Home > Better Be Sure(11)

Better Be Sure(11)
Author: Andy Gallo

Jack pulled the door open. Seth’s bag had fallen and the contents spilled across the floor. Seth rubbed his knuckles.

Trying hard not to laugh, Jack bent down to help his friend. “You okay?”

“Yeah, fine. Just surprised to see anyone here.” Putting his stuff back in his bag, Seth looked disappointed. “I left dinner early, hoping to get here before everyone else.”

“Sorry,” Jack said. He wasn’t really. Catching the machines took planning and a bit of luck. “But if you want, I’ll leave my quarters and you can toss my stuff in the dryer. You’ll be next for sure.”

Seth’s green gaze lit up as he glanced from Jack to Brittany. Hurriedly, he drew the drawstrings on his bag and stood. “Really?”

Jack handed him six coins, a couple more than necessary, just in case. “It’s not like I’ve got anything secret in there.”

He stared at the money for a moment. “Um… can you watch my stuff for a minute?”

“Sure.” Jack took Seth’s laundry bag and put it on the washer.

“I’m going to go get my books. I can study until your stuff is done.”

Seth didn’t wait for Jack to comment. With another hurried look toward Brittany, he blushed and twisted on his heel.

“He’s cute.” Brittany craned around him. “A bit skinny, but he looks like he has a nice butt.”

“Leave him alone, Brit.”

“What?” The innocent look she gave him didn’t work.

“I know what you’re thinking.”

She opened her mouth to answer, but shut it again. They gave each other the evil eye until Seth returned, rounding the corner, backpack over his left shoulder. “Thanks, Jack.”

“Anytime.” Jack stepped to his right to block Brittany’s view. Of course it didn’t stop her from trying to peek over his shoulder. “I should be back before the dryer is done.”

“No worries,” said Seth with a shy, dimpled smile. “I’ll be here.”

Jack propelled Brittany out of the room. “He’s so….”

“Innocent?” Jack raised an eyebrow to stress his answer.

“I was going to go with boyishly sweet.”

“Don’t you remember what happened the last time you dated someone from the house?” He started to turn, but jumped back when he saw the slap coming. “Besides, he’s not ready for you. You’ll chew him up and spit him out.”

“More like I’d rock his world.”

They stepped into the waning daylight, and he wished he’d remembered a sweatshirt. “Seth’s a nice guy, a bit goofy, but also naïve. Find someone else.”

“You think he’s still… you know—” She looked back toward the door. “—a virgin.”

“Brittany, stop.” He waited until she faced him. “Seriously. I thought you were through dating anyone from the fraternity?”

“No, you decided that.”

“Maybe because you blamed me for letting you date Harper.” Jack shook his head. “I don’t need you mad at me again because someone else is an asshole.”

“You just said he was a nice guy.”

“He is….”

“Then what’s down your shorts that has you so itchy?”

Jack closed his eyes to regain his composure. “I used to think Harper was a nice guy, too, until… until…. And we both know how accurate my assessment was of Kieran.”

“Not every guy is a jerk.” She stared at him and shook her head. “You can’t paint everyone with the same brush.”

“Wasn’t it Cher who said, ‘Don’t shit where you eat’?”

“No, Jack. It wasn’t.” Brittany held out her hand. “I’m going to need your gay card.”


“Cher was in the movie, but she didn’t say that. The mother did.”

“Whatever.” He wasn’t sure what pissed him off more—the fact he tried to live down to the gay stereotype or that Brittany called him on his mistake. “The point’s the same.”

“So you don’t want me to date anyone in your fraternity?” Her gaze told him she’d tossed down the gauntlet.

“No, but like I said, he’s a nice guy. I know what’ll happen if you chase him. He’ll follow you like a little puppy, and when you’re done, he’ll be crushed. I’m not saying don’t get to know him, but do it because you like him or don’t do it at all. He’s not like Billy. He won’t be okay with a hookup for his first time.”

They glared at each other for a few seconds until she nodded and turned away. “Okay, fair enough. Now can we go eat?”

“Sure.” He wasn’t sure she meant it, but he knew she wasn’t cruel.

He’d get Marcus to help keep an eye on things.



Ed: Study group got cancelled. How’s messing with the boys?



Jack: Boys are busy studying.



Ed: Including you?



Jack: Is that your way of asking if I’m free?



Ed:…. Are you?



Jack: Well, I have an early start tomorrow, but….



Jack drove into the empty Barnes and Noble parking lot. Ed’s pickup was parked in a far corner next to an ivy-choked wall.

He double-flicked his headlamps as he drove over. Ed climbed out of his car and leaned against the passenger side, thumbs shoved into his pockets. He wore an open leather jacket against the night chill, and his lips curved as Jack parked in the space beside him.

Light spilled over the fence from the streetlamps.

Jack closed his door and leaned back against his Jeep, mirroring Ed. Nervous laughter threatened to make a fool of him. “Third meet up in two days, Ed.”

The underlying question did not go unnoticed.

Ed sifted a hand through his hair. “Yeah. I….”

“It’s okay,” Jack said quietly. “You can say it.”

One step forward and Ed closed the distance between them. His voice was cautious, low. “Can I say it like this?”

Jack frowned, brain scrambling to figure out where the space between them had gone and what he should focus on first. The light breath tickling his chin, Ed’s lashes as he glanced at his mouth, the soft sound of Ed swallowing.

Cool fingers gently touched Jack’s face.

Heart racing, Jack licked his lips, and Ed’s lips followed. His warm, minty mouth pressed softly against Jack’s bottom lip.

Jack had kissed guys before, but it was clear after only a second with Ed’s lips on his that he’d never felt one quite like this. At the bare brush of the skin, electricity shot through him. It buzzed at his neck, the base of his spine, even the backs of his knees.

Jack gasped into the kiss, and Ed pressed their lips more firmly together, the bow of his lip begging Jack to suck it.

Jack opened his mouth and greedily accepted Ed’s demands. Jack’s tongue danced over his top lip, and Ed joined in. The moment their tongues touched, Jack took over control. He slid his hands over Ed’s cotton shirt under his jacket. The soft material stretched over Ed’s tight stomach and back.

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