Home > Surrendered in Salem(12)

Surrendered in Salem(12)
Author: Milly Taiden

“Thanks.” She took the plate from his hands, but she didn’t move. Jett could only hope she had also felt the surge of energy between them.

Selene’s heart was beating so fast, he could hear it jumping erratically in her chest. Her breath was making her breasts move up and down in an alluring rhythm. He knew she wanted him. Her entire body was alive with it.

Jett felt himself leaning down before he even really knew what he was doing. His lips grazed hers softly and her sharp inhale of breath pulled him from his momentarily lapse of sanity. He pulled away and cleared his throat.

“Shit. Sorry.”

“No,” she whispered, her voice heavy and breathy. “Don’t.” She stood on the tips of her toes and placed her soft lips against his in a sweet, quick kiss.

She pulled away slowly, almost as if she were debating about taking another shot at his mouth. She licked her lips, and he mimicked the gesture, tasting her on his tongue. She tasted just like she smelled, vanilla and brown sugar. Jett was suddenly very desperate to know if her pussy would taste just as delicious.

Selene took a few steps back, in a daze. She set her plate on the counter and grabbed her fork to push her salad around. Jett took a seat in front of her and watched her through his lowered eyes. Needing a distraction for what had just happened, he took one of his burgers, drenched it with ketchup and took a bite.

He hadn’t realized that Selene was watching him. Her blue eyes were wide.

“I can totally see how you would eat three of those burgers. You just shoved half of one into your mouth. That was impressive.”

“It’s the only way to enjoy it,” he said after swallowing.

“By stuffing your face?”

“Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it,” he teased.

Selene eyed the burger and she brought it to her mouth. Jett was fascinated as she took a large bite. He was trying very hard not to imagine a different kind of meat going into her mouth. She was having a difficult time chewing and her face was red, no doubt from having his eyes on her.

When she finally swallowed, she coughed and shook her head.

“Okay, no. I am not doing that again and I really don’t know why you say it’s more enjoyable that way.”

Jett shrugged. “That might be a shifter thing.”

“Now he tells me,” she scoffed, but there was a smile on her face.

“I also could have been teasing you a bit,” he admitted.

“Of course. And I fell for it.” Her laughter was light and warm. It made his wolf happy.

This was nice. He had to admit. He hadn’t ever had a woman in his house sharing a meal they had prepared together. Actually, he couldn’t even remember the last time he had cooked for anyone but himself. It was kind of wonderful having her in his place, joking around and chatting as they ate.

This must be what his alpha was always going on about. This had to be what Blaze was missing in his life. The intimacy of sharing small, mundane, everyday things.

Jett had never had them to begin with. Not when his mother was around, and definitely not after she left. This was the first real taste of companionable domesticity he ever had, and he was enjoying it. He ignored his wolf howling in victory.

Being comfortable and at ease with Selene in his space didn’t mean he would let such a wonderful woman align herself with the likes of him. But he would have her in his space for a little while. That would have to be enough to hold him for the rest of his life once she was gone.

“Do you think we can call Astra once we’re done eating?”

“Of course,” he answered. He wasn’t trying to keep her away from her family, he just didn’t understand what it was like to miss someone. To worry about someone.

Jett did worry about the safety of the pack and the security of its people, but having someone to feel disconnected from wasn’t something he was used to.

They continued to eat their meal, but Jett was feeling introspective, and didn’t engage Selene into much of a conversation. Once she was done, she took her plate to the sink and began cleaning up.

“You don’t have to do that,” he instructed.

“Sure I do. You’ve opened your home to me, and you fed me. That means I get to do the cleanup.”

Jett took his plate to the sink and put the condiments and other ingredients into their places.

Selene dunked her hands into the water and she scrubbed at some dishes. She was swaying as she worked. Jett let his eyes go to her hips. He even went so far as to imagine what it would feel like to grip those luscious curves in his hands and sway along with her.

Inspired by the dirty images in his head, he took out his phone and connected the device to his speaker. He picked a playlist and the music began to softly stream through the kitchen.

“Good call,” Selene gave him a smile from over her shoulder. “I always have music playing at the house when I do chores.”

“Let me know if the genre isn’t to your liking,” he said.

But Selene shook her head. “Music is music. So long as I can shake my booty to it, I like it.”

Jett was fond of that attitude. His appreciation for Selene’s beliefs about music only increased when a particularly upbeat song came onto the speaker and she started shaking her ass. He licked his lips, feeling his erection strain against his pants. He was about ready to burst out of his jeans. From over her shoulder, Selene gave him a smile, and he all but lost it. He doubted she would appreciate it if he decided to cop a feel.

“Don’t you ever let loose? Come on, wolf man. Shake those hips.”

Selene’s hands were still in the sudsy sink, but she stopped what she was doing to wait for him to move. With a shake of his head, Jett sighed. “I don’t really know how to dance.” The admission shouldn’t have embarrassed him, but it did.

Selene dried her hands with a towel and came to stand in front of him. When she placed her hands on his hips, his cock screamed at him for attention.

“Move with the music.” She giggled as she tried to get him to move with her.

Jett was very aware if she got any close to him, she would feel his erection. He was sure she wouldn’t appreciate it. But she wasn’t relenting, so he grabbed a hold of her hips, and keeping a foot of distance between them, he started to sway along with her. It was heaven and painful torture all at once.

Jett didn’t want to let her go. Especially not when she was giving him that beautiful smile. He decided he could stay like that forever. Just moving to the beat of the music with Selene right there. His wolf was almost mad with lust, and so was he.

The song was interrupted by a ringing. Jett cursed under his breath and he rushed forward. That was Blaze’s ringtone. He quickly unhooked the phone from the speaker and shoved the device up to his ear.

The interruption hadn’t exactly been ideal, and Jett was frustrated. Couldn’t a wolf catch a break for one second?

“Alpha, hey,” he mumbled into the phone.

“Jett, I got your texts. I’m pleased that you’re safe now. Put Selene on. Let the sisters talk for a bit.”

He placed a hand on the phone’s speaker and gestured Selene over with a nod. “Come speak with you sister real quick.”

Selene’s bright smile got even sunnier. She took the phone from his hand.

“Astra?” Selene asked.

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