less than thirty minutes. Who knew getting married could be so instant? Like microwaving your lunch. From freezer to hot meal in just a few moments.

He climbed into the limousine and sat beside Nara. Her back was rigid, her hands between her knees. She was definitely still in the frozen dinner state. He drew in a breath and let it out again. He wasn’t looking forward to telling her this next part. But he had to. It was Mr. Claymore’s wishes. “Our plane leaves in two hours.”

Nara’s head jerked up and she narrowed her eyes at him. “What are you talking about?”

“Our honeymoon.” He felt the heat creep up his neck, but he held himself together.

“Our what?”

Her father didn’t seem at all phased by Nara’s reaction. He pulled off his glasses and used his handkerchief to clean them. “You and Derek will be leaving for Grand Cayman.”

Taking a hammer to an unexploded landmine would have been safer than sitting next to Nara at that moment. At least a landmine would take you out swiftly. Nara, on the other hand, looked like she was going to blow, but he wasn’t sure when or how.

“You expect me to go on a honeymoon? With him?” She pointed at Derek, her hands shaking.

“He is your husband.”

“Fake husband. This whole thing is a sham. You said yourself…”

Her father raised his hand and Nara’s voice trailed off. “The board members think this is a real marriage. We need them to believe it if they are going to accept it when I step down and leave the company to Derek. It’s very important to me to keep the company in the family. You know this. You agreed to it. You will leave with him this evening.”

Derek waited for the bomb to blow, but Nara just sat back and huffed. She took a moment to contemplate the situation. Finally, she said, “I suppose that works. Grand Cayman you say?”

“Yes. A lovely resort there. You’ll like it.” Her father smiled and seemed pleased with himself.

“Fine. I guess I can catch some sun. I haven’t had a tan in forever. I assume we have separate rooms?”

Mr. Claymore looked at Derek, and he felt the need to loosen his tie. Richard had given him the responsibility to book the room, and he’d only booked one. “I…uh, got us a suite.” He decided now wasn’t the time to let her know it was a honeymoon suite.

“Okay. Whatever. I guess I can spend a week at the beach.” She pulled out her Diet Coke and drank the rest of it.

Derek relaxed into his seat. Explosion successfully avoided. At least, until he got to the resort. He had a feeling that his wedding night was going to be memorable, but not in the way most couples expect.

He closed his eyes and wondered what the next week would be like. He was married to Nara Claymore. The one person he never thought would give him the time of day. The girl he used to play with as his father worked alongside hers. His childhood crush. The woman he’d fallen in love with over the years.

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