Home > Aurora Blazing(7)

Aurora Blazing(7)
Author: Jessie Mihalik

I had an older brother and sister, a twin brother who was younger by thirteen minutes, and two younger sisters. We were all close despite our parents’ attempts to drive us apart. If any of my siblings were hurt, the rest of us would rain hell and damnation on whoever was stupid enough to do it.

“I haven’t heard from Lord Ferdinand’s team yet,” Ian admitted.

Ferdinand was my oldest brother and heir to House von Hasenberg. He had done his best to shield the rest of us from the worst of Father’s fury, and although he hadn’t always been successful, we adored him for it.

I pulled out my com and checked our sibling group channel. Everyone except Ferdinand and Ada had checked in. Ada was off-planet and wouldn’t get the messages for some time, so I wasn’t worried about her.

I let the others know I was okay and the channel blew up with questions. No one had heard anything from our oldest brother and worry lurked behind every message.

“I’m assuming you have additional units en route to Ferdinand’s location?” I asked Ian.

His jaw tightened. “Yes, Lady von Hasenberg.”

The title gave away his irritation with me for questioning his ability to do his job, and I smiled internally.

“Where was Ferdinand tonight?” I asked.

“He had a private dinner scheduled in the Yamado quarter,” Ian said.

“With whom?”

“I am not at liberty to say,” Ian said. His tone said he wouldn’t budge, so I turned my questioning elsewhere.

“Care to explain how someone was able to shoot at me tonight?” I asked.

“I intend to find out,” he said with a scowl. “Do you know of anyone who wants you dead?”

I raised an eyebrow. “No, Director Bishop, I can’t think of a single soul,” I said sweetly. Ask a stupid question . . .

He sighed. “Anyone in particular?”

That was a harder question. No one came to mind, but that didn’t mean no one wanted me dead. I was the daughter of a High House and suspected of killing my husband. Before that, I’d publicly worked for Father, gathering information on our rivals using whatever means necessary. The list of people who wanted me dead was far longer than the list of people who preferred me alive.

“I haven’t had any active threats,” I said at last. “And despite what you and Father think, I don’t think House Rockhurst is stupid enough to bring the war to Earth.”

“You’d be surprised,” he said darkly.

I wouldn’t, actually. I’d seen the same data he had, and I saw nothing that indicated a Rockhurst attack was imminent. Of course, I hadn’t seen anything that indicated any attack was likely, so someone was playing their cards very close to their chest.

“Are you sure they weren’t shooting at you?” I asked. It would make sense because as the head of House security, he would be the first person tracking Ferdinand.

Ian shook his head. “The shooter had a clear shot at me from the time we stepped outside, but he only took the shot when you moved slightly ahead of me. He misjudged your speed and shot in front of you. You were the target.”

I swallowed. It wasn’t the first time I’d had a close brush with death and it probably wouldn’t be the last. But it never got any easier.

The transport landed. Ian waited a second, then slid the door open. House von Hasenberg glowed like the sun. Floodlights turned night into day and soldiers patrolled outside the walls.

“Expecting another attack?” I asked.

“Someone is welcome to try,” he growled.

He bent over to pick me up but I stopped him with a hand on his chest. Firm muscle hid under the fine fabric of his suit. He was so close that I could see the darker blue ring around the outside of his irises.

“You cannot carry me,” I said, my voice quiet but adamant. “Weakness is a vulnerability. I’d rather not become a target for every moron with a grudge if you don’t mind.”

He paused for a long second then nodded. “I will assist you out,” he said.

Ian stepped out of the transport and then offered me his hand. When I grabbed it, he pulled me out and helped me stand. Vertical, my head rang like a gong. My dress was a little the worse for wear, but it still covered me, so I ignored the damage and pretended all was well. I excelled at pretense.

“Steady?” Ian asked under his breath.

Rather than answering, I inclined my head and dropped his hand. I walked to the door without so much as a wobble, although the effort had cost me. I swiped my arm over the reader and the door unlocked.

Ian pulled the door open for me, and I swept inside. “Contact me as soon as you know anything about Ferdinand,” I tossed over my shoulder.

After the door clicked closed, he caught up to me and pulled me to a stop. “You should see a doctor,” he said.

Over my dead body. And if I had it my way, not even then. I didn’t say it aloud, but some of the sentiment must’ve leaked through in my expression because Ian frowned.

“I am fine,” I said. “I will be better when Ferdinand is safe at home, so I suggest you get to it.” I sank enough dismissive condescension into that sentence to founder a battle cruiser.

Ian stiffened and his face smoothed into a polite mask. He bowed slightly. “As you wish, Lady von Hasenberg,” he said. “Do not leave the House without notifying me.” He turned and stalked down the hallway toward his office.

Once he was out of sight, I breathed a silent sigh of relief. Ian could be damned persistent when he set his mind to it, but I’d found that just the right tone would cause him to storm away in a fury. And like it or not, I’d had plenty of practice being a condescending bitch thanks to my status as daughter of a High House.

I headed for the family wing, unsurprised to see guards posted along the hallway and outside my suite. Thanks to some careful nudging on my part, my suite had turned into the gathering spot for sibling meetings. It worked well because these days I was the only sibling who consistently stayed on Earth. Everyone else was usually off on some errand for the House. When they were home, my brothers and sisters had access to come and go from my suite as they pleased. As a bonus, the additional shielding in my room meant it took longer for my headache to worsen.

Catarina and Benedict were waiting for me. Sitting next to each other, no one would guess they were siblings. Catarina had Mother’s dark hair and golden skin. Only she and Ada had been lucky enough to take after Mother. The rest of us shared Father’s lighter hair and ruddy skin.

Benedict, my twin, jumped to his feet. Even with my heels, Benedict towered over me. I often claimed that he’d stolen all of my height because he was the tallest of all of my brothers and sisters.

“What happened?” he asked. He pulled me into a hug before I could answer.

“Someone shot at me outside House Chan,” I murmured into his chest. The reality sank in as I crashed from the adrenaline high. Someone had shot at me. On Earth.

A rock settled in the pit of my stomach. This was the first time someone had tried to kill me on Earth. The world shifted as my one sanctuary crumbled to dust.

“Was the shooter caught?” Catarina asked.

Benedict pushed me toward the sofa. “Sit, I’ll get you a drink,” he said.

I sat. The adrenaline crash had made me shaky and nauseated. “I don’t know if the shooter was caught,” I said. “Director Bishop ordered RCDF troops to the location, but they were late. Have either of you heard from Ferdinand?”

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