Home > Rule Breaker(17)

Rule Breaker(17)
Author: Lisa B. Kamps

It wasn't until she leaned up on her bare toes and pressed her lips against the scar at the corner of my mouth that I moved. I wrapped my arms around her waist, held her against me and caught her mouth with mine. Hard. Possessive. Claiming her as mine like I had every right to. Her small sigh mingled with my groan of need, the sound fading between us as our mouths melded together.

This was what I wanted. Addy. Here. With me. It didn't make sense, this sudden possessive need I had to conquer her and make her mine. A part of me—the last sane part of my brain—wondered if this all-consuming need was simply because I couldn't have her. She was off-limits and out of my league. She should be untouchable.

I pushed the thought away and focused on the woman in my arms. On her soft curves and feverish kisses. I thrust my tongue into her welcoming mouth, drank her tiny little moans as our tongues swirled and danced together. I reached between us, caught the hem of the oversized t-shirt and shoved it up, baring both of her breasts to my touch. I broke the kiss and leaned down, caught the tight peak of one hard nipple into my mouth and sucked. Fingers clenched around my head, threading into my hair and holding me in place.

It was all the encouragement I needed.

I grabbed her hips and lifted, sitting her on the edge of the counter and steadying her as I peeled the sweatpants down her legs. I stepped back, drinking in the sight of her lush legs and the tightly trimmed curls framing her pussy. A small blush stained her flesh and she started to close her legs, only to gasp in surprise when I grabbed them and spread them even further.


I closed my mouth over hers, swallowing whatever words she'd been about to say, and slid my finger along her tight folds. Wet, so fucking wet. I teased her clit, felt a shiver go through her at the touch. Swallowed her cry and my own smile as her hips rocked toward my hand. Seeking. Searching.

I shoved her t-shirt up higher, breaking the kiss so I could pull it over her head. Then I dragged my mouth along her cheek. Her jaw. Nibbled the lobe of one dainty ear and was rewarded with a shuddering sigh as her body swayed toward me. I dragged my mouth lower, traced the curve of her collarbone with my tongue. Lower, to the fullness of her breasts, lavishing them both with attention as I fingered her clit. Harder. Demanding. Insistent.

I slid one finger inside her wet pussy, swallowed my own groan when her muscles clenched and squeezed around it. Kissed my way even lower, down along her stomach and the flare of her lips, lower still until my mouth closed over the tight bud of her clit and sucked.


My name was a breathy sigh, her voice soft and wavering in the humid air between us. I grabbed her hand from my shoulder, eased it between her legs then stepped back to watch as she slowly, hesitantly, rubbed her clit. Pleasuring herself—and me, simply from watching.

I shoved my sweatpants past my hips and curled my fingers around my throbbing cock. Stroking. Teasing. Matching the rhythm of my finger sliding in and out of her wet pussy. I wanted to come, to release the hold on my control and lose myself. In her. On her. I wanted to drive my cock deep inside her, watch her wet lips close around my thick shaft and feel her muscles clench around me, milking me until I collapsed.

I eased my finger from her pussy, wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her from the counter. A gasp of surprise fell from her parted lips and she stared up at me, her eyes glazed with the same need and desire that threatened to consume me.

It would be easy, so fucking easy, to fuck her right here. Right now. Her legs were already wrapped around my waist, her pussy just inches from my cock. All I had to do was shift, just a bit, and I could drive myself home.

But we were in the kitchen and the condoms were in my bedroom and even I wasn't foolish enough to risk it. Not with Addy. Not when I knew there was no future between us.

I carried her to the bedroom, each step a test of control and willpower. We fell to the bed together, a tangled heap of arms and legs. I twisted, reached for the nightstand and yanked open the drawer hard enough to send it flying. Addy's husky laughter filled the room and I shot her an amused glance before diving over the side of the bed. My hand closed around the half-empty box of condoms and I dug for a single packet, wrestling it free, tearing it open, and sheathing myself in three quick moves.

I reached for Addy, rolling on top as I tucked her under me and claimed her mouth once more in a kiss that left me both stunned and breathless. I pushed up on my elbows, my hungry gaze holding hers as she raised her legs and wrapped them around my waist.

Then I drove into her, nearly coming unglued with that single thrust. I stilled, reaching for control, worried that I wouldn't find it.

Wondering why this woman—the one woman I couldn't have—drove me to the brink and threatened to shatter my control. Not just now, but every time we were together.

I pushed into her again. Deeper. Harder. Rocking into her until she exploded around me, her nails biting into flesh as she called my name.

And then my own explosion erupted—inside me, around me, consuming me—and I wondered no more.



Chapter Twelve


Something tugged at me, pulling me from that odd state between sleeping and waking. I murmured my impatience and snuggled closer to the log of warmth next to me, wishing the cloak of hazy softness would wrap around me once more and pull me even deeper into sweet oblivion.

I heard the noise again, a sharp little trill, muted by distance. My eyes fluttered open even though I fought against it, wanting nothing more than to ignore the sound and go back to sleep. I couldn't, not when my subconscious had already recognized the sound and was urging me awake.

Strong arms tightened around me, pulling me closer as I struggled to sit up. My limbs were like rubber, sapped of strength and silently protesting when I pushed against the hard chest for leverage. Nathan grunted, the sound muffling my own sleepy groan as I finally sat up—only to nearly fall back down. It would be so easy to collapse against the mattress, to curl against Nathan and rest my head on his chest as he held me in the circle of his arms. But my phone was still ringing, the annoying chirp calling me.

"It's my phone." My words were slurred with sleep, lazy and thick even to my own ears. Nathan wrapped one arm around me and pulled me back down, settling me against him with a sleepy yawn.

"Not anymore."

I frowned then realized he was right—the phone had stopped. I snuggled against him with a sleepy sigh, my eyes already closed, my sated body already drifting back into the comforting hazy gray of sleep.

Until my phone rang again, less than a minute later.

I smothered a smile at Nathan's grumbled oath then reluctantly broke free of his hold. A t-shirt was balled up at the edge of the bed and I snagged it as I stumbled past, pulling it over my shoulders as I weaved my way from his room. The shirt was inside out and quite possibly on backward but I didn't care. With any luck, I'd be back in Nathan's bed within a few minutes, the t-shirt gone seconds before I curled against him once more.

My purse was on the floor where I'd left it and I bent over to retrieve it, plunging my hand inside to grab my phone. I winced at the cold dampness, briefly surprised my phone was still working after being so neglected. I should have emptied my purse when we first got here, spread the meager contents on the kitchen counter so they had a chance to dry.

I would do that in a few minutes, right after I found out who was so insistently calling me.

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