Home > Iblis' Affliction(42)

Iblis' Affliction(42)
Author: Nero Seal

“No one. Please ignore him.”

“No one, yet he is here, in a closed meeting, where he can see our faces.” Salik snorted and passed a knowing look to everyone around him. “He could testify.”

Talha almost rolled his eyes, but he understood the concern.

“Slater is my consultant, my protégé. He grew up in England and will be helping me develop a new channel. Now, once your curiosity is satisfied, let’s get to the point.”

The corners of Slater’s mouth stretched in a thin smile as he passed Dinçer. His fingers ran over the back of his chair and Talha could swear he did it with a single purpose—to make Dinçer nervous. Moving from one chair to another, the reaper examined every man present.

Before anyone asked more unnecessary questions that might provoke Slater to answer, Talha said, “Dinçer, why don’t you start?”

“Yes, Reis.” Dinçer’s shoulders relaxed a fraction. He got up and ran his palms down his black suit to straighten invisible creases. Talha sat down. “For the last three weeks, five organizations stepped under the Demir Group. Since the Kırım group joined us, we dominate the Marmara region. Our current control over the drug market in Marmara and Southeast Anatolia is over eighty percent, which allowed us to fix the prices of heroin and marijuana.”

“You have a week to increase it to ninety. Send an envoy to those who don’t cooperate. Tell them it’s the last warning and their only chance. The next message will be delivered by Iblīs.”

“Yes, Reis.”

“I want the Aegean and Mediterranean regions to be mine within four months. The Black Sea, Eastern, and Central Anatolia regions by spring. Make sure they understand their choices. They can prosper with me or rot. If I don’t have control over my own country, how can I gain control over Europe?”

“Yes, Reis.”

“What else?”

“The Asani cartel is still choking in blood. I think we should…”

Talha stopped listening as Slater, completing a half-circle around the table, stopped behind his back. Propping his elbow on the backrest of Talha’s chair, he rested his chin on his palm. He whispered, his breath touching Talha’s neck. “You have a rat in your nest, Master.”


Slater unbent. Passing behind the tall chair, he scrutinized people sitting on the other side of the table. Someone spoke, but Talha didn’t listen. Looping Slater’s words in his head, he missed the reports from three lieutenants before Slater finished the whole circle.

Who? How does he know? Talha’s attention bounced from one face to another, as his mind scrolled through the backgrounds of every man present in the room. Some of these people he’d known for years. Many times, he’d trusted them with his life, yet it could be anyone.

Twelve people. Nineteen provinces. Two regions. One common goal which could easily become a stumbling block—money and power. How many of those who he called comrades would want to eliminate him to create a power vacuum? How many of them would want to fight for the right to stand at the top of the hill?

Any of them… Talha had to admit, but another thought inhabited his head. What if Slater is messing around? What if he is lying to breed strife? Why should I trust him when all he does is mess around?

“Talha?” Dinçer called, demanding his attention.

Maybe this is what Slater wants? To isolate me. To instill paranoia in my mind. To make me doubt my lieutenants. Talha observed Dinçer’s serious face. His black hair, short at the temples and longer on top, looked like he spent at least half an hour messing with it. Shaking his head, Talha refused to think it could be him.

“No?” Dinçer’s brows rose.

“No, what?” Talha said, dumbfounded, catching more curious eyes on himself.

Dinçer mouthed, “What the fuck?” but repeated himself, “We are talking about approaching the Kaya Cartel from the Mediterranean region and offering them the deal first. They are huge. If we swallow them, the rest will fall to our feet.”

“Great. Do it.” Getting angry at himself for allowing Slater to ruin his concentration and get into his head, Talha rubbed his forehead.

“Then, are we done?” Dinçer repeated. “Do you have anything else on your agenda?”

“No...” Talha tried to get back into business mode but couldn’t. Slater’s words unsettled his mind throwing it into the loop. Tonight, ten people would leave Istanbul. The rat might be among them. Getting up, Talha said, “Actually, I have. Tonight, I’m having a small party here, so I expect you all to honor me with your presence for a quiet dinner. You are more than welcome to bring a plus one if you please, but keep in mind that escort girls will be the light and color of the night.”

“Girls, nice!” Someone exclaimed as the laughter rolled in the room. Talha sensed a few hard, unhappy glares yet no one dared to decline his offer.

“Dismissed.” He finished and strode out of the Grand Hall. Passing Slater, he whispered, “Follow me.”

Striding down the carpet road, Talha approached his bedroom, pulled the door open, and gestured for Slater to enter. The door slammed behind him as he stepped into the dim room. The smell of bitter almond and nutmeg enveloped him, calming him down.

Strolling across the room, Slater slumped onto the messy bed, his eyes shimmering with curiosity and something else, something similar to mockery.

“Speak,” Talha ordered.

“Oh, Slater will, but the information isn’t free, Master.” Slater stretched the words, his smile building.

Hands balling into fists, Talha blew the air out of his mouth. The single line said by the reaper irritated him. “Speak.”

“As you wish, Master. Slater will name the rat, but Slater wants something in return. It’s only fair, Master.”

Talha’s throat closed as the familiar rage that lack of control always stirred in him throbbed in his fingertips. Getting sick of the reaper’s games, he asked, “What do you want? Money?”

“Master doesn’t learn,” the liquid voice drawled, ringing with displeasure. “Slater keeps saying, but Master never listens. Slater. Doesn’t. Need. Money. Slater will name the rat, but Master stays with Slater tonight. Master has to stop running. Tonight, Master, you stay with Slater.”

“It’s a party tonight,” Talha reasoned. “A lot of people will be here. Some will stay over.”

“Tonight, Master, or no deal.” Slater’s face darkened, which only intensified his bright, hungry eyes.

“Fine,” Talha said through gritted teeth. “If you say the truth, I’ll spend the night with you. But listen carefully, if you drop fake accusations or can’t prove your words, I’m going to burn you alive and watch you squirm. Is it clear?”

“Crystal.” Slater grinned.

Someone knocked, and the door creaked open. Darting a glance down the corridor, Dinçer stepped in.

“What the hell is going on, Talha? What are you, in love or your girlfriend is pregnant? You daydreamed during the meeting. And a party?” Disregarding Slater’s presence, he ambled through the room. “I had plans for tonight.”

Talha didn’t know what to say. The grain of doubt, the reaper planted, gave the first sprout. Instead of answering his friend, he pressed Slater. “Name. Now.”

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