Home > Faking Ms. Right (Dirty Martini Running Club #1)(5)

Faking Ms. Right (Dirty Martini Running Club #1)(5)
Author: Claire Kingsley

“I have a cat,” Hazel said. “What’s wrong with cats?”

“Nothing; cats are fine. I just mean I’m pretty sure I’ll be single forever. I might as well get used to it.”

“Single has a lot of advantages,” Nora said. “But I know you want to find the right guy. He’s out there, sweetie. And one of these days, he’s going to look into your big, blue eyes and see that sunshine smile and fall desperately in love with you. In fact, he’ll wonder how he ever lived without you. And then you’ll make me wear an ugly dress at your wedding and I’ll fuck one of the hot single groomsmen to make up for it.”

“I don’t see the connection between someone falling in love with Everly and an ugly dress,” Hazel said. “Bridesmaid dresses aren’t all unattractive. Everly has good taste. She could choose something—”

“Kidding, Hazel,” Nora said with a smile. “I was just making a joke.”

Hazel’s confused expression softened. “Oh, I see. In that case, I also hope you find the right man and it results in bridesmaid dresses and… whatever else.”

“Thanks,” I said. “But I think I need to join you on your dating hiatus. Maybe some time away from men will break my curse.”

“It pains me to agree with you,” Nora said. “But maybe you’re right. Have you considered whether you’re gay? Should we try a woman?”

“I asked my sister about that once.” My sister, Annie, was happily married to a woman, Miranda. “She described how she feels and I didn’t identify with any of it. I’m not gay. I like men. I just keep dating terrible ones.”

Nora squeezed my hand again. “Honestly, Everly, I’m baffled. You’re literally the sweetest person I know. You’re smart, beautiful, and successful. I’m telling you, he’s out there. One of these days, you’re going to meet a man who wants to spend the rest of his life basking in your sunshine.”

I smiled and squeezed back. “Thanks.”

“I agree with Nora,” Hazel said.

“I love you guys.”

“I’d like to propose a toast.” Nora lifted her glass. Hazel and I did the same. “To Everly. May this time of singlehood be as long or as brief as she wishes. And may the next man in her life be the one to sweep her off her feet, and may he also have a big dick.”

“I’ll drink to that.” I lifted my glass to clink against theirs, and we all took a sip.

Sweep her off her feet. I didn’t see that happening anytime soon. But I was nothing if not a perpetual optimist, and a girl could still dream.









My assistant came into my office. She didn’t knock, but she was the one person who could get away with it. Probably because she never interrupted me when I was on a phone call or in a private meeting. She took my coat off the hook and draped it over her arm.

“You should get going or you’ll miss your reservation,” she said.

I glanced at the time. I did need to leave. Lateness was something I could not abide. I didn’t allow it in myself any more than I allowed it in others. But I’d been distracted, caught up reading a proposal.

I closed my laptop and put it in my briefcase, then stood, my mind already on the unpleasant dinner ahead of me. This had the potential to go very badly. Breaking things off with Svetlana in public was a risk. I hadn’t been seeing her for very long, but she had a flair for drama. I hoped I’d made the right call in taking her to a restaurant.

“I confirmed your reservation at Tulio,” she said, handing me my coat. “Do you want me to send you the menu?”

“No.” I slipped on my coat and pocketed my phone. I hadn’t finished reviewing the proposal. Tomorrow was going to be busy with meetings, so I’d have to go over it tonight. The sooner I finished this dinner, the better. Maybe I wouldn’t stay to eat. Get in, get out. Move on.

I fixed the collar of my coat and took my briefcase off the desk.

“Goodnight, Mr. Calloway,” she said as I walked out the door, heading for the parking garage.

This Svetlana thing had me distracted. I probably could have blown her off without seeing her in person again, but she struck me as the sort of woman who’d try to make trouble. If there was anything worse than a shitty breakup, it was a shitty breakup that made it into the press. She knew how private I was—how closely I guarded my personal life. If I pissed her off now, I was certain she’d make it as public as she possibly could. My best bet was to mollify her with money.

Not a direct bribe. I wouldn’t insult her by treating her like a prostitute. But I knew the sort of currency that had the potential to satisfy a woman like Svetlana. After all, that was why she’d been dating me in the first place.

I should have seen it in the beginning, but the woman’s acting ability deserved an Oscar. She’d approached me at a fundraiser, and her smile had caught me. To look at her, you’d think it would have been her body—because honestly, her body was insane—but it had been her smile. She’d smiled at me, wide and bright, and I’d known I was taking her home with me.

But at thirty-six, I was apparently still shit at judging authenticity, because her smile was as fake as her hair color.

Beneath that incredibly hot exterior, Svetlana was a nightmare. She was territorial, demanding, and whiny. She wanted a billionaire sugar daddy—a role I had no interest in playing—which was clearly why she’d set her sights on me.

Just like Brielle. And Sasha. And Marissa before her.

Clearly, I had a problem.

I was beginning to think I might be cursed. I wasn’t stupid. I knew it was normal for a man like me to attract a certain type of woman. In my younger days, I wouldn’t have dreamed I’d ever tire of the string of gorgeous women beating down my door. But they were all the same. A beautiful face and a hot body only went so far. It wasn’t that I was looking for something serious. I barely had room in my life for a casual relationship, let alone anything long-term. But spending time with a woman who wasn’t a viper disguised as a kitten would be a nice change.

My black Mercedes was parked near the elevator. I got in with a sense of resignation. I’d let her down easy, which would hopefully minimize the fallout. And if she did come after me, I’d handle it. As with any business deal, there were always work-arounds. Ways to cope with challenges and unforeseen problems.

Tulio was an upscale Italian restaurant. Small. Nice atmosphere. Good food. Svetlana wasn’t here yet, so I waited near the front.

I didn’t need to look up from my phone to know she’d arrived a few minutes later. The stir she caused wherever she went heralded her entrance.

Svetlana was beautiful in every sense of the word—physically, at least—and people noticed her. She’d been blessed with the best of nearly every feature, and had bought the rest. Perfect facial symmetry. Large eyes. Sleek nose. Full lips. Stunning curves. Just enough of her Bulgarian accent remained so she sounded pleasantly exotic.

She smiled at me, but I didn’t return it. Just nodded to the hostess that we were ready to be seated. We followed her to a table near the back. Svetlana paused while I pulled out her chair, but I didn’t kiss or touch her.

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