Home > The Match(54)

The Match(54)
Author: Sarah Adams

“You’re going to sic your sister on me?”

I smile. “Definitely.” Maybe I’m being a little bit petty now, but I’m so over this day that I don’t even care anymore. I’ll deal with Natalie more like an adult tomorrow, when the sun is up and she’s wearing real clothes…or maybe even just over the phone. Yes, I decide the phone is a better choice because I feel physically sick having to look at this woman who I don’t even recognize anymore.

She shakes her head and starts to spit an ugly comment at me, but I don’t even hear it because I shut the door and walk toward my truck.

Once I’m down the road a little way, I let out a full breath. I feel like I just dodged a semi that had every intention of running me over. Not today. Not tomorrow. If anything, this little encounter with Natalie has only solidified the conclusion I came to on my way home from dropping Evie off earlier.

Evie Jones is a woman who can be trusted. A woman whose word is as solid as gold and whose heart is as soft and warm as her skin. She’s nothing like my ex-wife, and I’m ready to stop letting my hurt get in the way of what I know will be a very good thing between us.

Suddenly, her face flashes in my mind, and I remember how badly I left things with her. When I pulled up out front of her house and put the truck in park, I couldn’t even bring myself to meet her eye. I kept my hurt little ego perched on my sleeve and my eyes cast forward on the road. I could see from the corner of my eye that Evie had opened her mouth to say something before deciding against it and going into her apartment. I wish so badly I knew what she was going to say. I hope it’s not too late.

I want to call her, but I feel like this apology is something that needs to happen face to face. But not tonight, because this day has taken too much out of me. I’ll go to her place tomorrow. I’ll bring all of the muffins that the bakery has to offer. I’ll tell her how sorry I am. How wrong I was.

It will all be okay tomorrow.



Chapter Thirty-One




I didn’t sleep a wink last night. Not one teeny-tiny microscopic minute. I went back and forth between wishing Jake would call me and trying to print out a picture of his face so I could draw devil horns and a mustache on it. Actually, yeah, I would have done that, but I remembered that I don’t own a printer.

I probably made 200 laps around my apartment, cleaned out all three of my cupboards, vacuumed under the cushions of my couch, and folded all my panties into neat little triangles and matched my socks.

Finally, the sun came up, and I decided I was tired of waiting around for Jake to come apologize to me—and he DOES owe me an apology. If he thinks that I’m just going to let him get away with mistreating me and ending our relationship, he’s got another thing coming.

I’m fighting for you, Jake…because…I freaking love you.

Yeah, you heard me right. I love that big jerk. Because normally, he’s not a big jerk. I’m giving him a little slack because I know, firsthand, what it’s like to be on the other end of a Harold and Melony Jones Special. They whisper words in your ear that sound so true and real. And poor Jake got hit where he’s most hurt: in the I’m-not-good-enough pants.

Well, guess what, buddy, you’re good enough for me!

I know, I need to simmer down. I’m fired up because I drank a whole pot of coffee between the hours of 3 AM and 6 AM. So, now I’m on a caffeine high and also deliriously tired. Not a great combo. Or perhaps…the best combo! I laugh maniacally to myself, and Charlie shoots me a look that says he’s going to tie me to my bed and force me to sleep if I don’t chill the freak out.

So, I do.

I take a shower. I blow-dry my hair. I put on my favorite sundress that shows off too much of my legs, because—why yes—I do plan on pulling out all the stops to get Jake to listen to me. And then I call an Uber, and Charlie and I climb in the backseat and set out for Jake’s house. My knee bounces the whole way, and I know that my Uber driver notices, because she keeps giving me looks that say she’s afraid I’m going to pee in her backseat.

Honestly, I’m so nervous and caffeinated that I just might.

It’s when we are pulling up out front of his house that I start to wonder if this was a bad idea. What if he turns me down? What if he’s still angry? What if he’s still asleep and I wake him up, making him even angrier?!

I give myself a mental slap and get out of the car. I have a man to get back.

Charlie and I walk with determined strides all the way up to Jake’s door. I ring it, and as I wait for him to answer, I have deja vu of the first time I rang this doorbell. Not unlike that day, I kinda want to throw up in the bushes.

I have my speech all rehearsed:

Jake. Hear me out. I know that you think I will miss my old life, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I hate everything about my parents’ society, and I left it for a reason. I want you…all of you. I don’t want to share you with anyone else or pretend that we don’t have strong feelings for each other. Because honestly, Jake, I love—

The door opens, and a woman stands on the other side. A woman with shiny dark hair, swollen lips, a tight (pretty much see-through) tank top painted over her very large and obscenely perky breasts. She’s not wearing a bra. And…she’s not wearing pants. She looks as if I just woke her up, and…that’s because I did.

No, no, no.

Now, I really think I’m going to be sick in the bushes.

“Can I help you?” she asks, looking mildly annoyed.

She’s annoyed?! I’m annoyed!! Who is this woman? Did Jake seriously call a random girl to come hook up with him last night because he was so angry with me?

The thought sours in my mouth. He did. That’s exactly what he did.

“I—” I have no idea what to say to this woman. I’m so hurt. I’m afraid I’m going to melt right here on his porch, and then that will be the end of me, and someone is going to have to come mop me up. “I was just…”

“Looking for Jake?” she asks with a taunting smirk. “He’s not awake yet.”

Of course he’s not. Clearly, he had a late night.

“Okay.” I wish I had something better to say or do than just stand here like an idiot. But I’m shocked. I never thought Jake would be that kind of guy. I thought he… I thought he loved me too.

“Do you want me to go wake him up for you?”

“No!” I’m backing away from the door now, fisting Charlie's leash and wishing it was transmitting superpowers into my palm that would help me blast this skank out of Jake’s house. “I mean…don’t worry about it. I’ll just...”

I don’t finish my sentence. Instead, I sprint back to the Uber, and luckily, I’m able to catch the girl before she drives off. I practically dive into the seat and then yell, “Drive!” like I’m in the movie Baby Driver. I expect her to squeal the tires as she puts the pedal to the metal, but OF COURSE she doesn’t, because nothing in my life is going my way anymore.

“Are you okay, lady?”

“No. I’m not. Please just drive.”

“Where to?”

“Anywhere!” Tears are now running down my cheeks. “Mexico! Let’s go to Mexico.”

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