Home > Cruel Prince(Royal Hearts Academy #1)(41)

Cruel Prince(Royal Hearts Academy #1)(41)
Author: A. Jade

He speeds up so he’s ahead of me. The genuine remorse on his face is enough to make me speechless.

“You were right,” he whispers. “I am jealous.”

I swallow, unsure how to respond.

“My dad left for good after my little brother was born, and even though my mom works two jobs, things are still really tight.” He rakes a hand over his scalp. “I don’t have it easy like half the kids who go here do. And seeing someone like Jace, who walks around like he owns the world, and acts like everyone should bow at his feet just for breathing the same air as him.” His teeth clench. “It pisses me off.”

Tommy’s got it all wrong. “Jace isn’t lik—”

“Yes, he is. You might not want to believe it, but he’s not a good guy.” He flicks a hand in my direction. “Look what he did to you.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to argue, but I can’t. Jace didn’t just pull the rug out from under my feet, he strangled me with it.

“I’m sorry I upset you back there. I just wanted you to understand.”

“Understand what?”

“I like you, Dylan. A lot,” he confesses as he takes a step closer. “And I’m pretty sure you like me too. Even if you won’t admit it.”

“I—” Words jam in my throat. I should deny it and tell him no…but a small part of me knows he’s right.

It’s not all-consuming or intense like what I feel for Jace, but it’s a flicker of…something.

As much as I wish I could force myself to like Tommy because he’s obviously the better choice for me…I can’t.

It would be like running after experiencing what it’s like to fly.

It will never be enough. Not when my heart knows what the real thing feels like.

Tommy’s an almost.

But Jace is my absolute.

Tommy’s eyebrows pinch in concern. “What’s wrong?”

I can’t answer him. If I do, I’ll break his heart.

I’m not the kind of person who could do a cruel thing like that.

I’m not my best friend.

He takes another step. “If you’re scared I might hurt you, don’t be.” His hands frame my face. “I’m not Jace—”

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

I jump at the sound of Jace’s voice.

Tommy’s eyes flash with anger. “Do you mind? We’re in the middle of something.”

I can practically feel the rage swirling around inside Jace as he approaches us. “Yeah, I do mind.” In one fell swoop, he snatches Tommy’s collar and yanks him back. “You’re wasting your time. Dylan isn’t interested.”

Tommy snorts. “How would you know? You’ve been too obsessed with Britney and her tits—”

Tommy doesn’t get to finish that sentence because Jace shoves him. Hard. “Shut your mouth or I’ll make you eat the floor.”

My stomach rolls. “Stop it, Jace.”

“No, it’s okay. I’ve been wanting to beat his ass for a while now.” Tommy takes off his jacket. “Let’s do this, Covington.”

Jace removes his tie and cracks his neck. “Ready when you are, dirtbag.”

Exasperated, I look up at the ceiling. “You both need to calm down—”

I scream when Tommy’s fist goes sailing into Jace’s cheek and he stumbles back.

“What the hell, Tommy?”

His eyes narrow. “Rule number one when you’re in a fight—pay attention to your opponent. Not his girl.”

Jace bares his teeth. “She’s not your girl.”

“She’s not yours either.” An evil gleam lights Tommy’s face. “You’re too much of a p-p-pussy.”

Seething, Jace charges for him. However, Tommy moves at the last minute, causing Jace to slam face first into the lockers.

“Son of a bitch,” he roars.

Cackling, Tommy bounces on the balls of his feet. “Wow, for someone who runs their mouth the way you do, you sure fight like a sissy.”

My heart constricts when I see the blood oozing from Jace’s now swollen nose.

I need to put an end to this before they wind up killing each other. Since I already know how stubborn Jace is, my best option is Tommy.

“Tommy, you need to relax.”

It’s like he doesn’t even hear me.

“Come on prissy boy.” He points to his jaw. “Take your best shot.”

Drastic times call for drastic measures. Jace is already hurt and there’s no way in hell I’m going to let Tommy make it worse.

Stepping between them, I grab Tommy’s face. “Did you mean what you said before?”

He nods. “Yeah, why?”

“Stop fighting and go back inside.”

“Are you kidding—”

“Please, Tommy.” I hold his gaze. “I know you’re a good guy. You don’t have to fight Jace to prove it. Take the high road for once…for me.”

If Tommy’s really changed, he will.

“I—fine.” His eyes search my face. “You coming with me?”

“Yeah. I’ll meet you after I talk to Jace.”

I can tell he wants to argue, but to my surprise, he relents. “Okay.” He leers at Jace. “Keep your grubby paws off my girl, pansy.”

I place my hand on Jace’s chest when he lunges for him.

“Tommy, go,” I growl like a mother protecting her baby cub.

Hell, right now I kind of feel like one.

My stomach is in knots for the several agonizing moments it takes Tommy to walk down the hallway and turn the corner.

“He’s gone.” I spin around. “Are you okay?”

Jace looks like someone kicked his puppy…and then butchered it right in front of him.

“Tommy DaSilva?” For a second, I think he’s going to be sick. “You like him?” He kicks a locker. “Jesus, it’s like I don’t even know you.”

Pot meet kettle. “I can say the same about you.” Placing my hands on my hips, I stare him down. “You came here with Britney Caldwell, remember?”

He averts his gaze. “I didn’t want—” Shaking his head, he wags a finger in my face. “It doesn’t matter what my reasons were. You have a lot of balls coming here with Liam and then ditching him to make out with Tommy. What the hell is wrong with you?”

I fight the urge to smack some sense into him. “Did hanging out with Britney rot your brain cells? Liam is in there dancing with Heather Gibson.”

He blinks. “That’s Cole’s date.” Before I can explain, he circles his ear with his finger. “I think your little tonsil hockey session with Tommy has you all screwed up. Liam is the twin you came here with.”

I roll my eyes. “I know that, you jackass. Cole ditched Heather in the middle of the dance to hang out with Hayley. She was crying, so Liam went over to check on her and now they’re dancing.”

His nostrils flare. “So you decided to come out here and make out with your new boyfriend.”

He spits the last word out like it’s rancid.

For someone so intelligent, he can be awfully stupid sometimes.

I start ticking things off with my fingers. “Okay, one—Tommy’s not my boyfriend. Two—we weren’t making out. But even if we were, Liam and I are friends, so I really don’t think he’d care. And three—stop acting like I did something wrong when you’re the one who came here with my enemy.” Anger spikes through me and I push him. “You are literally the worst best friend ever.”

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