Home > My Heart to Keep(14)

My Heart to Keep(14)
Author: S.B. Alexander

The coach eyed me. “Christine, do you have five teenagers or six?”

Christine smiled warmly at me. “This is Quinn Thompson, Maiken’s girlfriend.”

Wrinkles creased Coach’s brow. “Maiken didn’t mention he had a girlfriend.”

I held my stomach, feeling like I’d just gotten punched in the gut. I swallowed a big knot and plastered on a fake smile when all I wanted to do was puke, cry, and run for the trees.

“She’s part of the family,” Christine said.

Yep, I was going to cry.

Coach Green grinned, showing his pearly whites. “Nice to meet you, Quinn. I’m sure Maiken will be glad to see you.”

Pfft. I doubted that, but Coach’s words gave me a small kick in the pants to walk into the building. As soon as I did, the scent of frankincense hit me. I felt like I’d just entered church.

The Maxwell kids were milling around, inspecting the row of portraits hanging on the wall outside an office.

“We’ll take a tour of the property,” Coach said as he and Christine came in behind me. “First, I’ll take you folks to see Maiken. The game doesn’t start for a couple of hours. So we have plenty of time.” Coach Green waved us on. “This way.”

With Coach and the Maxwell kids leading the way, we navigated long hallways and passed offices.

Christine walked alongside me. “Quinn, are you okay?”

I shrugged. “Yeah,” I lied. The closer we got to seeing Maiken, the more my stomach spun into a web of nerves.

She patted my arm. “Whatever Maiken decides, we need to support him. I know this is hard for you. It’s hard for me. But he needs basketball. I know he can play for Kensington. Here, though, he might have a better chance of getting into a good college.”

“Maybe. But Liam got into NC State, and that’s one of the best colleges in the country. I don’t see the big draw here except maybe the property.”

She pursed her lips, losing her smile.

“I’m sorry. I know you want what’s best for Maiken.”

“Quinn.” Her voice was a smidge harder than usual. “If you love my son, then you’ll want what’s best for him no matter what.”

I did love Maiken, beyond what words could describe. I also wanted him to live his dream. Yet I felt like I wouldn’t be part of his dream.

“Honey,” Christine said in a softer tone. “Maiken loves you. And if the love you both have for each other is strong, then nothing, not even distance, will break that bond. I know. I was a military wife. And the time away from my husband was rough, but our relationship grew stronger and stronger. Not only that, each time he came home, it was like a honeymoon all over again.”

“It’s just hard. I don’t want him to leave Ashford.”

She smiled weakly. “I don’t either.”

So many emotions rifled through me. In one breath, I was overly excited to see him. In another, I wanted to run back to the car. I inhaled, hoping to calm my nerves.

Before long, we were walking into the gymnasium. My mouth gaped at the state-of-the-art gym. White hardwood floors traveled the length of the court, appearing like a sheet of ice. Two TV screens hung from the high ceiling at midcourt. Bleachers surrounded all four sides like those in a college or NBA stadium, and on one side of the gym, the afternoon sun spilled in through the bank of windows that lined the top of the wall.

A group of boys congregated around the basketball hoop at the far end.

I searched for Maiken but didn’t see him. His siblings climbed the bleachers and found seats, which wasn’t hard. The gymnasium only had a handful of spectators scattered around.

I joined the Maxwell siblings and sat next to Jasper.

He nudged me. “There’s your boy.”

My gaze darted out to the court. Maiken wiped his brow with his jersey, showing his six-pack abs, as he emerged from a tunnel in between the stands in the corner.

I quietly sighed and swooned. When his gaze darted in our direction, I waved.

His jaw dropped, and his blue eyes gleamed. I wasn’t sure if he was happy to see me or not, but I was going with yes because he had an easy grin.

All the worry, sleepless nights, inability to eat, and nonstop crying vanished as my heart sputtered. The boy I’d met in my farm store that November of our sophomore year, the one who made butterflies take flight, the boy who had eyes as blue and deep as the ocean off the coast of Florida still had my heart to touch, to hold, and hopefully to keep.

He jogged over. His sweaty hair was stuck to his neck and forehead, and his muscled biceps bunched as he lifted his shirt again to wipe off the moisture from his face. “Hey.” He regarded his siblings. “You guys are really going to like the school.”

My heart bounced down the stands and onto the floor.

Christine left Coach Green’s side and headed straight for Maiken. “You look like you’re having a great time.” She hugged her son.

“I am, Mom. It’s been a great experience.”

Then she leaned in and whispered something in his ear before she joined us and took a seat next to Emma.

Maiken finally set his blue gaze on me. “Want to go for a walk?”

I swallowed the elephant in my throat and willed my pulse to quiet down. Otherwise, I would be throwing myself at him and begging him not to leave Kensington. Before I could wallow in my sorrow, I stood up. “Sure.”

We walked side by side, not touching. There were no hugs, only silence, as he guided me through a side door that led to a courtyard.

Again, I was wowed. Umbrella-topped tables were sprinkled around the cozy closed-in area. A massive grill that Daddy would be envious of was the focal point as the sun glinted off the stainless-steel top. And flowering trees provided shade in just the right spots. The place rivaled an outdoor dining facility at a high-end restaurant.

“It’s good to see you,” Maiken said, keeping his distance as he sized me up. “You look as pretty as ever.”

I certainly didn’t look like death as I had that morning in the hospital. I smelled better for one, and I was dressed in a pair of capris, cute flats, and a flowery blouse.

I threw myself at him. “I’m sorry about my party. I’m sorry I was such a bitch to you at the hospital. Don’t leave. Please stay at Kensington.” I was officially a wild woman and a basket case. Tears poured out like I had no control of my emotions.

His hands dove into my long hair. “Hey.” He pressed his body to mine, finally wrapping his arms around me.

I sighed so heavily, I swore I was ready to scream or burst into a song.

He hugged me tightly. “It’s okay. I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have walked out without talking to you. I was shocked that you were drunk.”

I nuzzled into the crook of his neck, absorbing his heady scent that was a mixture of soap and sweat. “It won’t happen again.” I’d said those words a thousand times to my parents and to myself.

Stepping back, he grasped my hands and locked eyes with me. “I know, Quinn.” He swallowed. “I can’t do drinking.”

I nodded. “I’m never touching the stuff again.”

He gave me a sexy grin. “But I hope you’ll touch other things.” He waggled his eyebrows.

My cheeks burned like an inferno as I replayed that quiet interlude we’d had on the side of the barn. “Me too.”

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