Home > Waking Bel(80)

Waking Bel(80)
Author: Jocelynn Drake

He laid everything on the table in front of Maggie so they could comfortably work together.

“We’ve lost too many good wolves to that old way of thinking,” she said softly. She paused and licked her lips. “I believe…I lost a nephew that way.”

“What do you mean?”

“I know Wyatt’s sister. Good woman. Hard worker. She confided in me what happened with her pack. I’ve never heard of a wolf coming out to his pack the way he did. Most…they just disappear one night. All are well past the marrying age, just when people are starting to talk and the pressure is mounting. The pack just wakes up one morning, and the person is gone along with some of their belongings.” She shook her head. “My nephew was a sweet, kind boy. I never once saw a girl turn his head. One night, we were at a wedding for a boy who was the same age as him. He held my hand tight during the entire ceremony. Later that night, he hugged me and told me that he loved me. Next morning, he was gone. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss him.”

Bel reached out and laid a hand on her thin shoulder. “I’m sure he was able to build himself a good life. Find love and happiness.”

Maggie smiled at him, but she didn’t exactly look convinced. Bel hoped that he was right and that all those exiles found something other than the kind of hardship Wyatt and River had suffered.

They redirected the conversation to lighter topics like the promise of spring. Bel peppered Maggie with questions about normal pack life, and she answered them all with an air of amusement. She even asked him a few more about old vampire folklore that simply wasn’t true.

Minutes ticked by slowly. Bel could still feel his wolves. Amusement, joy, relief, family, and little twinges of pain rose from both of them. They had back something they’d not enjoyed in a very long time. They were running free with their own kind. They were a part of something they had thought they’d never have again.

And it was selfish of Bel to want them to leave all that behind.

The wolves couldn’t have been gone longer than an hour when heavy footsteps could be heard up the front steps. The door opened and Wyatt strode through, wearing only his jeans. His chest was covered in sweat and dried blood, but it looked as if all his injuries were healed. The wolf walked tall like the conquering warrior that he was. Directly on his heels was River, looking windblown and so very happy.

River flashed a wide grin that morphed into a moan when his eyes fell on the huge plate of sandwiches. “Oh God, Bel! How did you know?”

“You think I’ve forgotten your eating habits?” Bel teased.

River grabbed up two sandwiches and took a huge bite out of one while tightly clutching the other.

Wyatt nodded to Maggie and Bel. He grabbed a sandwich and offered them to the other two men who’d followed them into the house. Wyatt then handed the plate over to a man Bel hadn’t seen before.

“Please, take these outside to anyone who is still gathered and willing to help.”

The man nodded and hurried away, a sandwich shoved in his mouth. Wyatt turned his attention to the man who remained. It was the same one they’d spoken to when they first entered the town.

“Jake, there are some things that need to be fixed tonight, if possible,” Wyatt said evenly.

“What do you need, Alpha?”

Wyatt’s lips twitched a little at the moniker, and Bel’s heart soared with pride. This was his man. At least, for now.

“I want Albert’s body burned. I’ve heard what he’s done to the pack. Between that and the attack on my family, he doesn’t deserve burial.”

Maggie snorted. “I don’t think there’s anyone in the pack who’s gonna argue with that.”

Wyatt smiled at the older woman for a second. “I also want the whipping post removed tonight. I don’t care what has to be done. Ax. Chainsaw. Or just rip it out of the ground. I want it gone tonight.”

“We’ll handle it, Alpha.”

“Thank you. Tell people to tear down the curfew notices. No more curfew. Once you get people on those tasks, I’d appreciate it if you would come back so we can talk some more. I’ll be in the office…” Wyatt trailed off and looked around the house. “When I find where the office is.”

Maggie pushed to her feet. “I’ll show you where the old alpha had it before the bastard took over.”

“Thank you for your help. And thank you for watching over Bel,” Wyatt murmured as he let Maggie rest a hand on his arm while she led them through the house.

“Sexy man like that needs watching. Otherwise, someone is liable to come snatch him up,” Maggie said as they cut back through the house to a pair of double doors near the entrance. The office was in the same disarray as the rest of the house.

The old woman gave Wyatt a pat on the cheek, a smile to River, and a final wink to Bel; then she left with Jake.

The three of them stood in the center of the office for several seconds, not speaking. Bel wanted to grab them both up and hold them tight against him, but there was something heavy in the charged air that kept Bel standing with his hands at his sides near the entrance to the room.

“Are you both okay?” Bel asked.

“We’re fine, Bel. You—”

“Right as rain,” Bel quickly answered. Taking a deep breath, Bel forced himself to meet Wyatt’s gaze as he said, “You’ve decided to stay.” He knew it without Wyatt saying a word. He could feel the pain and frustration mixing with a deeper sense of relief. They needed to stay. Had to stay. It was for the best.

“Bel—” River said but the vampire was already shaking his head. The lump in his throat was threatening to choke him, but he had to get the words out.

“No, I understand. This is where you belong. You’re with your own kind.”

“It’s not that,” Wyatt countered. “I spoke with Jake for only a few minutes, but the pack is a mess after Albert. Families have been broken. Some are starving and barely hanging on after the winter. Albert’s flunkies are still out there. I need to stay long enough to clean up the mess that Albert made, to make sure that my sister and her new family are taken care of.”

“I understand, Wyatt. You don’t have to…” Bel paused and cleared his throat. “You have to take care of your family first. Trust me, if anyone understands that, it’s a Varik.” Bel tried to give Wyatt and River a reassuring smile, but he couldn’t get his lips to move like that.

“You’re our family, too,” River stated, and Bel had to blink away tears.

“Yes, but the pack has been through enough. They may accept that their alpha is a gay man who has a man for a mate. I don’t think it’s wise to push them into dealing with a vampire as well.”

Painfully, Wyatt didn’t argue with him.

“While you’re mending your pack, I would appreciate it if the pack would respect the boundaries of my property. I just want to rebuild my house and live there in peace. I won’t bother the wolves or wander into pack land.”

“And I promise, the pack will not bother you.”

This time, Bel managed a small smile. “Well, I wouldn’t be opposed to a neighbor stopping by to borrow a cup of sugar. Maggie seems to be a nice person to share some tea with on occasion.” Bel had to stop talking because his voice broke on the end.

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