Home > HOT SEAL Devotion(11)

HOT SEAL Devotion(11)
Author: Lynn Raye Harris

He had the ability to protect her and Ana, and he was going to do it. It’s what any of his teammates would do. Hell, Cash “Money” McQuaid had married his wife to protect her—and look at them now. Married, happy, living the dream. Didn’t hurt that Ella was a real life princess with a fortune, but Neo was certain that Money didn’t care if she was rich or poor. When he’d married her, she had been poor. It was only later they’d learned she was the true heir to the throne of Capriolo.

Neo wasn’t marrying Kayla for money or a throne. He was marrying her because she needed his protection.

And yeah, it didn’t hurt that he still wanted her two months after their hot night together. That he still dreamed about her beneath him, panting for more. Begging him to make her come. He dreamed about her tight pussy, so fucking wet for him, and the smell of her skin, the taste and texture of her nipples, the way she shook apart when she finally tumbled over the edge. The way his name sounded on her lips.

He hadn’t been with anyone since that night with her. He’d been lonely every night since. If he was hung up on anyone, it was her. Not that he intended to admit it to her since she clearly hadn’t had the same reaction that he’d had.

The lights were on in the living room and kitchen of Camel’s house when they pulled in. Kayla’s suite was an addition, attached to the main house by a long hallway. She had a separate door, thankfully. He’d hate to have to walk through the house on the way to Kayla’s apartment.

There was going to be a lot of explaining to do at some point, but first things first. Right now he needed to establish a presence in Kayla’s life. A definite presence, not the back and forth they’d done out of sight of prying eyes. Maybe he should have made her talk to him after that night together, but when he’d woken up alone, he’d figured she’d said it all by leaving. If she didn’t want to explain what that had been about, he wasn’t asking.

Kayla was waiting for him when he parked behind her in the long driveway. She stood on the sidewalk that led to her door, her purse on her shoulder, her hands clasped around the strap like it was a lifeline. Not for the first time, he thought about how small she was, how delicate. And he wished he’d been the one to encounter James Dunn at the Kings of Doom compound several months ago instead of Camel.

Camel hadn’t killed Dunn, but he’d wanted to. Neo had wanted to as well. The bastard had imprisoned Kayla long before he’d kidnapped Bailey. He’d tried to sell Ana to an adoption agency. And he’d probably been planning to put Kayla into the trade as a sex worker since that’s what the Kings did. Dunn deserved to die, but it hadn’t been in the cards that day.

Kayla smiled at Neo’s approach. It was a nervous smile. He wasn’t sure why she was nervous, though maybe it was the thought of the task before them and convincing her sister she was in love. He wished she’d just tell Bailey the truth, but he understood why she wanted to wait.

“I called Bailey on the way and asked if she could keep Ana for the night. She said she could,” Kayla told him.

“Did she ask questions?”

“No, she knows better. But I could tell she was curious.” Kayla glanced at the house. Then she snorted softly. “And she’s looking outside to see what’s going on. I saw the curtain twitch.”

Camel would know at any minute. Neo didn’t think his teammate would come outside and demand to know what was going on, but it was very likely coming soon. Probably at work on Monday. It wasn’t that Camel felt proprietary toward Kayla, but she was for all intents and purposes his little sister. Bailey was protective, which meant Camel would be too.

“I don’t think I should stay all night,” he said. “That would be overkill, especially since we didn’t spend much time together at the cookout today.”


“I’ll stay a couple of hours. Long enough to watch a movie.”

“Do you want to watch a movie?”

He shrugged. “Sure, why not?”

It’d be a lot easier than halting conversation or awkward silence for two hours. There was still a lot they needed to talk about, but he wouldn’t push it. They’d put something on and see what happened.

Kayla led the way to the door. There was a light on overhead. She unlocked the door and led him inside. There was a lamp burning in the small living room. He’d only been inside a couple of times before, and not for long, but she’d added some things since then. He took it all in, noting the feminine touches. Kayla liked flowery pillows and plants. The space was small but neat. The kitchen and living room were all one space, but there was a small hallway that led to the single bedroom and bath. The kid toys were minimal, and all collected in a basket beside the television. A high chair sat at one end of a small round table where Kayla went to put her keys and purse.

“I’ve decorated a little since you were last here. Home sweet home.”

“It’s nice. You won’t mind moving out?”

She looked around the room, then back to him. “I like it, but no, I won’t mind. The furniture isn’t mine anyway. Just the pillows and some of the decor items.” She shrugged. “I’m used to moving around.”

He knew she’d had a chaotic childhood and that she and Bailey had moved often. Until Bailey met Camel, she’d been living in a crappy apartment in a not so nice part of town.

“I’ll apply for base housing once we’re married,” he told her. “It won’t happen right away because there’s a waiting list. We can live in my house until one comes available, if that works for you.”

He hoped it did because he didn’t envision moving in steps away from Camel and Bailey. Plus he’d have to break his lease, which wouldn’t be ideal.

“That would be great. I’ll love being across the street from Chloe.”

“You two are close, huh?”

“Closer than I would have expected, but we hit it off when I went to work at the salon.”

She didn’t say anything more but he figured part of the reason they were close was the shared experience of having had men who’d tried to hurt them in their lives.

“Do you want something to drink?” she asked. “I don’t have any beer, but I have some white wine.”

“Thanks, but no. I’m fine.”

“The remote is in that basket on the table. I’m going to change if you’d like to find something.”

He went over and sat on the small couch, found the remote, and powered up the television. She had Amazon, Netflix, and Hulu. It was nearly fifteen minutes before she returned. He was beginning to wonder if she’d bailed on him, but she walked into the room wearing a pair of black yoga pants and a loose knit top. Her hair was piled on top of her head in a messy bun. She went over to the kitchen and got a glass of wine then came over and sat at the opposite end of the couch. She put a bottle of water on the coffee table and slid it toward him.

“Just in case.”

“Thanks.” He nodded at the screen. “What do you want to watch?”

“Oh, I don’t care. Anything.”

He grinned. “Looks like you watch a lot of home decorating shows.”

She flashed him a smile. “I love how pretty everything is in the end. They take an old rundown house and before you know it, boom, gorgeous new space. Kinda reminds me that you can makeover the ugly parts of your life at any time if you’re determined enough and work hard enough.”

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