Home > The Sinner : A High School Bully Romance(4)

The Sinner : A High School Bully Romance(4)
Author: Kelsey Clayton

Hayden looks slightly uncomfortable. “The bell. We should get going.”

Jace chuckles. “Don’t listen to him. He just doesn’t like bending the rules. We’ll get there when we get there.”

I nod and follow in step as we all start heading toward another hallway. Kinsley makes sure to slot herself right against my side, all but pushing Wyatt out of the way. I briefly let my eyes rake over her body. Her dark brown hair almost clashes against her pasty white skin, but she’s not entirely unappealing. I don’t think I’d date her, since I’m entirely noncommittal, but I’d probably let her blow me a time or two.

“Come on. You can sit next to me,” she says, wrapping her hands around my biceps. Jace and Carter snicker as I roll my eyes and let her lead the way.

The teacher pauses as we noisily enter the room. He eyes me suspiciously, but I don’t have a minute to introduce myself as I’m pulled to a desk toward the back of the room. Kinsley takes the one next to me while Carter and Jace slip in behind us.

“Mr. Hayworth, nice of you to join us,” Mr. Englewood greets me. “You are my new student, aren’t you?”

“Yep, that’s me.”

He nods. “Well, my rules are simple. Don’t cause disruptions in my class and we shouldn’t have any issues. Sound good?”

I cover my mouth behind my fist to hide my amusement as the two idiots chuckle behind me. “Mm-hm.”

“Great. Now, let’s open to…” I don’t hear the rest as I discreetly slip earbuds in and turn on some music.



THE CLASS GOES BY rather fast, but that probably has a lot to do with the playlist I had blasting into my ears. I head out the door only to find a familiar face leaning against a locker across the hall.

“Grayson Hayworth,” she smirks.

My mood brightens instantly. “Delaney! Is that you?”

In a couple steps, she crosses the hallway and throws herself into my arms. I catch her willingly, spinning us around as she squeals.

“I never thought I’d see you again.” She slaps my arm. “Way to go AWOL, jerk.”

“I know, I know. I’m sorry. Wasn’t really my choice to leave, though.”

A frown graces her flawless face. “I heard. I’m really sorry about your dad.”

Just as I’m about to answer, someone slips her arm around mine. “Grayson, what are you doing? Why are you talking to her?”

My eyes narrow at Kinsley. “Her name is Delaney, and because I’ve known her since I was a kid.” I pull my arm from her grasp. “Is that a problem?”

Looking taken back, she pouts before storming away from us. Delaney grins widely. “Okay, that was amazing. So, does Sa—”

“Who’s your friend, Hayworth?” Carter cuts her off, leaning with his hand on the locker right next to us and eyeing her like a piece of meat.

Delaney looks a little intimidated as she moves closer to me. “I’ve, uh, got to get to my next class. It was good seeing you again. We’ll catch up soon.”

She scurries away before I even get a chance to say goodbye. Carter’s brows furrow as he watches her practically run from him, but then he shakes it off and puts his hand on my shoulder—nodding in the direction of lockers. The two of us walk side by side over to where everyone else is hanging out. I toss my book onto the shelf and then close the door, leaning my back against it.

I’m listening to Jace go over the plans for the party he’s throwing this coming weekend when a slim girl with dirty blonde hair makes her way between Paige and Becca. I can’t see her face as it’s buried in a locker, but there is something oddly familiar about her. I’m waiting for her to turn around when Carter speaks.

“How nice of her royal highness to join us,” he quips.

She scoffs. “Don’t you have better things to do than focus on my whereabouts, Trayland?”

The second I hear her voice, my blood runs ice cold. I’d recognize that sound anywhere. Hell, I spent enough time listening to it while I was growing up. She turns around slowly, and there’s no question about it. As her gaze falls on me, her breath hitches, and I know for sure. She may look older, and a million times hotter, but standing right in front of me is exactly who I came here for. Savannah fucking Montgomery.









The house is oddly quiet when my alarm goes off, and judging by the way there isn’t a new set of empty beer bottles on the coffee table, it’s safe to assume my father never came home last night. After checking the house, I run my fingers through my hair and walk back to my room to grab my phone. First on my call list is the hospital. I cannot count the amount of times I’ve found him there, recovering from a drunken injury.

“North Haven Medical. How can I help you?”

I swallow. “Yes, my name is Savannah Montgomery. I’m calling to check if you have a patient there by the name of Craig Montgomery? He’s my father.”

“Let me check.” I hear keys clacking in the background before she answers. “Nope. There is no one here with that last name.”

“Okay, thank you for your help.” I hang up and immediately call the second place on my list—the police department. I recognize the voice as soon as they answer. “Hey, Barry. It’s Savannah. Is my dad there?”

He hums. “Yeah, sweetie, he’s here. One of our guys picked him up last night for public intox.”

I sigh. “I figured as much when I woke up and realized he hadn’t come home last night. Any other charges?”

“Resisting, but just come get him and we’ll call it even.”

“Thanks, Bar. I’ll be there soon.”

“Sure thing, Savannah.”

Out of the two options, I would’ve much rather preferred him to be at the hospital. They at least give him fluids, so his hangover isn’t as bad and he’s a little easier to deal with. I glance down at the time and notice it’s already 7:05. So much for getting to school on time.

I make quick work of brushing my hair and getting dressed into my uniform. I run out the door, and Brady is already waiting for me at the curb. I smile as I climb into his car.

“Hey, can you do something before you take me to school?”

He eyes me suspiciously before realization sets in and he puts the car in drive. “Do you need bail money, too?”

“Not this time.”

At this point, Brady knows better than to try to talk to me about this. The first couple times, he tried to pry information out of me as to when my dad went from father of the year to a worthless drunk. If I’m being honest, I don’t even have an answer for that. All I know is that over time he changed, until he became this. A mean, ruthless, disappointing mess of a man. Now, it’s all I know.

We pull up to the police station, and Brady waits outside while I go in and get my father. I follow the officer back to the cell, watching my dad wince as the sound of his name echoes throughout the room.

“Montgomery! Your ride’s here.”

Officer Patten unlocks the door, and my father stumbles through it. It’s easy to figure out he’s still at least partly drunk, but mostly hungover, if the way he shields his eyes from the light is anything to go by.

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