Home > The Bet(6)

The Bet(6)
Author: J.L. Beck

“What? No way, this is not happening Rem…” Too many words are being said, her excuses only angering me further. With both my hands, I push down on her shoulders, forcing her to the ground and on her knees. She cries out as if I’ve hurt her, but I know I didn’t. I’ve barely touched her, yet.

“Consequences. For everything you do, there is a consequence. Now yours is to suck my dick like the good little whore you are, or I’m going to ruin your entire existence here. I warned you, Jules. I fucking warned you, but you didn’t listen to me. You didn’t take me seriously, but maybe next time you will.” I snarl, reaching for the button on my jeans. How fucked up is it that I’m hard? That my cock is screaming to take her?

“Don’t do this, Remington. Please don’t…” she begs, tears glistening in her eyes. And I think back to that day, the day that I fucking needed her. I would’ve done anything and said anything to keep her with me then. My begs, my pleas went unnoticed, uncared for.

Shoving my pants down, I take sick satisfaction when her lips start to tremble. I’m so caught up looking at her face and her big blue eyes that I don’t notice her pulling her fist back until it’s too late. Her tiny hands land against my ball sack, and all the air in my lungs dissipates. My stomach churns and I fall to my knees as she moves away from me and onto her unsteady legs. A lightning bolt of pain passes through my balls.

“Don’t touch me, and don’t fucking threaten me again. You’ve changed, Remington, and the person you are and the person I am, are no longer people that run in the same circles. I don’t know you anymore. The Remington I knew never would’ve done what you just did. Touch me again and I’ll find a way to make you pay.”

And that’s the truth, the fucking truth. Never in a million years would I have put my hands on her like that. I never would’ve been excited to see fear flicker in her eyes, but I wasn’t that person anymore. This was the new me, and the only version she was going to fucking get.

“I’ll break you, Jules. I’ll make you pay for this,” I bite out each word, holding onto my balls, my entire world spinning out of control. One fucking day, one day is all it took for her to come back into my life sending all the perfectly constructed walls surrounding my heart into a crumbling mess. One day is all it took for her to make my stupid black hole of a heart beat again.

“I look forward to it,” she sneers, walking back into the house, leaving me alone outside with nothing more than the sick feeling of what I almost did to her, and the reality of the man I’ve become.



Chapter Four





Two days. That’s how long it’s been since Remington showed me a side of him I never plan to see again. Every time I close my eyes, there he is, an image of his angry eyes. All I can see is him forcing me to my knees, ordering me to suck his dick. I can’t help but cringe. Who the hell does he think he is? He never put his hands on me before, and though he didn’t hurt me, not physically, he definitely wounded me emotionally.

“Which movie do you want to watch?” Cally, my roommate, calls from the living room.

“I can’t watch a movie right now. I’ve got like three assignments due tomorrow,” I huff, trying to forget about Remington, about the party, and the entire events from that night. I’d have saved myself a lot of time had I not tried to make friends and just stayed home and did my homework.

“I thought you had someone coming over?” Bridget, my other roommate, appears in the kitchen. She’s got her long blonde hair in a messy bun, and a pair of glasses sit on the tip of her nose. Like me, Bridget is all about her grades, and less about the drinking and boys. College is nothing more than another step in her life.

“Well, I did…I don’t know if he’s coming now.” She pouts, plopping down onto the sectional before pulling out her phone. That explains why she’s dressed like she’s going to a party down the block.

Bridget grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and smiles at me. “How are classes going?”

“Good, just trying to figure out where everything is located.”

“Yeah, the campus is huge, but you’ll get used to it. Just like anything new. It takes time.”

I smile, feeling thankful to have met Bridget.

She’s kind and soft-hearted and offered to let me stay here rent-free, at least until I can get everything switched around with the colleges. My mom’s trying to help me, but with her working non-stop, it’s hard enough just to get her on the phone, let alone to help with anything.

“For sure, but I’m enjoying it.”

“Yeah, she went to a party with me the other night,” Cally pipes up from the couch, and Bridget smirks.

“She’s already corrupting you, isn’t she?”

I shake my head.

“No. I actually invited her to come with me. I was asked by someone I had just met and didn’t want to go alone. But I won’t be going again. I realized that parties aren’t really my scene.”

Bridget nods as if she agrees with me. “Mine either. I’m a homebody. All I need is a glass of wine and a good book and I’m good for the night.”

“Boring,” Cally snickers from the couch. Just then, the doorbell rings. Cally scurries from the couch like there’s a fire and I start to pick up my books deciding that studying in my bedroom is a much smarter idea right now.

I don’t care to watch Cally have sex with someone on our couch, not that I think she would, but I don’t plan to stick around and find out. Bridget must feel the same way because she turns with her water bottle in hand and starts back down the hallway toward her bedroom. I load up all my stuff in my arms and turn to walk toward my bedroom, but my body freezes up when I see who it is that’s at the door.


The blood in my veins turns to ice and I can’t get my stupid feet to move, it’s like they’re cemented into the floor or something. As soon as he spots me, his eyes turn from playful, a look I know all too well, to downright disgust and hate.

Why does he hate me so much?

I don’t understand, and still a part of me wants to. I want to go to him, wrap my arms around him and will him to tell me what happened. But I’m afraid, afraid of what he might do, and even worse how I might react.

We’re no longer best friends, were no longer anything, and that means there isn’t anything stopping him from hurting me. There are no lines, nothing to be crossed because in Remington's mind everything is fair game.

He doesn’t care for a damn thing, which is so unlike him. It’s dangerous, and a game that I don’t want to play. Cally closes the door, and the tension in the room grows thick. I can taste it on my tongue.

I don’t think she knows what’s going on, and even though I should probably tell her, being she’s my roommate and all I know, it wouldn’t change anything. Remington Miller is a North Woods god, and I’m just some transfer without a name. She would probably kick me out of the house if he asked her to.

“I’m so happy you showed up. I was just going to start a movie, want anything to drink?” Cally asks, oblivious to the daggers he’s throwing at me. Somehow, I know this is bad, him knowing where I live, who my roommates are.

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