Home > Waking Bel(74)

Waking Bel(74)
Author: Jocelynn Drake

“I don’t believe that’s it,” Wyatt murmured.

“What is it?” Bel would do or say anything to bring his River back into his arms.

“My own people kicked me out,” River started in a low, choked voice. “They didn’t want me. Werewolves everywhere have threatened to kill me because I love Wyatt. Even if Wyatt claimed Albert’s pack, we’d be forcing our way in. We wouldn’t actually be welcomed or wanted.” River sniffed loudly and rubbed his hand over his eyes. “And vampires…the MacPherson clan just saw us as animals. Like pets.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“But then we found you,” Wyatt whispered in Bel’s ear. “You didn’t want us, but you, at least, treated us with compassion and dignity.”

“Trust me, I’ve learned my lesson. You and River are the only things I want. Only ones outside my clan that matter to me.”

River rolled back over and pressed his tear-damp face to Bel’s chest. “I love you. I love your family. Thank you for accepting us.”

“But what about the Ministry and the truce? What about the Montgomery clan?” Wyatt murmured.

“It doesn’t matter. You will always belong to me, and that makes you both a protected part of my life and family. The head of the Montgomery clan has been told about you. We’ll face it all together.”

Wyatt lifted one hand up to Bel’s jaw and turned his head so he could steal a slow, deep kiss. “Thank you, Bel. River and I will give it some serious thought. It is probably best if we deal with the wolf pack first.”

Part of Bel was disappointed by Wyatt’s decision, but he understood. It was the smart decision. Responsible. It was looking out for Wyatt, River, and the pack.

Soft lips brushed along Bel’s and he smiled, leaning into River’s kiss. It was a good hint that they’d already talked enough for one day. Bel licked along River’s lips until they parted. His tongue dove inside, tangling with River’s while Wyatt’s hands roamed over his body.

Wyatt slipped under the waistband of Bel’s briefs and shoved them down so that he could feel Wyatt’s hard cock against his ass. River moved closer so that Bel was pinned between their bodies. Dropping his head back, Bel moaned, reveling in the feel of his lovers. He would never get enough of them.

Their lovemaking that morning was slow, allowing them to slowly explore each other’s bodies, to savor each soft moan. Bel tucked it all away in his brain. He didn’t know what was going to happen in the next few days…if he’d ever have another moment like this. He had to make sure that he memorized everything in case he lost them.

But he did know one thing—he was going to fight until his very last breath to keep River and Wyatt in his life.






Bel kept his hands shoved in the pockets of his new coat as he walked beside Wyatt through the woods. Spring was only a few days away, but it would be at least another month before they started to see moderately warm temperatures at night. For now, the ground was still frozen under their boots while the surrounding flora continued to slumber.

A bird angrily cawed from its perch, followed by a flutter of wings. River turned around from where he walked on the other side of Wyatt, searching for the culprit only to smile when the raven gracefully dropped onto Bel’s shoulder. The damn bird grabbed a lock of hair in his beak and pulled. When he released Bel, he cawed loudly again.

“Yes, I understand that you’re angry. I told you I was fine. We got out safely,” Bel grumbled.

“Ozzie upset?” Wyatt asked. There was a hint of amusement in his voice, and Bel groaned.

“He’s not happy that I didn’t check in enough following the fire,” Bel explained. Lifting a hand, he rubbed fingers across Ozzie’s chest in a reassuring caress. It was touching that Ozzie had been concerned about him, but they had been together for several years now. The disgruntled bird settled and even rubbed his head against Bel’s fingers once.

“Okay, now. Enough of your nonsense. We’ve got work to do. Stay hidden and keep an eye on things for me,” Bel instructed.

Ozzie cawed once, then launched himself off Bel’s shoulder. He easily glided up to a tree branch and took flight again, disappearing into the inky darkness. Bel wanted to call more animals to his side to be his eyes, ears, and claws in the coming fight, but he didn’t want to risk their lives or add more complications to what was coming.

The fight was largely on Wyatt’s shoulders. He had to locate and challenge Albert in front of the pack. He had to fight Albert on his own and win.

And under no circumstances could Bel use his gift to control animals. Particularly when it came to the wolves. Everyone was afraid that the shifters would see it as a direct threat and a declaration of war on the part of the vampires.

There was a part of Bel that very much wanted to say, “Fuck it all.” He didn’t want anyone laying a hand on his Wyatt and River. And if that meant using his powers to control all the wolves in the pack, so be it.

It was the same damn reason the rest of the Varik clan wasn’t there by their sides. Vampires appearing for a challenge to the pack alpha would definitely be categorized as interfering on the part of vampires. Only Bel could get away with staying by Wyatt and River because Albert had struck first by attacking his house.

“Wyatt, you know that I love you, right?” Bel started. His hands were back in his pockets and fisted at his sides.

“I hear a but in there,” Wyatt teased.

Okay, Bel more than loved the man if he could hold on to his sense of humor while Bel was struggling against a swelling sense of panic and helplessness.

“But I really feel that this isn’t the strongest plan we could have come up with.”

River snorted. “He’s saying your plan sucks.”

“Yes, I got that,” Wyatt replied blandly. “What would a vampire prefer to do?”

“Probably sneak in and rip Albert’s fucking throat out,” River continued in a low voice.

It didn’t sound great, but it had been along the lines of what Bel had been thinking. Or maybe use his secret formula to turn Albert into a popping, hissing pile of goo. Yes, that would have been very nice.

But there was no more formula, and it wouldn’t help keep things under control with the shifters.

“It’s not that I don’t have complete confidence in your skills,” Bel said.

Wyatt reached over and wrapped his hand around Bel’s arm. He squeezed and Bel looked up to find Wyatt smiling at him. “I know. You just don’t want to see me hurt.”

“Yes.” That was everything. He’d do whatever he had to in order to keep Wyatt from feeling an ounce of pain.

“Love you too,” Wyatt whispered. “Love you both.”

“Don’t!” River snapped. “We’re getting through this and getting our lives back.” River’s voice was hard and unyielding, as if he could simply will his wishes into existence.

Before any of them could add to River’s statement, there was a soft noise ahead of them. Bel had felt their presence for the past couple of minutes. He’d sensed them first as wolves, and then it was more of a reaction of the other animals in the woods. Humans. They read more like dangerous blank spaces. Animals avoided them, gave them a wide berth if it was possible.

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