Home > Court of Frost (Twisted Fae #2)(3)

Court of Frost (Twisted Fae #2)(3)
Author: Lucinda Dark

I cleared my throat a few times before I managed to make my voice work properly. "I'm a Changeling,” I said, hopefully—as in, hoping that he didn’t try to kill me like the princes had the first time they had met me. I rushed to continue, just in case that was a thought running through his mind. “The princes only just found me and I'm still learning what it means to be a Fae and all that." I waved my hand nonchalantly. There, that should do the trick, I thought. I glanced toward the princes. Or … maybe not? I mentally corrected. Both Orion and Roan were watching me with caution, their gazes flickering between me and Solas. Sorrell’s expression, on the other hand, appeared to have grown colder. If that was even possible.

"A Changeling?" Solas’ tone picked up, delight in every syllable. Well, that was a change, I thought. "Come out from that dark corner, let me see you in the light."

Solas offered his hand to me and I took it, albeit hesitantly. He clucked once at me, grasping my hand a bit harder before spinning me in a circle. Almost immediately, I felt the wash of magic suffuse over my form. The trousers remained but grew closer—clinging to my form as a new material shaped over my legs and thighs, crawling up to fit to my entire body like one perfectly sewn suit. The shirt covering morphed, falling away as fabric formed at my hips, swirling like a mass of skirts with one big split seam that opened to reveal the black tight pants beneath. I blinked as I came to a stop. The material molded to my breasts, and up around my shoulders, leaving my arms bare and more than a hint of cleavage that drew Solas’ eyes.

He smiled and nodded, releasing my hand when I lightly tugged away from him. "Much better; now I can actually see you,” he said. “This is just some simple illusion work, a small talent my family has.” He grinned as he took a step back and his eyes descended, crawling over me with a light of interest flickering in his gaze. "Beautiful, just, beautiful."

I bit my lip to keep from saying anything. It seemed all Fae males had a habit of doing things without asking. I glanced over, jerking slightly when three pairs of very dark, angry glares slid past me to fixate on Solas. Though none of them said a word against the Ambassador’s actions, it was clear that the princes were not happy.

"Darling girl, when we get to the castle, I should like to give you a tour, show you how the Court of Frost operate.Maybe I can even persuade the Queen to let me show you our winter veranda. It's quite stunning and a Changeling like yourself would be in awe of its beauty, just as I am in awe of yours," Solas said, snatching my hand back up in a startlingly fast movement, bending to drop a kiss on my knuckles.

“That would … um … be nice?” I chuckled uncomfortably and, as soon as he released my hand, I rubbed the back of it against my pants, giving him a stiff smile.

"Dear girl, it’s far more than simply nice. It’s a treat. But I find that I like your shyness. Yes, I expect you’ll adore the Court of Frost," Solas said before adding, "I know this is not customary for humans but we also have pleasure gardens that I would be happy to show you, where I could take you to new heights of ecstasy. I've been told I am very skilled with my tongue."

Shock rolled through me. Dear Gods. Pleasure gardens? I didn’t want to see any sort of thing—especially not with him. He appeared to be preening like a peacock before me. Compared to this man, Sorrell was the epitome of humility.

A low growl rumbled in someone’s chest. I couldn’t be sure which of the princes was making the noise; all I knew was that I did not want Solas to find out that I was anything more than a simple minded Changeling. If he looked too closely at me—or my relationship with the princes—perhaps he’d find out other things … such as the fact that I now had my very human best friend hiding out in the Court of Crimson. "Let's just see how the tour goes first, shall we?" I offered in a strangled voice.

"As my lady wishes, so shall it be," he said, nodding with a brilliant smile. He backed away.

As though he couldn't stand to watch Solas’ attempt at seduction for a second longer, Sorrell cleared his throat and spoke up. “I believe we should hurry to gather our traveling entourage, Ambassador Solas, don’t you think?”

Roan nodded. “Agreed. Cress, join me?”

Yes! I silently screamed. Get me the fuck away from this guy! But thankfully, my mouth hadn’t yet caught up and the words didn’t come out. I somehow managed to keep a calm expression as I nodded and took the hand he offered me. “Of course.”

Sorrell shot me a glare, but considering how often he did that, I was growing immune. Orion moved ahead as Roan ushered me to the exit.

“Please excuse us, Ambassador Solas,” Roan called back. “If you require anything, feel free to call for our Pix or for our Ambassador, Groffet.”

“The Troll?”

“He’s quite capable, sir, I assure you. We’ll be preparing for our travels and expect to leave within the hour.” The rest of the conversation faded as we turned the corner and I was pulled out of the room by Orion and Roan.



Chapter 3






I was halfway down the next hallway and well away from prying ears and eyes when I pulled up short. “Wait,” I said, tugging on Roan’s arm to get him to stop.

Roan stopped and looked at me, which in turn caused Orion to do the same. He glanced back, his eyebrow raised. "I want to bring Nellie,” I said. “I can’t leave her here.”

Roan’s lips pinched down as he and Orion exchanged a look. Sorrell appeared, making me jump as he caught up with us and pushed Roan and me apart, striding right through the opening he’d made for himself until he was on the other side. Rude. I scowled at his back as he took several steps ahead and then halted, turning on his heels until he stood before the three of us, blocking our path. “Absolutely not,” he snapped. “It’s out of the question.”

“She’s my friend—” I started.

“She’s human,” he growled.

“What is she going to do?” I asked, ripping myself away from Roan to face off with Sorrell. “She’s not going to hurt anyone and she needs to be protected. Nellie’s—”

“It’s not about any harm she might cause, Cress,” Roan interrupted, his hand touching my shoulder gently.

“A human in our court is bad enough, but in the Court of Frost?” Sorrell shook his head. “She would be found out and executed before we even made it ten steps inside the court. Or is that your plan, little Changeling? To kill your friend before she can betray you?”

“She wouldn’t,” I said quickly, “and I wasn’t—”

Sorrell raised his voice and spoke over me. “The human stays here,” he said with a decisive nod. “As far from trouble as possible. Groffet will keep a firm eye on her. She is not to make herself known. If a whisper of the fact that she's even here gets back to the Crimson Queen or Gods forbid, the Frost Queen," Sorrell jabbed his forefinger in my direction, "then your little human friend won't be the only one losing her head, we all will.” He lowered his arm and glared at Roan and me meaningfully before he turned and gave Orion a once over for good measure. He seemed to think that glaring at us was the way to get us to do what he wanted.

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