Home > Bossy Bastard(21)

Bossy Bastard(21)
Author: J.L. Perry

“If you’ll excuse me.”

Her eyes narrow to slits as I place the tray of cooked seafood in her hands and step around her, but my heart drops into the pit of my stomach when I realize Emma’s gone.



Chapter Ten




I walk further along the beach before finally taking a seat on the sand. I bring my legs up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them.

I’m trapped here.

I wish I brought my car. Carla’s probably in Grayson’s bed getting her brains screwed out, and Ashton? Well, I couldn’t sit there and watch him being mauled by Malibu-Barbie. She looked like she was ready to feast on him. They seemed very familiar, and it made me wonder if he’s been with her in the past. We’re friends, kind of, and I have no claim over him, but it still sucked to see her fawning all over him. I think what bothers me most is she’s more his type—beautiful, rich, skanky. I’m kidding myself if I ever thought I’d be in his league.

At least I know Carla won’t be spending the night, so I’ll get home eventually. I have another early start tomorrow at the shelter, so I’m hoping it’s not at some ungodly hour.

Closing my eyes, I rest my chin on my knees as I let the cool sea breeze and sweet, salty air permeate my senses. The soothing sounds of the waves as they crash into shore fill my ears, relaxing me somewhat. I didn’t grow up around the ocean, so it’s one of my favorite things about living in California. That, and the warmer weather. Winters in Utah can be brutal.

“There you are,” a voice says, pulling me out of my trance. I don’t have to turn around to know who it is. “I was worried. You should’ve said something before wandering off.”

“Sorry, Dad. You were busy with Malibu-Barbie.” My words come out spiteful, and I don’t like this side of me.

“Malibu-Barbie,” he says with a chuckle, coming to sit down beside me. “Good one, very fitting.”

I shrug my shoulders, unimpressed.

“What are you doing down here?”

“Waiting for Carla, so she can take me home.” I keep my gaze focused straight ahead.

“I can take you home, Em.”

“That’s okay, I’ll wait for Carla.”

There’s a brief silence before he speaks again, “I’m not interested in Simone.” I presume he’s talking about the bimbo.

“So what if you are, it’s none of my business,” I reply. “You’re free to be with whomever you choose.”

“The only person I’m interested in tonight, or any other night over the past three weeks for that matter, is you.”

I turn my head to look at him. It’s been three weeks today since we met. What’s he trying to tell me, that he hasn’t been with another woman since then? I find that hard to believe. I know his type, a typical manwhore. God’s gift to women. He’s probably had more women than I’ve had hot dinners.

“It’s the truth.”

Ashton leans toward me, bumping his shoulder with mine.

“Don’t let me hold you back, you’re free to go back to the party and have sex with her.”

“Maybe it’s you I want to have sex with.”

I roll my eyes, of course, it is. Then tomorrow he won’t want anything to do with me. I know how it works.

Been there, done that.

“I’m not having sex with you, Ashton.”

“I said maybe, I didn’t say I actually want to.”

A smile tugs at my lips.


“I’m fine with that, I just wanted to make it clear.”

He’s quiet for a moment. “Can I ask you why?”

“Why what?”

“Why you don’t want to have sex with me.”

“Simple,” I say, turning my head to look him in the eye. “I don’t sleep with hot guys.”

A grin forms on his face. “You think I’m hot?”

“Of course, that’s the only thing you got out of that sentence.”

“So what are you saying, you only fuck ugly guys?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“I could get someone to mess up my face, would that help?” His comment makes me laugh. “You have a pretty laugh,” he says. “You should do that more often.”

“I laugh all the time.”

“Not around me.”

“That’s because you’re bossy, smug, and insufferable.”

“And hot, Em. Don’t forget hot.”

“And hot. God, your head is so big I’m surprised your body has the strength to carry it around all day.”

“Is that so?” Ashton lunges toward me and wraps his arms around me as he pushes me back into the soft sand. We’re both laughing as he hovers over me. “Haven’t you seen my muscles? I’m plenty strong enough.” While placing all his weight on one arm, he lifts the other in the air, flexing it. “See, they’re huge.”

He’s right, they are, but I already knew that. Not that I was looking. “I bet you look in the mirror and kiss them, too,” I say, laughing.

Ashton stares down at me for the longest time until the smile drops from his face. Something shifts between us like the universe presses the pause button, and he’s all I can see. As much as I’m fighting this, I’m drawn to him. There’s no denying that.

“I’d rather kiss you.”

Everything in me wants to agree, but I know it isn’t a good idea. I’m still reeling from the last one. With that in mind, I place my hand on his chest, halting him before he gets any closer. “We’re friends, remember? Friends don’t kiss.”

He grins. “We’ve already discussed this, Emma. Friends kiss, and I’m glad we’re friends again.”

“We’re not, and we can’t.”

“Why not?”


“Because why? You’re going to have come up with something better than that.”

“Because …” I pause, thinking of something witty to say. But, when he leans down, running his nose across my jawline, it’s almost impossible for me to string two words together. He stops, his mouth lingering against my ear. “You know you want to. Stop fighting it.” His warm breath on my skin makes it pebble with goosebumps.

Ashton draws back slightly, his eyes meeting mine once more. I don’t say anything, and neither does he. And when his lips inch toward mine, I’m powerless to stop the inevitable. All my inhibitions and self-control vanish when he’s near.

His lips lightly sweep against mine in feather-like kisses.



And by the third, a soft moan falls from my lips.

Damn him and his sexy mouth.

Sliding my hand around his neck, I reel him in. I need to feel his lips on mine again. He’s like crack, and I want a hit.

“Em,” he groans at both my forwardness and enthusiasm.

His tongue thrusts inside my mouth, his passion is intense as he takes control dominating the kiss. I sink further back into the sand when his body shifts to cover mine, his hard, taut frame pressed against my softness. Our kiss goes on, seemingly endless, until he rolls over, bringing me with him.

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