Home > Rule Breaker(38)

Rule Breaker(38)
Author: Lisa B. Kamps

No, probably not anymore. Any hope I might have had that my agent could swing some last-minute miracle had totally disintegrated a few hours earlier. I wasn't naive, I'd seen the writing on the wall even before today's events.

And if I hadn't, the man staring back at me when I opened the door would have taken care of any delusions—and hope—I might still be harboring.

We stood there, facing off like two rivals at center ice. My first instinct was to jam my shoulder into his chest then shut the door in his face and I was pretty sure he was thinking something similar.

As much as I wanted to do it, though, I couldn't. He was Addy's father. And no matter what I thought of him, I wasn't going to say or do anything that might create a bigger wedge between them.

Maybe Landry felt the same way because he finally offered me a curt nod. "Shaw."

I acknowledged the greeting with my own curt nod but didn't bother stepping back or inviting him inside. His gaze slid past me, no doubt searching out Addy, and I knew the exact instant he got a good look at her arm. His dark eyes narrowed the slightest bit and his jaw clenched so damn hard I was pretty sure I heard his back teeth shatter.

He turned back to me and for a brief second, I thought I saw real regret in his gaze. Or maybe it had been a trick of the light because when I looked again, it was gone.

"I'd like to talk to you, if you don't mind." His gaze drifted to Addy then back to me. "Alone."

I tightened my hand around the edge of the door and held the man's gaze for the space of several heartbeats. Then I very deliberately shook my head.

"We can talk if you want but you don't dictate what Addy does. If she wants to give you privacy, that's her choice. Not yours." Especially not here in my own damn home, but I didn't say that last part out loud. From the expression that crossed Landry's face, I didn't have to—he'd heard it loud and clear.

I finally stepped back to allow him in, then very deliberately closed the door and moved past him to stand next to Addy. It was a totally possessive move on my part but I wanted to send him a clear message.

A message that grew even clearer when Addy curled her hand around mine. I squeezed her fingers, pissed that they were now cold and trembling. Landry's gaze dropped to our clasped hands then shot back to mine. No, he wasn't happy. At all.

Tough shit. He could either deal with it or get out.

Several minutes passed by as Landry quietly studied the apartment. His expression was carefully blank but I had no doubts that he was judging it and finding it lacking. My place wasn't a cheap hovel—far from it, despite the minimal furnishings and stacks of boxes shoved against one wall. But I'd seen the place where Addy had been born and raised and lived. I could have had a professional decorator come in here to dress the place up and it still wouldn't have measured up to Landry's expectations.

He finally turned his attention on me, his expression carefully blank. "I came to thank you."

The words blindsided me, they were so completely unexpected. I think they surprised Addy, too, because I felt her body jerk just the tiniest bit. I opened my mouth to say something—what, I had no idea—but Landry stopped me with a simple shake of his head.

"I also came to tell you that my attorneys are in the process of reaching out to your agent." Landry's gaze shifted to Addy then back to me. My lungs froze and for a solid minute, I was positive my heart stopped beating. This was it, the news I'd been preparing myself for. The news I'd been dreading. My hockey career was officially over, finished before I had a chance to redeem myself.

At least he had the balls to tell me to my face. I had to give him credit for that much.

"I hope you like New Orleans because you'll be playing for the Bourdons for a while."

I saw his mouth move. I heard the words. But there was a slight pause before their actual meaning sunk in. Even then I just stood there, afraid to move. To breathe. Afraid to believe.

But I wasn't hearing things and the words weren't just wishful thinking. Landry was dead serious.

I fought against the dizziness of overwhelming relief and managed to clear my throat enough that I could actually get out a few coherent words. "Thank you."

"Coach Somers told me he expects a lot out of you. I'll expect the same, and not just on the ice." Landry's gaze dropped once more to our clasped hands, his meaning perfectly clear. I wasn't foolish enough to think he approved of me being with Addy—I had a feeling I'd never live up to his expectations—but something told me he wouldn't interfere.

At least, not too much.

Landry took an awkward step forward then hesitated. I could sense his discomfort, knew he had no idea how to mend whatever rift had been widened between Addy and him. I sensed the same coming from Addy, could feel it in the way her hand trembled in mine and the new tension overlaying the relief she'd felt when he'd announced I'd be staying with the Bourdons.

And if they couldn't figure out how to mend their relationship, I sure as hell couldn't. But he was Addy's father. I could at least make an effort.

I shifted my weight from one foot to the other then awkwardly motioned to the refrigerator against the far wall. "Can I get you something to drink?"

The offer surprised him and he hesitated before slowly shaking his head. "No, but thank you. I have another meeting I need to get to." He looked down at the bruises circling Addy's arm then, for the first time since he walked through my door, he looked directly at Addy. "I'm having charges brought against Quinn. I'm sure Harding will do his best to have them dropped. He might even succeed. But even if he does, Quinn won't be able to harass anyone again. I'll make sure of it. I just wanted you to know that. And I'm sorry, Adelaide. For everything."

He looked back at me and offered another curt nod then turned and started toward the door. I glanced at Addy, saw the tension in her shoulders and the tears filling her eyes. I also noticed the mix of uncertainty and yearning on her face. Maybe I didn't know everything that had happened between them, maybe I never would—that would be up to Addy to tell me but only if she wanted to. And no matter what I thought of Landry, he was her father and I had a feeling she wanted to try to repair their relationship as much as he did.

I released her hand then placed my palm in the middle of her back, gently nudging her from the stool. She hesitated, the uncertainty still clear on her face. I offered her a nod of encouragement then stood back, letting her know the choice was hers.

Addy still hesitated, finally calling out when Landry's hand closed over the doorknob. "Daddy, wait."

The man turned and I was surprised to see the emotion on his face. Regret. Shame. Sorrow. Grief. And, beneath it all, reluctant hope.

Addy rushed toward him, her arms going around his waist as he pulled her into a gentle hug. I turned away, giving them privacy, deliberately tuning out their low words as they spoke for several long minutes. Then I heard the door close and turned in time to catch Addy as she launched herself into my arms.

"Everything okay?"

"It will be. In time." She wiped the tears I pretended not to notice against my shirt then tilted her head back. "You get to stay here and keep playing."

"Yeah, I do."

"Good. I didn't want you to move."

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