Home > Cruel (Savannah Heirs #1)(66)

Cruel (Savannah Heirs #1)(66)
Author: Coralee June, Raven Kennedy

“Are you fucking stupid?” the driver exclaimed, looking at me through the rearview mirror. “At these speeds, we’ll wreck.”

“That’s the point,” I groaned.

“I’m not wrecking on purpose!”

Luis growled in frustration beside me. Then, without warning, he leaned forward, grabbed the unused seatbelt with his non injured hand, and wrapped it around the driver’s neck. “Fucking do what Rogue said, or I’ll cut off your air, toss your stupid ass out, and drive this fucking car myself,” he snarled.

The driver’s hands left the wheel to claw at the belt around his throat, making the car swerve violently. Rocco’s other guy, who was sitting in the passenger seat, leaned over and steadied the steering wheel. “You crazy ass motherfuckers!” he screamed.

“Yep, we are,” Godfrey announced. “So tell your buddy to listen, or I’ll put your head through the fucking windshield.”

The guy shook his head with exasperation. “Motherfucking Heirs,” he snarled under his breath, before smacking the driver on the chest. “Just fucking do it, dude.”

Luis instantly let go of the seatbelt, and the driver coughed, taking hacking breaths as his hands went back to the steering wheel.

When I cocked a brow at him, Luis just shrugged his good shoulder. That was one thing about being an Heir. We always had each other’s backs. Even if it meant I wanted to purposely wreck a car at ridiculous speeds.

The driver listened to my every direction, and at the last turn, our car came careening out of a back alley, right onto the highway, and right in front of Johnny Jack’s car.

“Do it!” I screamed, just as the entire sky lit up with lightning, and a huge boom of thunder ripped open the clouds and rain began to pour.

When the driver hesitated, I launched myself up, gripped the steering wheel, and turned hard.

Our cars collided with the terrible sound of metal against metal and glass shattering. Our car went flipping, and our bodies tumbled with it. When my head finally cracked against the ceiling of the car, darkness swallowed me whole. Scar’s name was stuck in my blood-slicked throat.



Chapter Thirty-Nine



I could feel strong hands gripping under my arms and dragging me across the wet pavement as rainfall poured down on my face. Shattered glass was imbedded into my skin and there was an odd sensation in my shoulder. If felt like when I popped it out of its socket during gymnastics a couple years ago, but worse. Like something had torn. It was a ripping sensation, burning at the joint as whoever was pulling me from the rubble tugged me backward.

My vision was mostly black dots, but slowly, the world came into view. And damn, what a fucked up world I saw. Debris, flames, crushed glass, and twisted metal, all caught in the torrent of Savannah’s angry sky.

“Come on, Scar. Just hold on a little longer,” a voice said. I think it was Luis, but I wasn’t sure. There was a loud ringing in my ear, so shrill that I wanted to bite down to stop the constant noise. But when I gritted my teeth together, a sharp pain shot through my jaw. I’d probably cracked a tooth.

Luis vaguely sounded like he was in pain, grunting with each tug of my body as sirens in the distance closed in on us. I opened my eyes and had to blink away the salty moisture gathering behind my lids as I coughed on the smoke coming from Johnny Jack’s car.

“There was a girl,” I said through clenched teeth, wincing again when I felt the shooting pain on my incisor tooth. It was definitely cracked.

“Godfrey’s got her.”

Godfrey was alive? Thank God.

That damn ringing started harmonizing with the approaching sirens, making me want to hold my palms over my ears to stop its assault on my brain.

I turned to look at the mess that was once a car. The way the metal was bent, I was amazed that I’d made it out alive. I watched while Luis dragged me backwards, shocked when I saw Rocco step up to the car, glass crunching beneath his black leather boots.

“Where’s Rogue?” I choked out as Luis finally stopped tugging me. He dropped to his knees and positioned me so that my head was cradled in his lap. He began checking over my face and brushing his fingers over my shoulder, trying to block me from the rain as it flooded down. A sharp yet tingling pain shot through my limbs when he pressed on my collarbone, and he drew back when I screamed. My vision blurred from both rain and tears.

“Fuck. That might be broken,” I gasped.

“Ya think?” Luis shook his head and wiped the rain from his brow and slicked back his sopping wet hair. “I’ll admit, this isn’t your best look, Scar,” he said with a light chuckle. I knew the moment that forced laugh escaped his lips that he was avoiding my question.

“You didn’t answer me. Where is Rogue?”

His expression sobered. “Rogue’s okay. We were in the car that hit you. He’s gonna need to go to the hospital. The ambulance will be here soon, Babe. Hold on, okay?”

“Shouldn’t you be with him?”

“He’d have my ass if I weren’t here with you.”

A shout drew my attention back to the mangled car. The sirens were getting closer.

Rocco looked over at the car as he walked up to the passenger side. With a growl, he leaned inside. In a flash, he yanked Johnny Jack’s limp body through the window and onto the concrete. Johnny was bent at an odd angle, like his spine had broken right down the middle. Rocco leaned over and grabbed Johnny’s face in his hands. I couldn’t hear what he was saying over the ringing still going on in my ears and the dissonance in my brain, but I saw the way spit was flying from Rocco’s lips. I could see how his skin was a deep shade of red. I could see the murder in his eyes.

Johnny was barely conscious, if at all. But I could feel his resignation from here. Conscious or not, he knew he was about to die. He reeked of helplessness. And just as the sirens grew loud enough to be just around the corner, Rocco took hold of his neck and twisted it with a sharp jerk, effectively killing Johnny Jack with a snap, just like that.

Luis and I watched in horror, and I felt Luis shake beneath me, from either the cold rain, fear, adrenaline, or all three. But I was fading out of consciousness again. Luis stroked my sodden hair away from my face and swiped my wet cheeks. “Please hold on, Scar. I can’t lose you,” I thought I heard him whisper, right before my vision dimmed.

The next thing to attack me were questions. My body flickered in and out of awareness.

“Does she have an allergies?” a commanding female voice asked.

“She’s allergic to amoxicillin and shellfish,” Luis answered automatically, and if everything didn’t hurt so damn bad, I would have felt warm and fuzzy at his astute memory of me.

“You’re gonna need to let go of her, but move gently, we don’t know how extensive the damage is.”

“It hurts,” I moaned as Luis began to shift. The thudding agony grew with each breath, each hitch and exhale made me burn with a searing pain. Another voice off to my side gathered my attention.

“This man will need to be careflighted!”

“What?” I moaned while hands felt around my arms and legs. I tried to lift up my neck, but a stab of pain made me instantly collapse back down and I saw stars. Tears pricked my eyes. “Rogue? Is it Rogue?”

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