Home > The Secret : A Friends To Lovers Romance(51)

The Secret : A Friends To Lovers Romance(51)
Author: J.L. Beck

I’m still thinking about the familiar scent in that bedroom as I wash my hands. Something about it is nagging me but I just can’t put my finger on it. Looking in the mirror, I give myself a once over before exiting the bathroom. I really should act more like the other people around here. Have fun and enjoy college life. This is what I wanted. I got away from my family to be normal. All I have to do now is get out of my own head and enjoy this.

I walk back down the hall, forcing myself not to think about the bedroom with its tempting scent. I fight the urge to take another peek inside. Just as I pass it I hear the soft click of a door opening, but before I have the time to truly comprehend that someone is behind me, I’m grabbed by my arm and yanked into the room.

Screaming like someone is about to kill me I stumble into the room, losing my footing as I go. Arms flailing, I prepare myself to land hard on the ground but I’m shocked when a pair of strong arms circle my waist from behind pulling me flush to a firm, warm chest.

Momentarily I'm stunned, like a doe caught in the headlights of a car. My screams cut off, the air stills in my lungs. I can’t do anything. I’m frozen in place. What's happening?

All I can hear is the swooshing of blood in my ears, my chest heaving up and down with panic. I open my mouth to scream again, but nothing comes out. Suddenly I'm dizzy, the smell of rain fills my nostrils once more and I realize immediately who that scent belongs to.

“Did you miss me? Is that why you're here, in my bedroom? Eager to see what we have in store for you?” Sullivan’s dark voice fills the room, and a cold shiver runs through me. I notice then that he's standing a few feet away from me, but his voice affects me as if he is right beside me whispering in my ear. It doesn't matter that I can't fully see him. I don't need to. I know he's looking at me with disgust.

His room? Blinking slowly, I try to digest what he's just said? Confused I'm about to ask him what the hell he is talking about when I realize someone is still holding on to my waist. Their warm hands burning into my skin.

Spinning around I shove at the firm chest in front of me, realizing quickly it’s Banks, the middle Bishop brother. A sinister grin spreads across his face as he licks his lips. “I think she just missed us, why else would she come here, to our house?”

“Your house?” I finally find my voice again. It’s shaky but at least I got the words out.

“Yes, our house.” A third voice drawls, and my gaze travels across the room and collides with Oliver’s chocolate brown eyes. “We bought it recently, figured it would be nicer than living in the dorms.”

Dorms? Why would they be living in the dorms?

Nothing makes sense right now. This has to be a dream, no scratch that, this is a freaking nightmare. I shake my head as if I can wake myself up from it. Then I try and take a step towards the door, but Sullivan slaps a hand over the handle halting my movement.

“Not so fast,” he growls, his muscled form towering over me. He’s bigger than he was the last time I saw him. Taller, scarier, even more disgustingly handsome than I remember. “Let’s talk. We want to tell you how this year is going to go.”

What does he mean? How this year is going to go? He can’t really be saying what I think he is? The Bishop brothers aren’t… they can’t be… My chest starts to heave, even though no air is filling my lungs. Lord, please tell me they aren’t attending college here.

“I don’t think she gets it,” Banks taunts, devilishly.

“It's not hard to figure out. I mean, we’re laying it out pretty clearly. It’s a shame really. All that money and her daddy couldn’t even get her a proper education.” Oliver sneers.

“I'm not stupid.” I try and make the words sound strong, but they come out like a soft breeze whispering through the trees.

“Right, you’re only a liar,” Oliver responds, his words like a slap to the face.

Gritting my teeth, I let the insult sink in. He’s not wrong, I am a liar. Because of my father I’ve done a lot of things I’m not proud of. I followed him like a lamb to the slaughter, believing him with blind faith. I knew someday karma would catch up with me. That eventually, I would pay for my wrongdoings, I just never expected it to be so soon.

“Let me put it into words even someone like you can understand,” Sullivan leans in so closely, I can feel the heat of his body. I can feel all three of them, their bodies drawn to mine like a magnet.

“Remember when I told you I would make you pay for what you did that night?”

Saliva sticks to the inside of my throat—like honey—making it hard to swallow. Every nightmare I’ve had over the last year would never have amounted to this. All three of their faces have haunted me in my sleep since that night. I regretted doing it as soon as I did it, but there was no taking it back, there was no changing the course we were headed on. It was like a bad accident, that you couldn’t look away from.

As if he can see the worry filling my features his smile widens, perfectly straight white teeth gleam in the moonlight filtering in through the window blinds.

“That little stunt ruined his senior year. Got him suspended from the team. You tarnished our family name, but that was the point, right?” Oliver hisses, his eyes narrowing, his angular jaw—sharp enough to cut glass—clenching.

The Bishops’ had money, but nothing could stop the local papers from printing an article about their son doing drugs and getting booted from the team. My father had hit his mark and made them bleed, and worse he’d used me to do it.

“Well, now that our family business is ruined, there is nothing for us to take over, so I guess we all have to go to college after all,” Banks explains, and I finally get it. All three of them will be attending Bayshore. This can’t be happening.

“Please… look….” An apology is sitting on the edge of my tongue, but a hand comes out of nowhere from behind me and presses against my mouth—another at my hip—effectively cutting off the words before I get a chance to say them.

I know who it is that has ahold of me, and I try to wiggle out of Banks’ hold, but he just pulls me closer, until my back is pressed firmly into his muscular chest. Panic, and something else, something warm, and euphoric swirl in my belly.

No. I won’t be attracted to them, and their stupid muscles, hard abs, and devilish smiles. They’re the enemy, my rivals.

“Shh, Princess. We didn’t say you could speak. Keep your mouth shut, otherwise, we’ll find a better use for it.” Banks smooth voice tickles my ear as he pulls his hand away from my mouth. His body remains close to mine, too close, but for some reason, I don’t move right away. One of his hands remains on my hip and I just stand there for a moment, letting his body heat seep into me, trying to warm the icy cold blood running through my veins.

“I told you… I promised you, that you would pay, and now it’s time. It’s time to pay your dues.” Tears sting my eyes. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. I will not cry in front of them. I won’t.

Finding a sliver of strength, I jab my elbow into Banks’ ribs. He releases me, even though I know I didn't hit him hard enough to hurt.

“Is that all you’ve got?” he snickers.

I step toward the door that Sullivan is now blocking with his body.

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