Home > The Sinner : A High School Bully Romance(11)

The Sinner : A High School Bully Romance(11)
Author: Kelsey Clayton









I can feel Savannah’s eyes on me as I leave her standing there, scared and alone. To be honest, I may have gotten slightly carried away with the way I practically choked her before letting go, but I couldn’t help it. I thought she would at least have the decency to own what she did. Instead, she played innocent and pretended she had no idea what my problem is with her. It infuriated me.

With more force than necessary, I pull the door open and step inside the classroom. Mr. Englewood’s eyebrows raise at my expression.

“Nice of you to join us, Mr. Hayworth.” He gestures forward. “Take your seat so I can continue teaching.”

I don’t bother answering him as I move to my desk and slip into it. Carter and Jace are watching me curiously, probably wondering where Savannah is, but Kinsley gives me a bright smile—one I return as best I can. If she wasn’t so fake all the time, and didn’t sleep with half the damn town, she would probably make a pretty good distraction from everything. Unfortunately for her, STDs aren’t on my wish list.

A few minutes later, the door opens again and Sav walks in. She doesn’t dare look at me, let alone ask me to sit somewhere else. Instead, she walks straight up to Kinsley and stands in front of her desk.

“Move,” Savannah demands.

Her eyes widen. “What? Why?”

“Because I said so. Go sit somewhere else or don’t show up for practice today.”

She rolls her eyes but ultimately gets up. Savannah takes her seat with a smug look on her face, fist bumping Carter as he fails at controlling his laughter. I’m almost impressed with the way she’s managing to stay strong. I half expected her to cower to me, but maybe I underestimated her. She is definitely not the same shy girl I left behind. Then again, perhaps I never knew her at all.



My mom and I pull up to the large gate, rolling down the window to speak to the guard.

“Hello,” she says. “We’re here to see my husband.”

“Inmate or corrections officer, ma’am?”

She swallows. “Inmate.”

He types a couple things into his computer before giving us directions and opening the gate. No matter how many times we come here, it never gets any less intimidating. As we walk into the building, we have to go through metal detectors, and they even search my mom’s purse. I can’t wait for the day my dad gets out of this place. Then he’ll be back home with us where he belongs.

Sitting at the table, we wait until two guards bring my dad into the room. His wrists and ankles are shackled, connected to a belt around his waist. The orange jumpsuit is such a contrast to the suits he usually wears. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to seeing him in here.

“Hi guys!” He greets us excitedly. All I want to do is hug him, but we’re not allowed to touch. “I’ve missed you so much.”

My mom gives him a sad smile. It’s hard to see how much this has broken her down. My parents have always been inseparable. To see them torn apart like this even makes my heart hurt. Still, I try to make it a point to enjoy these visits. They’re the only ones I get.

“I missed you too, Dad! I’ve been playing with Tyson a lot lately.”

He grins. “That’s great, bud. You and your cousin should be close. You’re family.”

I nod. “I miss Savi though. Mommy said maybe next month she’ll take me to see her!”

His happy expression drops right off his face, and his eyes narrow on my mother. “You said what?” His voice is a whisper, but you can hear the anger in his tone. “Grayson, there is something I need to tell you.”

“Landon,” my mom warns. “He’s just a child. Don’t concern him with this.”

“No,” he demands. “He needs to know.” His attention turns entirely to me. “Gray, buddy, you have to stay away from Savi and her dad.”

My brows furrow in confusion. “What? Why? S-she’s my best friend.”

“Because they’re not who you think they are. They’re dangerous. I don’t want you to get caught up in something that could get you in trouble.” It’s not nearly the explanation I was looking for, but his face shows his desperation. “You have to promise me you’ll stay away from them. I need you to promise.”

My stomach churns with the thought of never seeing her again. For the past five years, Savannah has been everything. She’s the one I tell all my secrets to. The one who can cheer me up when I’m having a bad day. The one who gets my heart racing just by smiling at me. But as I’m sitting here, seeing the sheer terror in his eyes at the idea of me being anywhere near her, I can’t help but agree.

“Okay, I promise.”


The fact that I’m breaking the last promise I made to my dad weighs heavily on me. However, after finding what I did only a few months ago, I knew I had to come back. To let her get away with ruining my entire life is not something I’m willing to do. If it takes breaking a promise in order for Savannah to get what’s coming to her, then so be it.



THE CAFETERIA IS CROWDED with students trying to get their lunch fast enough to be able to eat it. By the time I walk in, Savannah is already at the table with Carter, Jace, and Emma. I spot the seat next to her royal bitchness and smirk, making my way over and plopping my ass right next to her. The way her whole body tenses at my presence does not go unnoticed. Perfect. I want her to fear me.

“Grayson, just the man I wanted to see.” Carter slaps my back. “Practice was moved from tomorrow to this afternoon. So, make sure you’re there.”

“You got it.”

Kinsley sits down across from me, looking at me like a heart-eyed emoji. Savannah follows her gaze to me then drops the pen she was holding onto the table.

“Kins, be a doll and go get me a blackberry Snapple.”

She gives her a disbelieving look. “I just sat down.”

Savannah leans her elbows on the table and levels her with a look. “You’ll be sitting down plenty at practice if you don’t go get me a blackberry Snapple.” Kinsley sighs but gets up to do it anyway. “And don’t come back without one.”

As soon as she walks away, Jace smirks. “Do they even sell that here?”

“Nope,” she replies, popping the P for emphasis. “I had to get rid of that chick. She’s been getting on my last nerve lately.”

He chuckles. “Not everyone can be flawlessly gorgeous with a killer personality, Sav.”

“Flawlessly gorgeous, huh?”

“Oh, come on. Don’t act like you don’t know it.” His fingers run through his hair, messing it up intentionally. “Whenever you decide to ditch that Brady fucker, just say the word, babe, and I’ll pick you up.”

She laughs. “I may just take you up on that.”

Unable to listen to their blatant flirting any longer, I subtly sneak my hand under the table and grip onto her thigh. She lets out a squeal as she jumps, and then smacks my wrist. Everyone looks confused, but I play it off perfectly. The conversation between Savannah and Jace is effectively ended, and if the way she lets my hand stay on her leg is any indication, that’s exactly how she wants it.

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